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Mette Kirkegaard Apr 2017
I think, I might have been alone for too long, you know?
I don't know if that's even a thing, that can happen..
But if it isn't, that's still how I feel.
It's like my mind is an ocean.. And sometimes my thoughts drag me down so deep, too deep for anyone to follow.
I get that some people would rather stay in the shallow waters, but I have learned to love how the water breaks over me and takes me to a deeper meaning and understanding of things, that not many people can get too.  
But then again, drowing is mostly something you do alone..
Mette Kirkegaard Nov 2015
One time is not enough
A few hours was all I got
You didn't know how long I'd been waiting
For three years this feeling had been in making
And I had you for just a fraction
But I guess funny girls make a good distraction
Now you're moving on...
Mette Kirkegaard Oct 2015
Can I pluck you from the stars for tonight?
I just need to hear your voice one last time
All the spaces in my mind are getting too tight
And I need you to tell me where to land

Can we speak like we used to?
Just the two of us
I just need to hear you laugh once more
And that is even if I'm the joke
- (Again)

My body is sore from violent crying
People keep asking if you are okay
I wish for once, I could be lying
Still don't quite know what to say

I know wishing you back will never work
But i don't believe it was your time to go
I know there's no age for dying
But you were only trying to grow

Please just wait for me on the other side, darling
I hope the stars makes for a pleasant rest
I will take care of your mama for you
I promise you I will do my best

Only the good, die young
Isn't that what they say?
I still can't believe it, darling
But I will miss you everyday
Mette Kirkegaard May 2015
I fell in love, before you said anything of substance
I felt everything I stand for, slip away from me
You aren´t perfect, not even remotely close
But you made me want to give you a chance

My trouble-impulses are weakend by your presence
and somehow my mind flutter lay silent
Background music is playing around you
and your face, my eyes never find tiring

But still I wish,
Just for once
You would look at me
Like I look at you

- Because only then, you´d know
I can see the whole universe, from right here.
And I wish you could too
Mette Kirkegaard Feb 2015
I'm not sure where she got her magic.
But I'm pretty sure the forest gave it to her.
The endless hours she spend out there
Not because she had to, but simply for her own
enjoyment. She loved it there.

Big, natural, open and full of adventure.
She never knew if today was the day she got lost
and had to live with the wildlife to the end  of
her days.
Or if she would find the courage to write down
some of the beautiful poetry
the trees kept whispering to her, like small
sweet nothings in the warm summer evenings.

Being there gave her some kind of peace of mind
To read, write, sing, scream or pray, any way she
chose to.

Her color was red. Not the ****** kind of red, but more like the last straw of red on the evening sky before the water
swallowed up the sun, red.
It burned like a fire within her, that kind of flame
that, if you're lucky, never grows old and dies.

A big open space and the promise of forever was all
she needed. A writer with potential, who was too
shy to admit it to herself.
And not just any writer. A writer with a story to tell, which in my opinion was always the best kind.
Young and admirable country with the open-minded soul that is given exclusively, to adolescent minds in process of success.
Mette Kirkegaard Feb 2015
When happy days are spreading thin
And the world starts to darken again  
A mess of clouds come raging in  
And I don't know where to begin
I come to think of you

I dig deep into my memories
And I find one of the warmest ones
Maybe one from those long summer nights
Or that one winter walk in the storm
I hope you remember me too

Remembering fires a soul soothing light
A little bit of warmth to survive this life
It gets too lonesome to walk alone
And I'm not good at it either  
That is why I prefer the walks with you  

*And I miss you calling me home
Mette Kirkegaard Nov 2014
Don't talk to my friends!
Don't be rude to my friends!
Don't just go to your room!
Why are you always here?
I don't know.
Be less negative!
Why are you acting happy?
I don't know.
Why don't you have any friends?
I don't know.
Why do you always have people over?
You never listen to me!
You take everything too personal!
I know.
Do something for yourself!
Why do you always leave me?
I'm sorry.
I needed your help, but you weren't here!
I'm sorry
I can't believe I have such a great friend in you!
Thank you.
You are the just some blood relation.
I know.
Worst most selfish sister, anyone could ever have.
**I'm sorry.
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