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Silent passes impending time,
We loose ourselves in nursery rhymes,
The daylight hours soon fade to night,
Our time on earth is lost in flight.

Each person forms a weave of life,
So interwoven they bring delight,
With some who turn the painful key,
Sometimes we're blind, but still we see.

We think unending time lives on,
We take for granted the brilliant dawn,
The nightime with it mysteries to show,
This time together moves very slow.

Yet, as we age, the flowers still bloom,
This living of life is not always doomed,
Perhaps, as age come marching along,
In latter years we still sing our song.

But blinking twice, my life was run,
Along the way some pain, some fun,
With people who blessed my silent soul,
The times I gave up full control.

Then now, they say I must pass on, you see,
What is a lifelong spirit supposed to believe?
I know  this trip that God so had given,
Belongs to only the ones still living.
Quiet in the dark, I hear her voice,
She speaks in riddles with no rhyme,
I press my ear against the cold plaster,
But she will speak when suited for her.

A long, mournful, cry forlorned, listening,
I speak so softly to whisper my desire,
But she will speak when her time comes,
I must be patient and wait a lingering time.

So buried long ago in this cold wall,
Long forgotten, but not forgiven locals say,
To why her fate came to her that long-ago day,
Is mysteries mystery I now must comtemplate.

When nothing comes, just like a blackened  void,
I call her name, so frantically in an audible voice,
But she will respond whenever the fancy hits her,
I must sit silent in case I miss her frigthened word.

Enough with civilities in playing a waiting game,
For her icy lips and cold-stone stare will surely come,
When walls of regret are torn down in self desire,
And I will gaze upon her skeletal soul to so define,
Why she is lost and buried so in walls sometime ago.
Prickly thorns have pierced my heart,
The blooming rose has lost its scent,
Deep in my body, the blood is flushed,
With all of my pain in you I now die.

How can you say our life together is over?
How can you toss me like forgotten dreams?
When will you tell me, my breath on the breeze,
Is deeply inhaled by your beautiful body?

Sunken like ships, my treasure now missing,
Lost forever lurking in some depths below,
I ache for the chance, the chance you've  not given,
To rise about oceans of tears and regrets.

Achingly searching and longing and lingering,
Traveling the earth like a wandering soul,
I long for the day that it's  all now forgiven,
And into your arms I am wrapped with desire.
Can you hear in your dreams, the crying that's there?
Do you see huddled masses with no food to bear?
Are there governments caring, another child dies,
In your dreams can you ignore all of their cries?

When the people who care come knocking your door,
Do you hide in the shadows, not giving no more?
Will the hand of the justice help suffering lives,
Is the long distance misery outside of our eyes?

When we crawl into bed with our comfort and thoughts,
Will we think of the people, the haves and have nots?
Did the day's hours and minutes bring fortune and fame,
Are we hoarding our treasures, as we're not to blame?

In the final analysis so calculated and fine,
Can you live with yourself and your singular mind?
Do you think because neighbors are doing so well,
That no one is starving as far as you can tell?
You're so pretty,
I want to eat you up.

I can taste the savory
skin that is yours.

The sweet smell of
your body makes
me cry with joy.

Your lovely hair
hangs like a ******
goddess, resting
softly on your shoulders.

You're too much, I feel
so faint from your  presence.

Your kiss sends shock waves
through my nimble body,
and I can sing in unison.

Can we just settle in,
And dance the dance of love?

Your gaze is so intoxicating.
The glass was full of hope and promise,
And drinking deep, I learned to live;
What twists and turns led me to linger?
Did not last but a moments glimpse.

I turned to see what weave we've woven,
Looked deep inside my heart and soul,
And every page that turned with reckless,
Abandonment of them too soon began.

What is this thing that life's about,
That keeps us slipping the slippery way?
If all our efforts filled some obscure book,
In the final analysis what did we say?

Before the day had dawned with beauty,
A life's beginning had middled away,
With soon the grayest of all  the graydom,
Came marching us into the grave.
Tonight I said goodbye,
Laid down to sleep and die,
Knew that the morning would be,
Without me don't you see?

Lost faith in everything,
No miracles to come and bring,
Gave up with my last folly,
I'm dying, oh by golly.

Can't be a hard thing to do,
Don't expect you'll shed boo hoo,
Looked into the abyss and knew,
This was the thing to do.

So, goodnight sweet prince I go,
To the darkness don't you know,
No more on Earth to wander,
No more the hurt and blunder.
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