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I'm temporary;
Like an old pair of shoes,
you'll grow out of me
A poem i wrote quite a long time ago.
 Sep 2013 Chad White
Sara Elliott
How nice to be a balloon
floating on a young ones wrist
How I'd like to be a balloon.  

They float for some time, and then happily deflate
leaving there rubbery reminisce
For the young one to toy with
And stretch to it's limit
Or they might keep the balloon close
like some long lost friend

Unless, you're the sad balloon
who's string is dropped
and floats way up high
away from the happiness
away from the child
away from the tears of the young ones loss
who wishes only for the balloon
who's already lost.
 Sep 2013 Chad White
when he said, "this is
my note, after all, thats
what people do, right?
leave a note?" my heart
completely caved
      >     in.    <

when my teacher said
that a lot of people
commit suicide due to
bullying or because they
feel unaccepted,
i raised my hand to
speak up about the

the true facts.

how more than half of the
homeless teenage population
are gay. they were kicked out
by their mums and dads.

how its not just the
bullying, how its
them too.

they feel so alone and
we always wonder why
there is a new name in
the paper saying,
"Suicide--Age --"
and yet because of
someone being p    u s h  e       d
to                                                      far

it made them take
their own life.

i wish i could stop
i wish for once
i could be the one who
closed the door on

but im no rolemodel,
i always let death
back in.

but that doesnt mean i
wont help you take
him out.
if you ever need someone to talk to, please please please dont hesitate to either talk to me or one of the other HP members. call a hotline or call your friends. write it down, talk to someone. 1-800-273-8255 heres the suicide hotline. please, if you need it, use it.
 Sep 2013 Chad White
cheer up
 Sep 2013 Chad White
Hi sweetie
you're reading this right now
because you can't help it
reading a poem with few words but million meanings
you feel completely lost, and you pretend all the time
but remember someday you're going to get out of that place
you're to start over
go to college,
live in an apartment,
stay sober all night
watch the stars in the park
you'd be reading books all day
You're going to be in a big city where small people talk
you're going to meet new people
possibly fall in love
there you'd find real people,
with big dreams
so now make the most of it
it's okay to feel a little depressed,
a little sad,
a little curious,
a little mad,
a little jealous,
a little worried,
because one day you're going to feel infinite happiness
and no one will take that away from you.
 Sep 2013 Chad White
What I want is simple
and with hardwork &
dedication, I'll have it.
I want Berkeley and
Astronomy and
the Art from the

I want the stars in
the sky and the
balck holes.

I also want everything

Not sure how I'll
achieve that but
hell, you
gotta start
Don't let your emotions make decisions for you.
 Sep 2013 Chad White
Andrew Durst
You're pool is full
You've gone too far.
You're learning the difference
Between easy and hard.

Your actions are reckless
And insides the same.

It's hard to accept it;
Why things change

Be calm, be steady
Put that razor down.
Empty your pool
Of hatred and doubt.

Don't listen to their words
Use the ear that's inside

Fill your pool
With the will to stay alive.
 Sep 2013 Chad White
Andrew Durst
I have,

I have,
To give you.

I have,
To gain
Or lose
In this
Battle of

I have
To show for
The things I've

I have
To say
That will
Make you
Dead in your
And turn around,
With open arms,
Bearing the
Of another

I have
To gain
And I have
To lose

It's already been
Lonely months
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