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 Sep 2013 Chad White
Your eyes
Are my
 Sep 2013 Chad White
what to say
 Sep 2013 Chad White
i had to stay
after today so
i could help
another teacher
out, but im
not complaining
because through
this window,
i can see you.
being the
joyous person
you are.

i can tell you're
happier and
i just love that.

im trying real hard to
make it easy for me
but when you asked me
why im was always so
busy and why i
never come by anymore
i didnt know
what to say.

and yet i wonder why i
cower at the thought of
him not returning
my love,
and yet i am the
one pretending that
i never felt that
 Sep 2013 Chad White
i wont.
i wont make another
passage in my
skin like i
used to.
i wont allow the
blade to control me
again over someone.
i wont let myself
get to where i
was just a
few months ago
because being who
i was isn't who i
want to be

ive finally started caring
again and even though
it hurts sometimes,
the pain isn't as
bad as it was when
i had nothing left
 Sep 2013 Chad White
Sara Elliott
You spend your quarter
In the great big jukebox.  
It carries many songs
Each with a different story to tell
Some of love
Some to laugh
Some to dance
And some to ponder
And in your hands
You have but one quarter
When the jukebox needs:

— The End —