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 Sep 2013 Chad White
Olivia Kent

Not wanting to live in anyone's pocket.
Conjurer provided promise of better days to come.
In discrete indulgences
No promontories of feeling.
Drowning in the sea.
My sea is full to brim of dreams.
Overflowing fast.
So wanting to get in.
Battering doors down.
Desperate to get in
Laying down and screaming.
Kicking at the dust.
The kerb-stones blow up in my face
Screaming of insincerity.
Hell I'm no disgrace.
I don't want you to go said he.
Me neither I said.
My phony smile in place.
Both knew it had to be.
Wanted him.
He wanted me too.
Far to much to ****** bear.
This bear's grizzly.
Keeps sobbing like a baby girl.
****** silly cow!
When you find one for whom so much you care.
Two of a kind.
For definite.
Unending delight.
Infinite love in darkness of night!
By ladylivvi1

© 2013 ladylivvi1 (All rights reserved)
I am in one of those ****** stupid moods today!
 Sep 2013 Chad White
Fred Kinard

She don't trust me
She is forever scorned
Love don't simply live here anymore
When I walked out the door
She said
Love don't simply live here anymore
No matter
No matter what she believes
I'm not the man
The man she makes me out to be
Why can't she see me
I am so much more
And it is her I adore
 Sep 2013 Chad White
 Sep 2013 Chad White
You're a house in a field blanketed in snow
Your doors are locked and windows are closed
The chimney takes foggy breaths,
Drawn by your fireplace, fervently ablaze
I can almost feel the glow
emanating from your windows
How they look at me,
so enticingly, invitingly, I could almost mistake it as lovingly.
But I am forced to stay, deeply rooted into crystals of cold
Although your doors will never open for me.
I am incessantly yearning
for your warmth.
 Sep 2013 Chad White
Alice Burns
I've been too involved in the war
So much I've managed to drive you away from me
Making you forget who I am
Only showing you who is within me as if that is all I am
But I'm still me

I'm still that girl you fell in love with
Who still remembers you saving her in times of need
The girl that you helped become a woman
Who you helped to realize her destiny
I'm still her, I'm still me

I became that being who I embody
And I know now I did it wrong
Because instead we should in fact be one
Our hearts uniting allowing my love to  grow even greater
Giving strength to me and you

I was a fool, I can see it now
Fighting for us by fighting against you
When it is what is within you and no part of you with whom my war should be waged
And in harming you I scar what we are

I silence their words that escape your lips
Yet in silencing you are unable to denounce thy father
Star  crossed lovers, we hold the power to break this spell
So I apologise for my actions so recent
My Romeo, I give you once more my true loves kiss
 Sep 2013 Chad White
Judith Ayers
What if I plunge into the sea so nothing can bother me?
soft floating
candy covered sun
wouldn't it be sweet
to move in slow motion
through time and sand
through ocean and blue

my soul is the same, but my personality is different

where did everything change me?
they kidnapped my body
put a virus in
and now throaty sounds
sweet smiles is all I make

wheres the sea?
 Sep 2013 Chad White
My only
I don't regret
what I did
don't worry - i don't make sense to myself either
And it rained
So hard
That Lucy's pain  
Went away
But all that remained
Was battered and brayed
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