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Death is the act of becoming.
Death is the act of birthing.
Death is all that is, creation;;;
And destruction.

Death is love.  
Death is hate.
Death is neutrality.
Death is chaos.

Death is order.
Death is truth.
Death is real.

Only death is real.  

Death, death, death.

Only death is real.

Death is life.
Death is gateways.
Death is magick.
Death is G-D.
The Lord is life,
Thus, The Lord is death.  

Death is endlessness.
Death is the spiral.
Death is forever.  
Spiral. Spiral.  Spiral.
Death is deathless.
Death is holy.
Death is Shiva.
Death is Allah
Death is *******.
Death is Om.
Death is Jesus.
Death is Roman Empires fallen.
Death is the earth fallen.
Death is trees fallen.

Only death is real.
Only The Lord is real.
The Lord is death.

Death. Death. Death.
Only death is real.

Life is illusion.
A testing dream for death.
Death is a gateway to Divinity.

Only death is real.
i can’t TELL YOU
what it means
because that
  would defeat
               the p u r p o s e
(intergalactic medium)

i’m pretty sure
   that the u n i v e r s e
is not what
we think
it is.
for just this moment
i think i could
stay here forever
and that would be ok

as long as there is music.
i feel like
it is my default state
to genuinely like
every person
i meet.
and be in
a general harmony
with them.

but sometimes
i sabotage myself
by developing
a suspicion that
maybe someone
doesn’t like me.
from small cues.

then my
default state
gets hijacked
and suddenly
the harmony
is gone.
your life is only that.
your life.
you cannot own
or be owned.
not really.
and that is pretty much that.

— The End —