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You lost her, little by little; one day at a time
You didn't do anything huge or awful just a million disappointments, I thousand expectations unmet.
A dozen broken promises; and unanswered questions and little by little You lost her
The truth is... only lost people lose people, you lost her because you are lost.
So instead of trying to chase her down
And make what was wrong right, you need to work on yourself.
Go find yourself
So you don't lose the next one.
For a second there, the thought to live life with you was questioned,
I was at crossroads but you were always just the journey along the way
For a second, I could picture it
You were like how a polaroid picture is,
Caught in a flash,
Beauty slowly appearing to the eye
And stays
For a second, I was scared you waited too long for me, or us to be
For a second, I could believe you and all that is good
For a second, I think about the 'what if'' instead being 'I do'
It's the second, I thought of you
That it turned to an engraved memory of you
For in my moment of silence, I was happy to feel that I miss you
I feel as if you see me, as your true future
In that moment, to think the unimaginable,
And to look to it as a possible and hopeful one
I realised, I couldn't bare a second to ever leave you like how I did.
the film plays
a 1950's film
I am lost for a moment;
dancing to the blues and looking into the eyes of a lover -they're grey.
grey eyes. grey skin. grey lips. grey ballroom.
grey. grey. grey. -everything is grey.

But his eyes are a deep grey with light specks,
and the tiles on the floor are patterned with different shades,
and he is dressed with dark grey attire
-but he is the most colourful thing I have ever seen.

In a colourful world you would think things would be complementary;
but the more colourful it appears, the more black and white it is;
the carpet is red, just red, the walls are white, just white,
his eyes are brown. Just brown.
but in this film his eyes are grey -light, grainy, grey.

There's grey in his eyes,
and there's grey all around me,
but my, I seem to have gotten lost;
his eyes are the most colourful things I've ever seen in my life.

the film stops.

(Nicole Joanne) all rights reserved
Winter says why can't I bloom just the same?
Winter feels the rain
just as heavy as a window pane does
Winter waited to be a stemmed rose

Winter had the courage to turn into spring
Winter had succulent lips and smooth edged rims
so drunk on the memory
Winter tasted bittersweet
Ikaw ang kislap
Sa gabing madilim
Nagbibigay liwanag
Sa tuwing ika'y kapiling
Oh isang hiling
Sa maliwanag na ningning
Ng mga bituin
Na ika'y makapiling
Sa mga bawat lambing
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