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Carolin Apr 2015
A girl who spent along time alone.
Her pretty face has been long
gone. Almost unrecognizable.
With dead autumn leaves in her
hair. Dust on her soul. Long lifeless
twigs wrapped around her waste.
No beauty had existed in her no more.
A lost boy stumbled upon
her in a storm. He had a wondering soul.
Touched  her face and the
pale fading colours of her turned
to red. "You have beautiful emotions trapped
inside" he said. "Mind if i
run my fingers in your beautiful
hair i promise i'll touch it with such tender
and care" He then touched
the leaves slowly running his fingers through
her strands untying the
knots with his beautiful hands.
"Mind if i kiss your cheeks dear ?
I can see your beauty is skin deep here"he said.
She looked at him
with eyes holding oceans rip tides almost
at the edge to burst and
cry replying with "if you don't mind then yes
please do". Lips to cheeks. Heart to heart. Chest
to chest. He kissed life into her soul swiping
her off her little feet. The leaves
fell from her hair. Flowers grew instead.
The twigs fell off. And
the colour of her cheeks turned
to rosy red. "I think i love you" he
said. "Mind if you come over
tonight ? I'd like to keep you safe
and warm in my bed. Infact i'd
like to marry you and be by your
side for the rest of my life. Be my flower
girl be my beautiful wife. I
want you in my life. You're my queen" he side while
he made her a crown
of flowers and bowed down his head. "And
you're  beauty gave me a pulse
rush. It made my cheeks blush.
And the leaves in your hair giggle
with lush". He leant over to kiss her again. That's
when the clouds
sighed above and cried. Making
the rain give everything surrounding them beauty
and life. Making the flowers in her hair bloom
once again with colours that she never knew
had existed ever before. And that's how the story of
their love had began* ~
Carolin Sep 2014
Why do I only get
the chills when im
with you ? I thought
we get that when
we have a flue. And
I keep thinking it over
thinking it over must
be because of how much
I love you* ~
Carolin Nov 2014
The core of your
true self is never
lost nor turned to
ashes and dust.
Believe in so
because it's a must
for you to trust in
the core of your self
and crawl out from
under that crustacean
shell you've been hiding
in as to protect you from
one's own hell* ~
Carolin Aug 2014
Can you feel it ?
Can you feel it ?
The music in the back.
Come on place those hands
on my hips lets start to
swirl and twist. Tonight
we're taking over the
dance floor. We'll be the
only ones standing under
the disco ball. Pluck the
roses out of my hair darling
if you dare. I can feel the fun
already in the air. Sway with
me like you don't care about
the people who gather around
to watch and stare. Swing those
hips from the east to the west.
And leave me the rest. Place
your hand on my chest tonight
we won't stop and rest. Turn the
music louder so the crowd around
us get wilder. Cause this my love
is how I measure fun* ~
Carolin Jan 2016
I'm the orange and blue.
The green leaves and
the chlorophyl too.

I'm the prettiest shade
of green found in the
garden of Eve.

My petals breathe with
lust and desire. Waiting
silently for your hands
to touch and caress.

My petals blush when
you gaze at them from
a distance.

You're beauty leaves
them amazed. Making
them twist and twirl like
a ballerina on an opera's

Trying to catch your
attention trying to make
you fall in love. Trying to
make you come closer
and pick me up from
the dirt and rocks.

Desperately wanting
you to take me home
and place me in a

So that i'll be the only
thing you'll get to see
when you wipe the
sleepy off your
beautiful eyes* ~
Carolin Dec 2014
This is the end of the journey
This is the end of the line
No need to step any further
Nor waste anymore precious time
All that remains is your
scent that reminds of lime.
And the sound of your voice
that echoes through my mind.
The lights are becoming more
dimmer making me feel as if im
blind. This is the end of the journey.
This is the end of the line. Reality is
taking over me as it reminds me that
your no longer mine
No longer mine to hold onto
When the storms have reached their peck
No longer mine to grow old with
When loneliness has gone to seed
So yes this is the end of the day
And I'm afraid this is the end of the night
Because this is the end of the way
We do the things that we like ~
Mike Hauser in  bold
Carolin in italics
It's our second collaboration together.
He's a talented poet and such a great friend.
Looking forward to write more poetry with him :)
Drop by his page later
Carolin Nov 2014
The fire made
a home in me.
If I tell you to come
and see would you
stay and burn with
me. We'll be brighter
than any star up in the
galaxy. Our light will
shine for an eternity.
Have a seat and drink
your whiskey beside me.
While I'll tell you how all
this could turn into reality* ~
Carolin Oct 2014
The heart will never
wrinkle for it will
grow and continue
to sprinkle and become
filled with wild endless
youth. And the coming
days will prove*  ~
Carolin Nov 2014
It pumps it beats it bleeds
the heart the heart the heart.
It wants what it wants the heart
the heart. It echoes with your
name as your love flows through
its arteries and veins. You make it
look better than Shakespeare poetry
back in the old centuries. Your name
carried deep inside its four chambers
looking prettier than shiny gold amber
falling out of an old tree trunk in the
month of December. It's a survivor a
warrior and a fighter the heart the
heart* ~
Carolin Sep 2014
The ink craves to write your name
instead of writing down the poets
pains* ~
Carolin Apr 2015
Your heart is locked, forbidden,
unable to be opened, closed to
everybody for all of eternity, but
I have the lost key to your heart,
the key that will crumble the walls
and opens the door ......... to you*

It's a bit dusty and rusty.
I'll unlock your doors
carefully with tender and
care. I just need you to
trust me. That little heart
of yours will be painted
with colours because i refuse
to sit back and watch it
fade away into the black
and grey. I'll dance with
your ventricles night and
day. I'll make sure it beats
with love. I'll give it little
hugs when your down
and blue. You have my
words because darling
i'm madly in love with
you* ~
Anthony in bold.
Carolin in italics.
Another collab with the talented Anthony.
Check his link below :D
Carolin Jun 2015
The love i carry for him
in my heart can create
tsunamis and thunderstorms.
It can also make the skies
open up and let rain fall* ~
Carolin Sep 2014
One love two mouths.
Hands under her blouse.
Us two in an empty
abounded house. Love
fumes and red balloons
floating up near the ceiling.
A silver ring comes out and
you propose to marry me
while you kneel down on
one knee and ask would
you spend the rest of your
life loving me. Call it a once
in a life time love if you dare
I pretty much don't care as
long as i feel it surrounding
me in the air and ruffling like
the winds through my hair as
well as filling up my lungs
with such pure oxygen.
Causing me to stop for a
while and stare. Thinking
of how lucky I am that you
picked me as your favorite
person to share this kind
of love that seems so rare.
It doesn't even include
diamonds on a necklace or
pearls and roses in my hair.
It's a love that's so simple only
the two of us get to share, while
our parents aren't aware* ~
Carolin Jul 2014
Your tears look like pretty chandeliers. Almost like dazzling
gold. Your blood flows through you like red rubies but I don't
feel that anymore. It's like you've grown a hundred years old.
If I told you things will get bright again would you believe me.
I miss the old you. The one who never frowns. The one with nonstop
giggles and blood red coloured blushing cheeks. The one with romantic sunsets in his eyes. Did I tell you before that I touch the place where I see your face ? Did I tell you that I see you behind my eyelids ? Did I ? Cause if not than here I am saying it to you I'll say it again and again and again till you recover and become the old you. I'll be here baby till the end right beside you. Just show me a sign of the old you. If you go crazy ill be here holding your hand. If you want I can even take you to never land. We can be young just like Peter Pan but that's only if you show me the old you ~
Carolin Oct 2014
Making passionate love
as the clouds pass by from
above , to watch and shout
out loud for an applause. They
start to weep with tears of joy
that they cannot promise to keep
in. They create the most beautiful
love scene starred by two madly
in love teens* ~
Carolin Jan 2015
Underneath her skin and inside
her bone marrow he wants to live.
Between the lips of her mouth and
in the cage of her ribs he wants to
climb and rest within. In her veins
he wishes to swim. “Let me sway
with you girl and I’ll show you around
the world” he said. The chaps on her
bruised lips that looked as red as a
sheppard’s warning healed and closed
the minute hers met his. No stitches could
have ever fixed this. He planted dandelions
and sweet wishes between the fragments of
her broken bones with nothing but his fingertips.
“Were you ever told that your voice tastes like
white honey and sounds better than the birds
and the bees chirping and buzzing up high in these
gardens trees” he said. Pack your bags and go on a
road trip for I will show that you hold more beauty
than all the oceans and mermaids that exist on any
map. Let me whisper fairy tales in your ear and give
you soft kisses all over your chest. Maybe I’ll start with
your neck and make it down to your toes. You might
get lucky and find my poems run down your arms ,
back and thighs. “I believe my love can mend the broken
, the lost and bent” was all he said when he lent towards
her and placed a kiss on her forehead* ~
Carolin Sep 2014
Warm raindrops on
her skin make her want
to dance. It sets her in a
deep kind of trance. Making
her crave nothing more than
getting out of her pants and
brushing off the chaos from his
skin as  her rain dance starts to begin* ~
Carolin Aug 2014
I get lost in my thoughts
all the time. And all i see is
you walking through the
hallways of my mind. Your
voice echoes inside my  
tired broken bones. And i
feel like doing nothing all day
but throwing pebbles and
stones in the water. As i sit
hoping for your face to appear
through the circles and ripples the river water forms* ~
Carolin Nov 2014
Run run little one. Escape the
crowd i promise it's more fun.
Scratch the grounds like a wolf
on the hunt. Bow down to the
moon when it's silver and round.
And howl out loud in the dark.
Don't hurt the owl that's sitting on
the branch looking down on you.
Keep running to where your little
legs take you to. Don't let them hurt
you and make your blood drop forming
a big red spot on gentle earth's ground.
Run run little one as fast as you can* ~
Carolin Jun 2015
I met a boy who's shy
as a fox. He has hair thick
as it's fur. Eyes big ,
round and glow. I met a
boy who's free and wild
like the untamed wolves
who roam around the woods
in the silver moonlight. He's
the boy I love. The boy that
i saved from shapeshifting
in the dead of night. One kiss
before midnight stopped his
body from aching and shaking.
It stopped his bones from
cracking and breaking. One
kiss was all it took to cure his
curse. But he will always remain
my little wolf boy. The boy I
met when I was wondering lost
in the dark. The boy i touched
before he shifted into the
creatures of the night who
hunt for prey and mark their
territories with their paws
and claws* ~
Carolin Jan 2016
The sky cries kerosine
when it watches us take
our lives and think of

It cries kerosine when it
hears us call ourselves
worthless and relapse.

But it also cries tears
of joy the day we get
over ourselves and

The day we walk with
our heads held high. The
day we walk with our
hearts full of pride. The
day our sorrows crumble
and die.

The sky sighs as it watches
us believe a little more in
ourselves. As we hold our umbrellas up to protect
our bodies from the fiery
red blazing flames.

And as we walk by the
river side saying apologies
to ourselves for the self
hate and the razor blades
we swallowed and ate after
cutting our own flesh* ~
Carolin Jul 2014
I can feel the
stars pulling
on my hair again.
As i sit on my chair
and feel the midnight's
chilly air enter my window.
Sit beside me darling and tell
me about the galaxies you have
under your skin. Tell me where
would you like to begin. You can
trace the dots on my skin and
follow the constellations i have
within. Maybe the full moon will
stop the stars from pulling on my
hair when you tell me the stories
of the galaxies trapped under
your carmel coloured skin ~
Carolin Jul 2014
I slept through the worst
part of this town. Thinking
that everyone around me
is a clown. Always sat in
my room alone feeling down.
Never liked the bullies back
in high school. Neither the
way they looked at me like
some kind of fool. Now I'm
in college which seems
pretty cool. Found love in
autumn while leaves twist
and twirl as they make
their way down to the
ground. He kissed me a
story I kissed him a
paragraph in return.
Together we experienced
a love that makes us feel
alive. We watch our love
show bright in every
photograph we take.
Our wounds closed up
just like the cracks found
in our broken hearts.
We made the best of
memories for ourselves.
I promised to hold on to
every moment we share
for an eternity. This kind
of love lasts for an infinity ~
Carolin Sep 2015
On a boat here we go.

Row row and row.
No time to look back
no time to slow.

Running away from war.
Running away from ISIS.
Running away from this

Daddy made no crime.
He had no food , pennies
or dimes.

The sun didn't shine.
The waves kept on going
high and high.

It was obvious that we were
going to drown and die.

Didn't matter if we screamed
or cried.

The angels wept from the
sky while the rich slept on
feather pillows without giving
a **** or showing some

While the terrorists continued
on their mission. The blood
spilling and ****.

I knew i had a God up there
watching over us.

My body was tired and the
waves were about to erode

Shivers descending down
our spines. And foam
escaping our mouths.

Salt and sadness filled our

We didn't beg for dear life.
And we didn't dare to ask

We gave our souls up.
Surrendered and died.

Knowing that there is a better
life waiting for us. Knowing that Christ will welcome us up in his

With his bright light and angels playing their violins and harps.

We sure are tiny humans.
But we died brave as we tried
hard and kicked the oceans
angry waves.

We made it to the heavens
above. While the terrorists
will burn to ash and dust.

As the time comes for their
weapons to  drop and
rust* ~
Carolin Nov 2014
Lust tastes
sweeter than
blood red jam
and a sandwich
with pickles and
ham*  ~
Carolin Jul 2014
We're howling forever .
Standing on all fours talking to the moon .
The fog falls down and covers the wood's floor I
lay my heart out and let it bleed on yours . Feeding on fever as
my bones ache from the shape shifting pain that I can't take I
look at you knowing this isn't fake we've actually been bitten
by the werewolf tonight and now we'll forever remain cursed .
Running wild in these woods looking for fresh prey and a safe
place to stay I look into my wolf boy's eyes and tell him we'll be ok ~
Carolin Jul 2015
Oh darling the way you
smile gives me butterflies.

It makes my tummy flip
upside down and turn from
the left to the right.

And i swear these butterflies
can become your sail when
your boat gets lost at sea.

The winds will direct you
back to me.

And together we'll be united
and free.

Just know that i'll be there
loving you endlessly and
for an infinity* ~
Carolin May 2015
He's the wolf that followed
the trail of blood. He followed
the drops on the white forest
floor. The cuts were deep and
wounds created a river of red.
No life existed in the water. The
smell of blood was left on my
car seat. And the little wolf
seemed to be following me.
To heal the scars. To howl with
grief at the moon. To call for
help. The little wolf was the
only living soul who had
mercy left. The only soul that
came to rescue me. That
little wolf knew the meaning
of loyalty* ~
Carolin May 2015
Secrets pouring out.
Castles falling down.
The dead are moaning
underground. And the
living are fighting over
the throne and crown.
While the clowns paint
their smiles upside down.
The skies weep tears
of pain. And I'm afraid
the world has gone
insane* ~
Carolin Jun 2015
He gave me strength.
He gave me life. He
gave me the label of
becoming his number
one wife. I gave him
love. I gave him poetry.
Most of all I gave him
my heart and past history.
In order to make him know
who I was and who have
I become after the day
we met and he wrapped
me in his loving arms* ~
Carolin Aug 2014
It's too loud inside my head.
I can't hide for long under
the covers of my bed. A
scream a curse a bruise
a slap a kick. This all shouldn't
be part of the life i wished.
Lower your voice. I don't like
the noise. A mom screams out
in agony cause she gave her life
to him. Love was all she knew.
Should I run away. Head off to
the streets without having a clue.
The house is falling apart its glue can't hold it up for long. I can't find my voice to even sing my song.
Just a matter of time and i'll be gone. I don't care if I end up living
in a barn in a strangers farm. Anywhere away from this harm would seem a little satisfying.
This house just seems so wrong* ~
Carolin Aug 2014
I feel the cold in the cracks of my bones again. If i could i would of been stumbling off drunk. Getting a bit numb. I feel lost again. This **** never seems to end. Going through life with no big plan. He's shouting again in my face. How could you call this place home ? I need to break free run away and cry under a forest tree. This place is not safe anymore. I feel the cold touching my scars again. I can feel the stings burning like fire from within. I need out of this place im living in. This **** really has to end so my heart can start to mend by then* ~
Carolin Jul 2014
Im drowning in
thoughts of you
Where the sky is
baby blue and we
don't know where
we're going but yet
we act as if we have
a clue. Thoughts of
you kissing me in
your old peugeot car.
Where the seats are
dusty and the car is
rusty. Thoughts of
you holding me in
your arms while we
drink red wine from
twisted vines. I don't
mind sitting here all
day drowning in the
thoughts of you .
Because I can feel
your love wrapping
itself like old forest tree
roots around this heart
of mine that beats all day
long only for you ~
Carolin Sep 2014
Fading out through
the black and grey,
he decided to love her
and stay* ~
Carolin Aug 2014
Tic tac toe
wrap me up
with a shiny
     I'll feed you your
     favorite coleslaw &
     promise to come out &
     play with you in the snow.
Baby if you
want we can
even dance
slow and just
go with the flow* ~
Carolin May 2015
I tied a string to the
moon and made it
my balloon. It floated
across the night sky.
And I painted constellations
with the tears it cried.
While i shared with the
moon the love that exists
between me and
you* ~
Carolin Aug 2015
Time to leave. Promise
you'll hold on to my love please.
I wore your favorite dress
my hair is a mess. My hands
are on the door **** and i
really don't want to turn it to
the right. But if I leave it closed
tonight i'll head back to the
ocean and swim to you. Kicking
with all my might the waters
that try to drag me down and
hit my body on the ocean's
rocks and stones. But nothing
will hurt me deep down to the
bone. Because the only true
pain that i'll ever experience is
the one where we part miles
away. And i'm left spending
my nights alone crying and
missing you. Waiting for dawn
so we log online and talk some
more. And of course thanks
to the different zones we
won't be able to call or
use our phones* ~
Carolin Apr 2015
I wish my words could
string themselves together
to form an ocean for you.
I wish for them to string
themselves and form a
quilt to keep you warm
when I'm not around to
wrap you in my arms and
when the sun sets down.
I wish these words could
form a song to play in your
head when the world's
noise is too much to take.
I wish the letters of these
words gather and imprint
themselves on my skin for
you to read as a bedtime
story after midnight when
its late and dark and i lay
my head on your chest next
to you on bed. I wish my
words string themselves
together just for you , to
keep , to read and to be
their whenever you feel
sad and blue. Oh darling
if only you knew how much
i want these tiny wishes to
come true* ~
Carolin Jul 2014
Someone i love
was born today
He turned the
clouds to pretty
shades of grey.
He looks like gardens
of wildflowers with
sunshine in the middle
of the day. His hazelnut
eyes look like gardens
bursting into life.
His blushing cheeks
look like sunsets and the
horizon on the beach. He
smells like cigarettes , perfume
and cinnamon flavored candy.
His blood is sweeter than jam.
I love how he doesn't give a ****
about anything that makes him
down. An angel was sent from
the heavens today. He made the
skies turn baby blue and life
worth living too as he starts kissing
her lips with his hands down on her hips. His ****** expression can take any kind of depression away. My angel was born from the heavens today. Happy Birthday to you* ~
Carolin Nov 2014
Standing in the kitchen
behind the counter covered
in cheese and pizza dough.
He was thinking of her while
she was in her dark blue of jeans
drenched with the scent of strong
coffee beans. He drifted away in
thoughts of her. How she looked like
with the hair falling down on her face
the way her smile lit up with grace.
How about we go out for brunch and
a coffee. Why not lunch and grab an
espresso from Starbucks instead and
before i forget don't call this a date.
Should i panic or drop down flat dead.
How could such beauty mess with my
head he said. Standing on the right side
of her he asked how do you like your
chocolates ? Darker than my enemies
souls she said. That was when she casted
a spell on his heart and soul making him
propose and give her his all. This love is
not just coincidence perhaps its destiny
and fate* ~
Carolin Nov 2014
You're the blood
flowing between
my head and heart.
You're the one who
writes poetry between
my legs. No fire can
ever set us apart. That's
what i felt from the
start. Eyes big and
round. They let me
gaze and feel as if i
am lost in a never ending
maze and in the haze of
blood red wine. I bow down
to you as they make me feel
the shivers descend down
my spine. As they make me
feel the drizzle of rain in the
middle of a chaotic hurricane.
As they make all these memories
we've created rush like feral
waves to my mind while holding
my tonic up high like a wooden
cross. How do you manage to
make my cheeks blush every time
you call me Mine .How
can you be so beautiful
and so devine? Wild and shy
as the wolf howling after the
clock passed midnight by
the shallow river side.
You're what's holding
the power to keep me
alive this entire time* ~
Carolin Oct 2014
I want to play with your
body like a guitar. To play
with your body like a violin
To play with your body like
a beautiful instrument with
fine strings. I won't even mind
if I play with it the same way
autumn leaves do with the wild
winds* ~
Carolin Mar 2015
Our eyes meet
it's electric , almost magnetic
we look at each other as if we are
the only people on earth,
and in our minds we are the gods
of the universe,
our souls are united , we are not
two hearts but one,
we are the love couple's in folk tales
uniting in this life time.

We exchange words that
sound poetic while we sit
and feel them course through
our every vein. The love we
share is a bit chaotic. We sit
at night up in our attic. Watching
the silver moonlight from the
window frame. Counting the
stars like it's the only game.
We tangle our hands as if they
are tied with shackles and chains. The only thoughts that come
to our brains are thoughts of
our love and how it all happened
as it was  unarranged. Sitting
in the attic you touch my skin.
Making it feel like a wild flame
that's being put out by rain.
Looking in your eyes i see the prettiest sunrise. Holding your
hands feeling ocean waves. I
listen to your heart as its beats
rhyme with mine. I want you
curled under my skin and always
in m mind. I want you standing
safe and guarded behind the
cage of my ribs. Just like babies
do at night in their cribs. We are
the lovers that the poet's mentioned back in the old age

We are the lovers whom are destined to meet each other in every life time again and again**  ~
Bold by Sajjad
Italics by Carolin
It's our first collab. It was a great experiance to write with such a talented friend.
Check his page in the link below :)
Carolin Dec 2014
Traces of invisible ink
on your body made me
sit back and think. Will
they lead me to your heart
and let me sink ? Will they
drench me like the ******
poet's black ink ? I'll never
know unless i trace them with
my fingertips and tongue. I can
hear my fingers fighting about
which one will touch you and
run down your coffee coloured
skin. It must be the beauty you
hold from within that leaves me
with these cravings of wanting to
sin. If the transparent ink on you
leads me to the gateways of heaven
and your heart will  you let me in* ? ~
Carolin Jun 2015
Trapped in a metaphor.

Sitting on my
bedroom floor.

Feeling the walls closing
in on me.

Crying for someone to
come and save me.

Drowning in an ocean
of tears.

While the words crawl out
my throat and imprint on
my skin.

They somehow seemed
to have spelled out your
name once again* ~
Carolin Jul 2014
Alone in the dark we're sitting side by side. Legs are grazing but we're not doing anything at all.
She scribbles down something thats sweet on a paper sheet. A story of a boy and a girl trapped in a metaphor. She looks at him saying this could be something more. He reaches out for her hand in the dark. Would you like to draw our future lives on these bed sheets tonight. On bed side by side she feels his heat burning on her skin from with in. Lips on lips hands on hips chest to chest mouth to neck. We're breaking out of this metaphor tonight ~
Carolin Jul 2014
You light me up like christmas trees. Your breath feels like a soft morning breeze when it lands on my skin i don't know where to begin. Tell me love those words that take my breath away. Cause i'd love to sit here and stay as the words come trembling out of your mouth like a video that's set on replay. Would you mind to hold my hand as you tell me if you ever planned to share a love like this with someone who's fragile as wet clay. I'm ready darling to listen all day to every lovely word you have to say ~
Carolin Jul 2014
If we read a poem that's trending would it be heart mending ? I'm sure though the time taken for reading it will be worth spending. Would you sit here darling beside me and read it out loud while looking up at the clouds. Together we'll watch the magic that will happen for you and me , after reading that trending poem while sitting down by my side ~
Carolin Apr 2015
Sometimes I feel I'm going nowhere
I'm moving but I just can't find the way
Surrounded by a million faces
They all say they're my best friends

Take another drink to hide the sorrow
But the morning came and nothing's changed
The concrete skies are rushing by me
And this road is getting old

I light a smoke up but not
to get high. My head is filled
up with thoughts of why. The
skies look the same and the
people around are becoming
lame. Sometimes i feel that i
might go insane. I go to the
bar and get another drink.
Whiskey i think is good for
washing these feelings away.
Especially on these lonely

I heard the radio play your favorite song
Made me think of all the things we used to do
There's so much we used to talk about
And now to endure the pain I must scream and shout

I wonder if i do will you
hear me like the neighbors
do ? The skies are turning
sad and blue. And that's
like the way i feel from the
inside too. I touched my chest
yesterday and felt the cracks
that you left on this heart of
mine. You bled me dry and
left me alone thinking of
suicide with tears on the
bathroom's porcelain floor.
These eyes cried for several
nights. You left me living in
misery and walked out with
not a single goodbye. It's
time to move on. Time to
move to the light. I might
find someone better than
you who's sweet like Winnie
the pooh , Eeyore and Piglet
too. Someone that'll love me
and kiss my scars. Someone
who won't leave me with thoughts
of wanting to die. Forgetting
you seems like the only cure
and right thing to do

But the most important thing is to keep moving on
through. Because as the sun rises this morning it
seems like the best thing to do
Anthony in bold.
Carolin in italics.
It's our first collaboration together.
Such a great experience to write with
a talented person like Anthony. Looking
forward to write more and more with him.
Please check his link below :)
Carolin Nov 2014
Heart locked. Mind
blocked. My life was
pretty ******. Am I
loved or am I not. I was
drowning in my own
twisted thoughts. Plucked
the petals of the flower in
the *** while i tried to untie
the knotts in my veins and
heart. A twitter interaction
received a DM sent. A twitter
crush began. How about we
hang she said to the stranger
who went to the same college
as she. Sure why not he replied.
Eyes met skin touched while we
shaked hands. Deep thoughts
began in our minds. See you
the next day he said and the
next and the next and all the
other coming tomorrows. I
think you might of casted a
spell on me. He got her life
drunk while she got him love
drunk. I love you they said
online while the clock hit
12:00 a.m and he sent her
a midnight kiss. The next
day he kept holding on her
hand. And this is how our
love story began* ~
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