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MS Anjaan
Tough in Touch    poetry is only emotion that can be feeled by heart there is no roll of mind anymore 💜❤ For special stories- You can visit here- …
Mathew P Nangolo
24/M/Ondangwa/ Namibia    #instagram @mathewnangolo @ #Writing industry is my play background #writing is my therapy #My pen speak louder than my own voice #pen on and welcome …
"The unexamined life is not worth living."
Little Bear
❤️ today i listened to music and wrote a poem, maybe i'm getting better ❤️
66/M/california    I have been writing for most of my life, I have been fortunate to have married the love of my life for the past 27 …
M    I'm dormant not vacant, I have a penchant for logic, my sleep patterns are horribly irregular, I like coffee, I hate having my picture taken, …
U.K    Copyright ©2013-2024 simpleton

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