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Apr 2014 · 386
Future of Choice
Carl Barton Apr 2014
Shepard me as I am born into this world.
Nurture me as I grow through each moment.
Hold me as I try to stand for the first time.
Catch me as I take a step or two before falling.
Help me as I begin to learn.
Comfort me as I allow my heart to be broken.
Heal me as I come under the curse of sickness.
Find me as I wander off and get lost.
Love me as I become someone a parent can be proud of.

or in an alternate reality...

Hate me as I have become too much of a disappointment.
Leave me as I go against everything you hold dear.
Hurt me as I regain strength after the abuse you put me through.
Judge me as I fall in love with an unacceptable partner.
Censor me as I learn what you attempt to hide.
Drop me as I climb out of this pit you call life.
Push me as I balance on the tightrope of sanity.
Mock me as I stumble and stagger unable to stand alone.
Hinder me as I work to live with each gasping breath.
Stop me as I change into a seed of life before I ever see light.
Apr 2014 · 4.7k
Gotham's Knight
Carl Barton Apr 2014
As the sun sets and a darkness falls over the city, there is one who rises.  Although his body has been broken and his mind has begun to grow frail, he will continue to fight until he meets his mortal end.  He's faced jokes, riddles, luck, birds, ice, vines, and even his own mind.  A child once tortured by the winged creatures of the night, consumed by the guilt of his parents' demise.  Now as an adult he uses his fear to torment his enemies and the guilt that once consumed him is now the only motivation he needs.  Though he cannot live forever, the symbol of hope he has created will last on for eternity.  And the face beneath the mask may change, but that light in the sky calls only one... He is the Batman.
Mar 2014 · 469
Be Until You Are Not
Carl Barton Mar 2014
Breathe until you gasp.
Eat until you starve.
Drink until you choke.
Speak until you're speechless.
Listen until you're deaf.
Look until you're blind.
Stand until you kneel.
Walk until you stumble.
Run until you trip.
Drive until you crash.
Fly until you fall.
Fight until you flee.
Swim until you drowned.
Bend until you break.
Love until you Hate.
Live until you die.
Be until you are not.
Jul 2013 · 2.5k
Carl Barton Jul 2013
The game is played on a pitch,
or a field if you will.
With eleven players to each side;
some with extra special skill.
There is kicking and passing,
and sliding and tackling.
Three officials call the game
and some players tryout acting.
Shots saved by the goalkeeper
or blocked by a defender.
A corner kick sails in;
leading to a game winning header.
The crowd, so excited,
they shout out and chant.
Losing is a myth,
we know our club can't

A glory some know as soccer;
it's football around the globe.
Who will win the world cup,
and head home with the precious gold?
Apr 2013 · 464
The Great Illusion
Carl Barton Apr 2013
It* is all just an *illusion
When you think you've got It all
When It finally make you happy
When It cannot possibly go wrong
When It is perfectly perfect
...It's gone
Then you think about It
And you realize It was never there
You never really had It
It was just an *illusion
Apr 2013 · 442
Carl Barton Apr 2013
Can't move,
Unable to escape.
Imprisoned by these feelings

No thinking,
Restricted from dreaming.
ENSNtrappedARED forever by these feelings
Mar 2013 · 707
Quiero, no quiero.
Carl Barton Mar 2013
Quiero que tú te caigas.
Quiero que tú tropieces.
Quiero que tú quiebres.

No quiero que tú me necesites.
No quiero que tú pienses en mí.
No quiero que tú me veas.

Quiero volar.
Quiero dejarte.
Quiero ser libre.

Quiero que tú estés triste.
Quiero que tú sientas dolor.
Quiero que tú seas sola.
This was an assignment for my Spanish class.  I really like how it came out though, nice and simple.
Carl Barton Mar 2013
And when you walk by,
I feel as though I could fly;
Fly as high as the sky,
The sky so high in the month of July.

You remind me of this thing; love,
The love of your soul as white as a dove;
A dove, I see you as you soar up above,
So far above me that this yearning is all I know of.

Yet I sit here all shy,
So shy, to say I could speak is a lie;
Forget this lie for I will think of a play so sly,
A plan too sly for me as I slowly allow this feeling to die.
Jan 2013 · 979
What are we; am I?
Carl Barton Jan 2013
What are we? Are we just friends? Are we a couple? Are we more than friends but less than together?

I know what you are to me, but what am I to you? Am I just a summer crush? Am I just someone used to get over an ex?
Was that my only purpose; to keep you happy and distract you until you could move on? If that was my purpose... Did I at least serve it well?

Is this goodbye? But we barely said hello. It seems this is ending, without even having a chance at a beginning. What am I supposed to do now? Please tell me, let me know.

When together the sun shines brighter. When apart night couldn't be darker. You make me smile in ways I never knew possible. You helped me to find a happiness I've never known.

And now that we're apart it's all gone. The happiness, the joy, the warm feeling of you by my side. You never leave my thoughts. I can't sleep at night without you, how pitiful this sounds.

Its like you're a drug that gives me such a high and leaves me wanting more. Yet, when I can't see you, can't hear you I feel withdrawal in its purest form.

I just wanted you to be happy. And if without me that's what you are, then I have served my purpose. All I need is an answer. To know I've done right.

To know whether you and I will ever be, or if we were just a dream. For dreams are quite wonderful, but a morning will always come to end even the sweetest.
Dec 2012 · 3.7k
The Brig of the Mind.
Carl Barton Dec 2012
When you feel forever
impossibly gone.

You won't be
Its not that simple

Just look to the stars,
believe it will come true

To simply hope is
silly to even think it.

If you run, you're a coward;
although to stay is to die.
You must find your own escape...
How easy, if only you could fly.
Running gets you nowhere
when you're locked in this maze.
Somethimes thoughts hit you hard;
knock you out for a minute, maybe days.
Determined, you keep looking...
assuming this soon will end.
Yet these prison bars just won't break,
they don't even bother to bend!

Just lie on your back
forget all else.

Stare into the beyond, the
the abyss.

Make your wish, make it
don't blow it now, just think.

In order to get out, get away,
you can't afford to faulter, to miss.
Dec 2012 · 823
Forever You, Never Me
Carl Barton Dec 2012
With eyes the glisten like stars
I find myself caught;
Ensnared by your gaze, in a trance.
Hypnotized by your beauty.. so stunning.

I pretend not to notice,
Pretend not to care.
But indeed I notice, and oh how much I care,
Yet never, no, I will never ever dare.

Simply posing as a friend
Flirting here and there.
When I see you its unbearable.
The want to hold you is nearly uncontrollable.

My mind becomes overwhelmed by you.
My heart, confused in your presence.
It jumps and it skips
Tripping over itself time and time again.

Somehow I can keep calm
Even as my mind races.
I talk to you like friends do
Then let you walk freely away.

I watch as you leave.
This smile taken with you.
Back to my solitary state of mind;
My cowardly, boring self.
Carl Barton Dec 2012
Unable to go back
Prevented from moving on

Stuck in this place for eternity
Like the night before the dawn

Confusion is allies with pain
Yet happiness grows weaker without truth

Always yearning for the unattainable
While the deserving lie in wait

Try and try again they say
But sometimes it seems giving up is the only way
Dec 2012 · 457
Lingering Necessity
Carl Barton Dec 2012
I scream my lungs out in silence
But the night is too dense
I beg of your forgiveness
Yet you never hear my pleas through this darkness
I think of you while I sleep
And pray that you'll be in my dreams
Still I awaken in dissapointment from a dreamless rest
To find my bed empty without you
Filled only with lonliness at best
Dec 2012 · 376
To.... That would be..
Carl Barton Dec 2012
To Forget,
To move on from there.
That would be a luxury.

To Remember,
To hold onto her.
That would be a dream.

To Leave,
To run away from here.
That would be cowardly.

To Stay,
To keep the memories near.
That would be surreal.
Dec 2012 · 567
Carl Barton Dec 2012
I could escape
I might run away
Just disappear in plain sight
Like a shadow during the mid of night

No one will catch me
Won't ever find me either
I'll be invisible to the world
I will vanish right into thin air

Free to come and go as I please
Yet unable to see my destination
Moving into the future unaware
I'm blinded by my motivation

I cannot see the future
I cannot read the world's mind
If there is a predetermind path for me
I will only find it in due time
Dec 2012 · 1.4k
Carl Barton Dec 2012
Gonna find that one special girl
That one perfect chick
Someone to call my baby
My one and only lady

We'll make each day our own
Never looking back
Living in our private world
Escaping everyday realities

We could survive the apocalypse
Just by being together
Someday him and her will be us
Someday you and I will be we

Together Us
Together We
Forever yours
Forever mine

I'll keep searching until I find her
I won't ever give up
Maybe not today
Maybe not tomorrow

But someday it'll be easy
Life will be good
I'll find a way to make it there
Dec 2012 · 1.1k
Jazz Solo
Carl Barton Dec 2012
The beat repeated over and over as the band plays on.
As it approaches I feel the butterflies flutter.
My arms start shaking nervously.
My hands begin to sweat and grow clammy.
The drumsticks become harder to hold with each stroke.
The band crescendos….
LOUDER!!!... Then,
Only the drums are playing.
Everyone is waiting, all of their eyes are staring.
The band now holds the beat, as the drums take the floor,
Center stage.
Shivering in a cold sweat, fearing failure, I change the beat.
Bass drum and hi-hat start off…
A snare rolls…
Dadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadada… it crescendos… GAT!
*** dum da de dum bop a duba de dop pop…
I play several measures.
All of them unique, but connected.
Finally the band joins back in, and the pressure is off.
Back to the same old groove, the comfortable beat.
The audience roars with applause.
I look to my father, and the smile on his face is all that I need.
Dec 2012 · 460
1:34 AM
Carl Barton Dec 2012
Time ticks by.
Music drones on.
My mind tumbles and turns,
While the rest of the house sleeps.

I hear a clink,
A ting,
And a bang.
The furnace comes to life,
And the gears keep turning.
Sleep seems so distant,
Yet I'm nearly unconscious.

I doodle.
I write.
I lay motionless.
Just waiting.

The sounds all cease.
The furnace slowly dies.
My mind finally seems at peace,
As the music  lulls me to close my eyes.
Dec 2012 · 417
Thoughts From the Fog
Carl Barton Dec 2012
From the darkness of Midnight
Shines the light of a new beginning.
The past fades away
And the future remains unclear.

Each moment of the present
Brings more to be decided.
We begin to pick and choose.
What is right, and what is wrong?
What is good, and what is bad?

Only our memories guide us.
The past's dark is un-lightable,
But the future is a torch, waiting to be lit.
Each year passes, and our lives go on.
We only have one choice to make.

Do we live life?
And stand by each judgement?
Or watch it pass by like a spectator in the stands?
Dec 2012 · 530
I Want You
Carl Barton Dec 2012
My mind is blank.
The slate wiped clean.
I know not what to do,
Nor what I should think.
As I look at the world around me,
Finally the answer comes through.
I see what I’ve always wanted.
I want you,
With no strings attached.
I want just you and me together,
Never ending.
Forever our feelings will last,
Until the afterlife and throughout.
I want you for an eternity,
And an eternity more. I want you forever.
I want you when you’re mad;
I want you when you’re gone.
I have only one question.
Will you still want me at the end of the day?
Or must I be banished from your life
To be forgotten in the sands of a lost desert
To suffer in a prison
Of my own emotions until all time ceases.
Dec 2012 · 902
What if?
Carl Barton Dec 2012
Have you ever thought what if?
What if gold was bronze,
and lies were the truth.

Have you ever contemplated the past?
What if they lived,
and maybe I died instead?

Have you ever felt curious?
Asking, what if nothing is real,
and I’m just as fake as the rest?

Have you ever pondered a question?
What if this is the afterlife,
and time really goes backwards?

Have you ever sought out answers?
What if everything is predestined,
and my choices are already made for me?

Have you ever discovered the phrase...
What if?

— The End —