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 Oct 2013 Cam E
tonight i wanted to
paint wings across
your shoulder
there are no words to do him justice
 Oct 2013 Cam E
jack and jill
 Oct 2013 Cam E
they were smoking cigarettes
on top of their old man's hill
at four o'clock in the morning,
and it was almost uncanny how
the sky was just like the two of

it was dark and it was quiet and
it was mysterious, and so were they,
but the sky couldn't talk and it couldn't
feel and sometimes she wished that she
couldn't either

"i love you,"
she told him

"your problem,"
he replied
I wonder where she goes each night,through the square then turning right and being swallowed by the fading light,
I wonder where she goes.
I wonder if she knows I'm watching her, as she goes off across the square and if she does,does she care that I know she wanders off each night to go,
but where?
 Oct 2013 Cam E
Aaron McDaniel
Smokey alleyways once lead me to a steel door
Only thing that lead my way
An ambient red light
The haunting sound of your voice

Large steel door, cold as the winter you protect your secrets from
What lies behind you

Whisper the name of a young woman strong as the smile she bears
The lock clicks ever so slightly

Open the cold barrier to bright light and a warm breeze
like the warmth of your eyes

There, in the middle of the warmth of the suns rays
There is a single cloud

I have found serenity

Your name is the key to sanctuary

Let me continue to whisper
Tasting salt?
Drinking water?

 May 2013 Cam E
 May 2013 Cam E
abuse is the reason she likes you
she said.
 May 2013 Cam E
The last 4 days
 May 2013 Cam E
4 days ago
Thoughts of death
Raced through my mind.

3 days ago
I seemed to be better,
Smiling and all.

2 days ago
I rocked my head
Back and forth
To beautiful music.

1 day ago
I cried as I
Remembered that I'll never be

And today
I'm just running on
 Apr 2013 Cam E
Elizabeth Squires
cherish what you have
as some people have not a thing
be ever grateful
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