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1.2k · Feb 2015
Bitter Expression
Camilla Cameli Feb 2015
I feel past
his colourless eyes
and his chapped lips.
The faded glimmer of happy memories,
too obstructed by the scars of his story,

It's a love with the power of a storm,
strong even in the absence of rain.
I read past his unspoken words and uncollected thoughts,
and see the incisive emotions he expresses through a fragile breath,
as his current expression is just an instance of the whole he completes.
1.1k · Jan 2015
Camilla Cameli Jan 2015
Her mind’s protected
By an armour of thoughts.
Irrational to the world
But brilliant in their existence.

She isn’t understood,
Crazy to most fools.
The delirious girl next door,
To whom haven must be brought.

— The End —