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 Feb 2013 Cameron Godfrey
 Feb 2013 Cameron Godfrey
We had sparks,
I wanted flames.
I fell for you,
Who didn't feel the same.

And sleepless nights.
Late night calls,
And losing fights.

We had sparks,
I wanted flames.
I got burned,
So who's to blame?
 Feb 2013 Cameron Godfrey
 Feb 2013 Cameron Godfrey
An activity that you hate,
But love at the same time.
It hurts.
But it's the good kind of hurt.
The kind of pain that is only accompanied
With hard work and determination.
You push yourself.
More than you thought possible.
You can't make it.
You won't make it.
And somehow,
You always do.

But then there it is.
The fall.
The hard ground does not forgive.
And suddenly,
You are stuck.

And those shoes.
Those neon Nike track spikes,
That you'd waited all year-365 days- to wear.

So maybe you're not cutout for this.
Maybe there's a higher plan.
I'll wait.

Yesterday, you walked
Today, you ran.
Tomorrow you'll fly.
People love to watch me fall.
They think they know it all.
People think they know what i want, need.
They don't care but they judge.
And everyday i make mistakes.
I'm the one they love to hate.
They love to rub my mistakes in my face.
My whole like is a huge mistake.
But it stops today.
So shut the hell up and go away.
Don't try and tell me what to do.
I'll ignore you because i don't care.
Wont wast my time with you.
No more will what you say bring me down.
I'm my own boss and i don't need a crown.
 Feb 2013 Cameron Godfrey
There inlaid was a nightmare
a filler of dark, of cold
the boy dreamt alone and sought nothing but sleep
but in that sleep what dreams came were not
what he asked for

Not at all

There inlaid was a terror
a fear of stark, of utter horror
the boy knew what was coming and sought nothing but to stay awake
and in that wakefulness what thoughts could come were not
what he wanted

Not at all

There inlaid was a sorrow
a chestpain so deep, so undying
the boy knew what was true but wanted nothing but for it to be a lie
and in that cringe a revelation came that was not
what he expected

Not at all

There inlaid was a fantasy
with wings so broad, so full
the boy knew that here he could win every battle and take every stride
and in those clouds he would never fall
or falter

Never, not at all

So after each nightmare and wakeful terror
whenever he would cringe for pains and hearts never stolen
the boy allowed himself to find false strength
in a fantasy perhaps but reality enough for him to stay
himself, a boy
and so in that thoughtless space where he always found bright clouds
as opposed to the dreams and thoughts inside and around him
where there were only shadows

The boy flew.
 Feb 2013 Cameron Godfrey
What becomes of a soul when it finds true
Its whole is less than the sum of its parts
Seeking blood through a flame, heated and blue
And meter finds this anew when prose starts

Soliloquy, a phobia, a thought
Is everything a callous writhing
Such as this imagination has wrought
And all we see is red, this old tithing

As I was struck by fire with no way out
I knew that I was trapped, and still I found
That none were there to hear my silent shout
As my voice hidden by glass had no sound

And they weren't there to shatter, hear my pain
The flame was a soul, a heart stolen twain
 Feb 2013 Cameron Godfrey
But when she looks into his eyes, everyone disappears and the world stops spinning.

For a split second his hand brushes hers. Suddenly she is torn from the crust of the Earth.

The are flying high above,
They are shooting stars.

And when their lips meet,
They are infinite.
I don't even know. Watched *The Notebook* 12 too many times.
 Feb 2013 Cameron Godfrey
Her heartbeat echoes from under our feet.
Eyes painted like forever changing skies.
Hair streaked the color of ripened wheat.
She draped canopies of colorful dyes,
emotions heavy like a crashing wave.
Her strong arms support us when we need aid.
Though we are her, she is ours to save.
She is a widow, a sister, a maid.
Soul glints with the anger of her black storm cloud.
Her dance follows the sway of the oak.
We must fight for her our blood and be proud.
Her mighty head crowned with a ring of smoke.
This is to my mother, who taught me the importance of the Great Mother, and to all mothers out there who change and change lives.
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