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 May 2013 Burnout
Felicia Luna
You were never mine.
You never held me in your arms at night listening about how my day went.
Never really started up a conversation to which I had grown so accustomed to.
We never kept each other’s secrets for long, for just the two of us to hold.
You were never mine.

Oh, I wish you had held me.
On those long, lonely nights, tears streaming down my face.
In those months I had no one to turn to for my sorrows.
You were never mine.

I would have loved to hear from you. About your day.
I think I loved you. For a moment, a month, an eternity.
If only you cared instead of flying into the arms of another as soon as the opportunity came.
But then again, so did I.
But you were never mine.

I could never call you my own to whom I could confess my deepest secrets and desires.
Or to whom I put all of myself into.
We were doomed from the start.
I think I loved you, but you were never mine.
 May 2013 Burnout
Vanessa Ponce
Silly of Me, to think this was meant to be.
Always telling myself, “I’m Done.”
But, Tomorrow I’ll be right by your side
I’ll tell myself not to cry
Listen to Bob who said, “Every little thing is gonna be alright.”

But Boy, you steady ready to leave
To find yourself a new miss
Too blind to see this

        lower into an

How you made me fall to my knees
Screaming out- "Don’t do this please!"
Holding tight onto small pieces of you
But this love ain't true

What I would of done for you
I’d give you the world
But you already seem to have it
So in love with you like a drug habit it get
One more dose and I’ll be out of it

Won’t take another hit
Checking in,
Letting the pain remit.

This ******* bliss
Girl, you’re smarter than this
You know men
Only out for that thang said Lauryn

Tonight I’ll sing glory amen
Rest my head
Leave words unsaid
I was mislead
Will find myself before I’m dead

                  in love

Shed it aside,
It’s only a place full of lies and unrelenting cries.
First poem shown to anyone.
If I was the lucky one
if a prize was to be won
I have gambled; I have lost
I've held on far too long.

The will to live fades and I've prayed.
I carried nothing but bare hide and bones
to your shelter of cracks in truth and holes in your faith
are home.
I lose myself and become blind
there is no heart or home of mine.

To forget is to force another
wanted memory from my mind.
To remain is torture, hypocrisy,
and secrets to hide.
To concern the self with fruitless pride,
in-valiant efforts
and a waste of valued time.

Time to divulge in the depths of nothing
To accept my fate
and time to wait.
Patience is time
and time to waste, on well placed venom
while love's demise is taken in haste.

The heart begins to consume the mind.
with thoughtless sadness and
denial of passed time.
All end in a bloodless destruction
by a vile end of a weakened spine.

Bodies of virility and sensation,
eager and satiable by little; given much
a cloak of blindness on tenderness and touch,
hale weakness, to be conquered by
corresponding lust.
 May 2013 Burnout
Chelsea Perras
I feel stronger when I'm with you
and weakest when I'm alone
I do fear the devil
but not the man upstairs.
I'm not an evil person
I just ask for peace
so if you'd be ever so gentle
I would like to give you my heart
I do believe in many things
I do believe that we have something special
And that we are strongest together
and weakest when were apart.
I am afraid of the future
and who I'll become
but at least by the end of the day I have you.
I don't believe I'm beautiful
though like to think I'm pretty
and that's good enough for me.
I don't need the stars or the moon
I don't even need to be named by a star
As long as the man upstairs blesses me
and watch over us as we grow together as a family
I know we'll be okay in the end.
No matter what the future holds
I know I'm stubborn and complicated
but also understand you can be sometimes too
their will be hard times
but we'll always pull through
nothing can stop us between our love
so here I ask you to take me by the hand
and follow and be with me on this adventure
I'm about to take on.
I speak to you in rare moments of sleep
As shipping news speaks of conquered waves

You wear the look of women in coastal cafes
Who have read between the fishing headlines
And cast away puzzle pages
For weeks
Yet swear daily they do not weep

I speak to you in those rare moments of sleep
As ships speak in song to lighthouse light

Yet I know that when awake
Should in time come the chance
To   really   speak
My words may not rise
From any squall-safe
Harboured-heart place  

But undelivered with the dead litter of shore  
Cling as whelk would
To the frame of some drift door        
I can neither close
Or in clinging
Allow tides

To erase
 Jan 2013 Burnout
Stay Stay
 Jan 2013 Burnout
every candle that flares up like a
    match struck between timelines reminds me
            that this world, this beautiful
       misshapen globe we call home has

                   room for me,       for you,
                               and most importantly
                                         for us.
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