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bulletcookie Apr 2016
Those Orcas that just got out of frame
fame and fortune in that shot-glass 'Sound'
and focused; coke-bottle vision into depths
far deeper than their soundings, though
secondary in nature and posed as opposed
to that pod's posse of curving mammals
arched into each wave or trough
in that fluid home we call Puget
with the sound of ferry engines
breaking the silent sail boat's cut
and jib as it too arcs its slack in black/white
canvas waving to windward destinations,
as each click-shutter-whirl encapsulates
drops of sun, sea gull and horizon
ghosting as though mist were sky
semi-filled number painting panoramas
and water-color soaked landings
bringing us closer to docked domains
and they disappeared into a dimpled surface
evading this circular myopic lens

bulletcookie May 2016
This high desert thirst of solitary longing -
marooned on dunes of sculpted torsos
feelings twisting in dust-devil soaring
attuned to sifting sand's mirage overflow  

In an hour's glass a toast to pairs anywhere
than here in singular uninhabited thoughts
raised voices to a three penny opera choir
that a Deus ex machina will free hearts caught

Quench these passion's villains, angels, human maul
strip this mannequin's stupor, reveal its living form
bring your hands and sooth with scented oil, brow
hold this lover's vow, and keep an evening's warmth

bulletcookie Oct 2021
a thousand beautiful moment
as full on brakes, applied
to the truck, full of cord wood
aimed to plunge over rocky cliff
of love, so strong, crushed in loss
though sought after in dreams

bulletcookie Feb 15
heart throbs love's measure
this vacuous cosmos weeps
April took you afar

bulletcookie Jan 2017
Venus de Milo, you chiseled charmer
all metamorphic, translucent and solid
arms missing parts in time's struggle
reaching out in postdiluvian armor

David brought to life his stolid member
Zeus put on a swansong aftershave
all your polished full frontal ******
etching volumes to ages and civilization

≈ cec
bulletcookie Apr 2016
Your going seems an impact crater on Mars-
Old, with high ridges, distant and barren
Kilometers of striated landscape circumscribe you
This unimaginable visit; with little atmosphere,
stark shadows and light defining a wilderness whole
Hospital corner seams spell of violent invasion
vast stretches of gray dust pretend-cloud vistas
From this coup d'oeil, layers above your subterraneous thoughts
features once habitable, since blasted outwards
leaving strewn an eons life of orphaned rock
a mere whisper of once vast sea's potential
a whimper's noiseless remembrance lost
This journey home is comet dark in infinite parsecs
traveling farther each ways entangled heartache;
a quantum solace for another day to come


*n, pl - coups d'oeil (ku dœj):
a quick glance [literally: stroke of the eye]
bulletcookie Sep 2019
It's going to go on,
for years.
T-cell hurricanes
eye these vital days
graft vs. host no more

no more crying (for now)
time stopped before a cure
when flowers, trees, rainbow birds
visited past autumn's hour
to gaze upon an empty feeder

a stolen picture of youth
pinned upon a naked wall
a serious face looking back
as though to say, "If I,
in morning wake, it's a good day!"

In memory of Norma Jean DeVico, Artist and good friend
bulletcookie Jan 14
it was a sniffle
three wee pigs could not ignore
wolf's moon winter blast

bulletcookie Jul 2018
Heart, be still your desire
she does not know her wait
you delay in longing hours
in consummation of this fate

each and every loving gesture
days observed of them and one
seals in searing branded texture
of a wound that rivals sun

self inflicted desolation
looking for a golden fleece
through these trials and tribulations
steeled to wander for that kiss

bulletcookie Apr 2016
Some made oft' with William's skull-
Richard's feet in shallows, grave;
forced to lay a crooked neck-knave
by Will's deliberate quill and mull.

You'd think these men of infinite rest
would sate our time to jaw-bone
about cruel pranks and kingly jests
before alls' fate to join prone.

We raise a cup to toast our dead
though throw them in like baggage
and bide through age unfinished dreads
before ourselves are fed to maggots.

bulletcookie Feb 2020
this feeling
bears no home in one thought
here in this heart it dwells
beating orchestral thunder
waiting its next tidal currents
bringing closer a stranger specter
paws impressed on deep forest moss
wandering easy with force and might
descending within a primal wilderness
jolting these foundations
in passion's yield

bulletcookie Feb 2023
No, the sun radiates
this moon bathed in light
down to despair’s depths
life survives in city’s rubble
myriad hands digging hope
hearing cries for one more day
powdered wigs, faces, clothes
dry weeping in shadows
separated by earth’s broken back
sculpting a landscape of destruction
with miles of piled masonry
under a magnifying lens of tears
hearts and minds, bulwark
against each darkness found
a swarm of humanity tunnels
saving one more precious being
gently carried into distressed search lights
and the arms of a caring world

bulletcookie Nov 2022
Please stay on the line ─
waiting, waiting, waiting
in line, in lines, on-the-line
while ...
Muzak, playing rings around
and around; a merry-go-round
of instrumental oblivion

twenty minutes times infinity
life in a bottle floating on an ocean
of numbers, rings, dial tones, silence
disembodied voices giving quarterback signals
that misdirect a defense
throwing a yellow flag of neurosis
an empty, time out, receding stare

bulletcookie Mar 9
Sane old moon, sound
rolling in the sky 'round
day or night, turns days
for all to see from before
there were eyes to wonder

Same old moon, lucid
flirting with the clouds
or crisp, a winter's golden apple
even in shadow, red & sobering
raising hair to change and howl

Plain old moon, deathless consort —

Sing joy to me of May and rose
along the tree lines shade and grove
let stride and time slow with noon sun
while hold of hands become as one
know heart and mind are with you dear
and fear us not of stone marks near
for love will steer our hearts with cheer
until the stars sleep sound wu wei

bulletcookie Mar 14
rapacious seconds
guillotined clip-thoughts stolen
filthy lucre reigns

bulletcookie Aug 2018
half-moon's amber blush
sky's heliotrope sunset
summer's burnt offer'

Northwest Fires and Smoke filled sky
bulletcookie Jan 2021
red, blue on white stars
hung, with occasional life
New Year's twist of wind

bulletcookie Sep 2016
Overflowing, this cistern holds
night rains visited on pastures
seeping into soil as greens unfold
in early morning mists and sky's azure

Rivulets weaving dowse a liquid path
on journey's slip through gravity
in stream's current with its drifting mass
of water-bug boats and smote bound propriety

bulletcookie Oct 2021
Dear MIA─
are you all-together there
in the middle meadow?
or do your legs bob down-
stream on a turbulent current?
ball blown by cannon's snort
resounding echo at gathering
triangle's bar calls to family arms
embracing memories of the missing

the dog tags wine on distant shores
scratching in the mud of our before-father
mothers in their labor fear, and loath
each forgetful life added to the toll
fenced in by limp flags near stone mounds
buried with ritual lies of nationalist hounds
each border marking a resting place
for an unknown billeted body, not there

bulletcookie Jan 2017
Invisible in a snowy owl winter storm
holiday poltergeist grasp tight; hearts, minds
feelings, sight, potent in our wild season
coming home free, mule humble

Hello old dog, cat doesn't move but tail
lights on a green pine leaning kitty-corner
some slouch on stuffed sofas sleeping
some sit on stiff cardboard carpet dreams

Bell silver rings dinner in on lace covered tables
while iron tolls ring for pennies in deep snow
silent night winds singing in tongues
lift up these spirits and toast ages told

Memories drill their custom fading holes
leaving tinsel and wand bulbs percolating
bubbles dancing in ever fevered souls
wishing for one more Yule to commemorate

bulletcookie Apr 2019
moisture swells a seed
spring breaths fresh air and pollen
humming bird still life

bulletcookie Apr 2024
Hobbler, the crow, was lame
but he had game, and props
being a few other birds, not game,
city birds, begging and scavenging
savaging, all the same road ****
chill when humans came close
they became verbose, false bravado
for weightless bags of bone and feathers
whether or not noticed, scurrying
ducking under benches, cars, then
flapping half a bird lap up, down
around the service lamps; the scamps!
Their pirate leader does its one leg hop
and one can imagine a gang plank stop
with a heave-** flank and up they rise
into the market sky and to return
short of a ****** but gang none-the-less

4/26 - NaPoWriMo - something, something, poem ...

Props - back-up, team, member droogs ...
bulletcookie Nov 2023
black urn offerings
absent colors, snow flakes, you
winter winds disperse

bulletcookie Feb 26
Last night it stormed, wind and the rain
turbulent was nature, unruly, mutinous
city sirens lurked, night sleepless as bedlam broke
nameless sounds outside the windows spoke
shadowy clouds raced around each other's skirts
buckets rattled, hedges hissed, one dog barked
restless atmospheric fingers plucked flotsam and jetsam
while the birds hunker in their bunkers made of leaves

bulletcookie Dec 2023
cloudburst from afar

umbrellas sway aloft

rivulets seek a path

river’s torrent swells

sweeps the levee

ocean depths wait

Seattle in December
bulletcookie Dec 2021
evanescent sun
vanishing into cloud's tears
winter's nostalgia

bulletcookie Nov 2020
when feelings spill free
empathy is heart's crowbar
spring breeze, pried windows

bulletcookie Dec 2023
modern human beings
"waking sleep" boiling away hope
'sati' spring's flower

bulletcookie Jan 2020
rain lines pelt a glass window
looking out to a wet asphalt street
under a gray-scale bloated sky
where clouds push and billow

winter arrived with autumn's face
sad, with eyes full of years
these winds howl a lonesome veer
where sleepless trees shed leaves

above lie stones, below is rest
as grass imbibes through root
in morning's dark or lighted night
days colors are alike

winter arrived with autumn's face
a mask now cold once warm
while ina grave of earth's embrace
lie testaments of storm

bulletcookie Nov 2021
awake, awake, the time grows near
when winter casts its net

awake, awake, this time of fear
where tyrants rule and wreck

in town and village people bear
as mud runs in the streets

our city fathers slink to lair
while villains rage and reap

awake, awake, the time is here
to hand and raise alarm

call out to heroes brave with cheer
to save good ways from harm

awake, awake, the land does roar
will make this sphere complete

our children's calls must give us cause
regain this garden sweet

bulletcookie Apr 2024
Wonder Wart-Hog succumbed to his powers,
“Was it the beer?” on his adopted planet
raised by hillbillies who were unable to eat him
As misanthropic as his neighborhood denizens
he is fated to bring swine justice, to the greater evil villains,
with his haphazard hog combat
living in a welfare toothed city scape
with broken-bottle-wielding alleyways
our superhero lumbers and snorts forward
into the breach of the seedy underbelly
of a schizoid society seeking hoodie anonymity
or zombie relief in a pick your poison age
This “Hog of Steel” though mild mannered
in his unaltered ego of Philbert DeSanex
fights for a labored truth, law and order
while delivering absurd antics on unsuspecting consumers of fascist pickles and bureaucratic saltines

4/23- NaPoWriMo - write a poem about, or involving, a superhero, taking your inspiration from these four poems in which Lucille Clifton addresses Clark Kent/Superman.

Wonder Wart-Hog - circa 1962 by Gilbert Shelton
bulletcookie Dec 2024
It's a gallop, repeating rhythm
a voice singing moog music
swing in the bone marrow
smile is not optional, natural
gravitationally grabbing near bodies
for the dance to come

bulletcookie Feb 2019
there is a feeling of depth
found in a rocking row boat
hinting at a bottomless sea
where the unspeakable squirms
and light is a lure into stalactite teeth

consumed and digested by stillness
thought's bubbles emerge to rise
decompress on their upward journey
and break that surface once more
where we float as wet oars push on

bulletcookie Dec 2024
long leaves green, yellow

curl, spiral on wind to land

an idle rake waits

bulletcookie Mar 11
donald, elon funk
ride on funny creature's trunk
fascicles bear fascists

bulletcookie Dec 2024
Approaching low these frothy ancient walls
this wooden haul goes groan in hesitation
plays sunken sounds abaft of sodden planks
against wet, wind whipped sheets, slippery rope

Pilot eyes a narrow channel to this coffin's drift
a wheel in fate's hand, spun for all hands deck
one cold sea surge, after another, vaults over
sailor's gritting teeth with sea tears on pale cheeks

Fathoms drowned, as currents swell in rhythmic dance
Davy Jones awaits for those to decompose by chance
a gold doblón, a flipped up sueño, when maelstrom ends
drifting in lines of seaweed lime, or port of heart's content

bulletcookie Oct 2016
A bell hangs freely from a belt loop ring, stone within, spheres of music resonating deep into a forest ear echo, oscillating into solemn moments of moss and salal ravine's silence, followed by silence, as a fading Doppler effect withdraws into pine trees, taut web threads, sympathetic, vibration's fingers tingling a spider's meditative bewilderment as this wave unfolds through each wooden nook giving way to currents of scented sound having touched glen's fragrance and paw print wells of dew.

bulletcookie Oct 2021
the rustling of the yellow leaves
tug upon the branches
bending trees that yaw and weave
high above the benches

the outlook waters roll and dip
to sculpting hands of air
there ducks that float like sailing ships
with backs that show no care

sitting, mulling near this shore
in chatty wind's discourse
cumulus thoughts of nature's tense
absolves the bonds of sense

bulletcookie Feb 7
Valentines of cut paper and watercolor dyes
exchange hands, hearts and their twinkling eyes
red flowers hanging  on wooden rails
green carpets of grasses lay furrowed in fields
a sun in corner of card with a smile
its beams dancing lightly, quantum in style
sweet candy with brief love proclamations
a legion of animals like flirting crustaceans
all for the aim of an arrow from Cupid
although some would say, 'be less stupid'
grab that brass ring, now tendered as sweetheart
and give that 'one kiss' that sets both your cartes

bulletcookie Oct 2024
again and again
the, Thy, story does not end

I watch the people come and go
near lake's hidden lilys, again and again

fiddle like winds play a tumbling riddle
brown leaf ghosts dance music eternal

distant wild cactus flowers crack open
like Rumi's heart, a sacred mystery of love

where wind chimes sound good bye
and Theseus' ship still sails, by and by

Passing of a friend
bulletcookie Aug 2016
Walking the dog
is more than a yo-yo trick-
More than a water-logged stick
thrown far into a steel colored lake
Watching as a circling hound
paddling *******, as it wakes
intent legs cycling beneath surface tensions
not far removed from floating penchant
tries to suss out submerged desires
jettison old interest in new branch
mesmerized by miraculous hand magic
amending a perplexed carte blanche
turning in furtive swim back to shore
and wringing out a backbone shake
honest eyed and loyal told
mute but for a movement's bent arch

bulletcookie Dec 2024
Jupiter's lantern
mindful of infinity
across time's darkness

bulletcookie Feb 2023
porch light ignites night
yellow eyes stare, darkness flees
tail flicks bid adieu

bulletcookie Jan 2024
she was a flower in bloom
gracing the noon day sun
both golden, as one

a cardinal vision, to one
captivated by her sight
to spiral in vertigo and swoon

as beauty was singular in this
all indications would lead to a kiss
in endless harmony and bliss

forces beyond their control
possessed their love to unfold
in the fullness of life’s country road

stirred coffee and cream do swirl
as they danced to a yin and yang world
then one last kiss for his breathless girl

bulletcookie Mar 2024
you carry old baggage in straight suitcases
full of contrition’s contractions, each rosary bead spent
dragging sorrowful daggers of spite
pity self-pity’s pity, no others or places

killing softly with words, not deeds
psychic murders in poesy lines
each keystroke a slasher’s razor bleeds
disregarding tender hearts and rhyme

history’s ink well spill on your page
born-out to suffer blue outrage
sworn blind with fear of life’s gift
unwilling grace to heal this rift

bulletcookie Mar 15
row together row
as you all row together
sing row along song

bulletcookie May 2019
left the water running
a slippage of the mind
how long it ran through plumbing
quizzed a liquid block of time

how swift the thought had faded
with fluid cascade views
of an otherness that waded
into ponds of current muse

as a conversation bubbled
and the tangents went astray
leading to the very bobble
that forgetfulness betrayed

bulletcookie Aug 2016
What's in that eye's allure?
As yours ask, come closer
Lo! brushing lips insure
a kiss, sweet in-form her
stronger feelings attest
there is life in this love
absolute heart's tight chest
spellbound, courting foxglove
In those eyes a fissure
each pupil dilates
no rope cleft, he falls sure
blind and stutters, awaits
passion's reckless stumble
into arms, legs, embrace
whispers roll and tumble
thoughtful in interlace
apace, evening lingers
fingers locked in fingers

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