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 Sep 2013 Bryce K
Green light fills the air,
Birds are flying without a care,
Palm trees are growing;
And through the air a soft breeze is blowing.
Sunrays slant across the waterfall,
Palm trees are standing tall,
Little becks of water flow off to the side;
Of the waterfall beautiful and wide.
A fallen tree bends over the water,
A bird of white flies over the water,
A dolphin jumps up from pool;
The tropical breezes did my face cool.
Beautiful flowers and plants grow beside the beautiful waterfalls,
And thick hunter moss grows around the waterfall,
Other dolphins and fishes swim under the water beautifully;
This is such a beautiful place to see.
Some beautiful plants and flowers grow under the water,
Beautiful mists shine across the waters,
The sweet breezes did my face cool;
At this beautiful place called Enchanted Pool.

 Sep 2013 Bryce K
The moon's rays shine under the ocean,
The beautiful blue waves are in motion,
There is a full moon tonight;
And it is shining beautiful and bright.
The beautiful fishes are swimming under the ocean,
Listen to the sound of the ocean,
All kinds of ocean plants are growing under the waves;
I love the moonlit rays.
There's only a slight sunset in the sky,
A shooting star falls from way up high,
Little twinkling stars light the dark sky;
It is so beautiful I begin to cry.
Oh I love this enchanting scene,
Everything is so beautiful just like a dream,
This place is beautiful beyond belief;
This beautiful place called Dolphin Reef.

 Sep 2013 Bryce K
The beautiful snow-covered mountains are rocky and high,
I do so love the sapphire sky,
Beautiful fir trees are scattered here and there;
I love the cool, crisp mountain air.
A beautiful gushing waterfall,
Provides cool bubbling water for all,
Logs and rocks lay across the stream;
This place seems so much like a majestic dream.
I love this beautiful serenity,
Singing a song of nature's harmony,
I love the bright sunshine and tall grass;
I love the way the stream doth ripple and dance.
I love the beautiful bushes and yellow-green grass,
I must cross this creek to pass,
But before I begin my journey on my horse along with my donkey again;
I'm going to sit here a few minutes just Taking It In.

 Sep 2013 Bryce K
 Sep 2013 Bryce K
I cannot begin to describe
The thoughts that go through my mind
When  I think of you.
You make me think of things
I haven't thought about since I was six,
And it's like you know what
Thoughts I will think tomorrow.
 Sep 2013 Bryce K
She holds living animals in her arms,
And when winter comes she keeps them warm,
She is Nature's Woman, a woman beautiful and lovely;
She is such a blessing to me.
She is kind to all living things,
And has such a beautiful heart that sings,
Her heart is a tapestry of love;
And she is sent down from God above.
She always is kind and sweet,
Her beauty I always greet,
I thank God for creating such a lovely lady;
On and on her beauty shines in the forest shady.
She plays upon a piano that sings,
And all throughout the forest her melody rings,
She is the sweetest lady ever;
And I will love her forever.

This is dedicated to my Mom with love!! :) <3
I hope she enjoys this!! ;) ~<3
 Sep 2013 Bryce K
She enchants all the butterflies to be around her beauty,
She is a maiden beautiful and lovely,
I just love her stained-glass wings;
And her heart that forever sings.
All the butterflies come dancing into her cave,
Because she is always sweet and brave,
With gentle hands she strokes their wings;
Calming them by the songs she sings.
And even though they take wings and fly away from her cave,
They come back to visit her because she is pretty and brave,
With a gentle voice she bids them goodbye;
And watches them fly away into the sky.
After a few days them come back to her cave dancing as they come,
After awhile they fly away and are gone,
This maiden is the sweetest maiden ever;
And I shall admire her and love her forever!

Another poem dedicated to my Mom, of course!! :)
I hope she enjoys it!! :) ~<3
 Sep 2013 Bryce K
Nature Boy
 Sep 2013 Bryce K
All of the forest animals come up to him,
He is never ever grim,
Sunrays flood the forest where he sits;
His world is such harmony and bliss.
The birds to him sing songs,
Just for him all day long,
His is Nature's Boy;
Filling my world with joy.
He is the sweetest boy ever,
And I will love him forever,
All of the insects sing songs just for him;
And say. . .You've guessed it! This boy's name is Tim!

This is dedicated to my Dad Timothy!! :) ~<3
I love him with all my heart! :)
I hope he enjoys it!! :) ~<3
 Sep 2013 Bryce K
Kate Little
Luscious cool shelter
Shrill calls of whipbirds echo
Em'rald fans quiver
Tears of the tempest gather
Falling with unending life
© Words by K A Little
All Rights Reserved
 Sep 2013 Bryce K
JK Cabresos
fly into the clouds
along the wind and the birds
find her, my lover
she left me wounded, speechless
hope she can read your sweet words
My first TANKA. :)

All Rights Reserved © 2013
 Sep 2013 Bryce K
There is a deer standing in the moonlight beside a fir tree,
This is a beautiful place to see,
I love this place so;
The beautiful lake and the mountain covered with snow.
The moonlight ripples on the stream,
Everything seems to be a dazzling dream,
Beautiful clouds drift across the night sky;
The moon smiles from way up high.
Tiny breezes blow softly,
The stream flows quietly,
The moonlight ripples on the stream;
And everything is a like a dream.

Probably not one of my best poems!!!
I hope it sounds okay, my friends!! :) ~<3
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