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Brown Suga Jul 2014
Forever lasting pain and blood spilled on a silent corpse gasping for breath, a zombie among mankind, a parasite of the world with a flesh eating virus, making it's way to the organs the heart, screaming for escape, pumping to survive, the veins ice and freeze, no blood flow, silent screams echo through the long dark halls of wonderland, the mystery that cascades through the fog of reason, pity escapes the leashes of it's captures and attacks the confidence of the silent dying bird, never to fly, never to breathe, never to squeak again.
Brown Suga Apr 2014
As I try to shield myself from the beast of civilization, the cold hearted bleeding dagger protruding through the back of America, that filthy, filthy, king of darkness swallowing the minds and dissecting the thoughts of the youth, the raging zombie in the form of love. So I tried. Beauty claim the beast as it was written and saw the true face of Frankenstein. What a soft timid thing, similar to me. Dare I try? ***** the breast and taste the flesh of the raw meat. Something new, something sweet, something just like me. Beauty tamed the beast and so the face was revealed.
Brown Suga Mar 2014
Darkness surrounds the deep ocean of eyes, a show for the weak in which power is displayed for the enjoyment of all. Pain as a sound of laughter screaming through the halls of terror, closing in and locking the free soul into a prison of love. Pink bars and gold locks. The taste of it all, the bitter bite of blood rotting in the corpse of the perfect host. Anger deep inside consumes the cages while organs rattle and beg for forgiveness. The smoke getting heavier and the vision became foggy. Oh how the mighty have fallen and the taste has spoiled. Who wouldve thought a fruit from the tree of paradise could cast poison onto the awaiting queen. The sparkles fade from her and her eyes roll into spikes stained with ****** love. Blinded and misguided the eyes drop. The soul crawls to the forgotten circles only to be unaware of sound. Deaf. Deaf to reason and purpose so the skeleton crawled. Screams and shouts of the subconscious chanting Reveal thyself do not **** thyself. Bleed tears and smell the fears. Shake. Shake with terror and look upon the horror of the flesh. Rotten to the core and pink with need. Thy sweet pearl has started to form, thy sweet center ready to rain. Let the skin cascade over the bones, let the skeleton crawl out the closet. Watch as the color darkens and the corpse remain empty. Watch. Watch the beautiful curves of the horizon as you hope to kiss the bud. Blossom. Rise my flower for you must no longer crawl. Cry my beloved because your soul is lost to all.
Brown Suga Sep 2013
Just stroke my hair and tell me I'm beautiful hold me tight and never let go squeeze my body and let the demons ease from my mind kiss my lips and let the *** explore my thoughts grab me up and feel my body tremble get creative with your hands and watch me explode whisper sweet and ***** things to me watch my eyes roll back in appreciation love me as you make love to me get wild with me as you dream of putting a baby in me get close and go deep and watch my knees grow weak ill meet you at the finish line it'll be a tie only love in the air as our bodies give way and collide.
Brown Suga Jul 2013
If this is the end let me press rewind if this is the end give me a ounce of more time if this is it dont say I didn't love you if this is it just know I put nobody above you.
Brown Suga Jul 2013

... Is like a hospital full of sick doctors. Or a plane with a blind pilot. Like a butterfly with no wings. Like choosing love over war. That ***** complicated and **** near impossible. It's just a fraction of the truth. Life is hell.
Brown Suga Jun 2013
The sound of my pain whips my emotions as if it were the devils laughter there is no love in my heart nor any regret I don't regret loving you I only look down upon my existence because to exist in a world with you is chaos to breathe your air is poison to look at you and still feel my emotions running deep is a pain all on its own if only I could end you like you ended me if only I had the strength to break free if only I could see that you were never suppose to be part of me if only I could just be free.
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