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 Mar 2016 Wanderer
Anger builds, like a fire
Neglected flames only grow higher
In the heart, the intention burns
Making smoke with dark concerns
Undulating through and through
Scorching only, the inside of you
Animus is a word with the same meaning as animosity. Harboring animosity only hurts the one who harbors it.
 Mar 2016 Wanderer
 Mar 2016 Wanderer
You're graceful
And I know that you say that your shower
curtain is your biggest fan,
but I think I'm slowly becoming
your biggest fan instead.
I bet your voice reflects your soul-
tinted glass.
I wrap myself up at night
with thoughts of you.
And maybe I shouldn't be saying this,
but some things are too hopeless
to not be expressed.
You are beautiful in your everyday way of being.
Your language and expression
are artistic,
and I often catch myself thinking of you.
Even when I'm fairly certain,
you're not thinking of me.
I bet the dark countryside is jealous
of your enrapturing beauty,
and I'm sure that when I'm looking at the moon,
I can feel the presence of your soul.
I wait until the sun rises, and I bask in its warmth,
to remind me of the way
you make me feel.
 Mar 2016 Wanderer
SG Holter
An Ode to the Sun

The Mark of Cain upon my every
Detail as I gaze across
The plains, and in the pain beneath
The snow I know the spring

That was -but died again- is waiting
Still, until the winter loses will
To stay, and eases grip to let the
Little things come out and play.

The Mark of Cain, the Curse of Cold,
This winter's getting far too old,
And frozen things all long for heat;  
To feel that heart above them beat.

But see, the clouds are parting now,
The Heart of Sky is high, and how
Its beams, it seems, are rays of gold;
A force to melt, and even scold

That old, tenacious ghost of white
And chase it off into a night that has
Been dark as Death for months,
But now is light with Life for once.

The Mark of Cain I shed like skin,
I too have leaves that rest within.  
Spring, so faint a sigh, now calls:   
Heart of Sky, I feel thy pulse!
 Mar 2016 Wanderer
Same Soul
 Mar 2016 Wanderer
It's like I've known you my whole life.
I can feel your soul,
and when you are next to me
the moment seems incredibly
Do you feel it?
 Mar 2016 Wanderer
dan Lehrman
Since when
Do I reach an age
Can I write to strangers
Across the miles
While living in near luxury
While limbs are torn
Heads are severed
Women are *****
Children  removed from their parents
Forced to drink filthy water
Scrounging in the dirt
With muddied tears
Since when have these deeds gone on?
Before letters, scripts, shrouds, and candles
Since the light appeared
That, is since when.

Spontaneous text.. Dan Lehrman MSW
 Mar 2016 Wanderer
I still think about you all the time-
your perfect features and graceful soul.
Your absence and emptiness
leaves me full.
 Mar 2016 Wanderer
SG Holter
Infatuation. Deep devotion.
Skin on skin, fingers on lips
Find teeth, find tongue.
Scent of perfumed lotion,

Whisper woman, cry more,
Hands refusing to untangle
Hands on neck, but not to strangle
More than just a little.

Infatuation. Deep devotion.
Nails in skin. Mouth to shoulder.
An emotional explosion in
Slow motion.
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