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Arik Fletcher
I was born in 1984 in Harare, Zimbabwe. I left High School at the age of 15 when my family emmigrated to the United Kingdom ...
Sierra Martin
20/F/Texas    I would like to dedicate my poetry to my amazing grandmother, Betty Adams. Without her support I would not be the person or the poet ...
Erica Chen
San Francisco    poet. pianist. indie filmmaker. tea. seaside. san francisco. like the bird that thrives in the panic of the woods, i dream in colours. it didn't ...
37/F/Sweden    I like playing with words and different languages. I think poems should be funny/ beautiful/ cutting/ sad/ memorable/ personal... not all at once and not ...
Wales    I'm a 25 year old welsh musician/song writer and occasional poet.
I'm an old-school, pre-web published poet, painter and arts promoter. My background in the arts are eclectic -from the visual arts, classical music, opera, theatre ...
Ryan Bowdish
Seattle, WA    Loneliness is great for life lessons... But it's not what life is for. I'd like to give myself to you, In a way that you ...
"Blessed are they who see beautiful things in humble places where other people see nothing." - Camille Pissarro I write - and so do you. ...
I rap, I write, I rhyme, I do 'em at the same time...
California    I'll see you in my dreams.
I'm Ben. I play piano and write, sing and listen to beautiful music. I will make a difference one day. My best friend in the ...
Writing poems is the one thread stringing together my crazy-quilt life: medical lab technician, pharmacy technician, private music instructor, administrative assistant (argh!), graphic design, and ...

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