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 Apr 2013 Brandi
Anna King
 Apr 2013 Brandi
Anna King
it's funny
well, funny's not the right word,
it's quite sad actually, how you can just walk by
a little store once visited together
or come across a secret note
written for your eyes only
just anything filled with sweet, perfect memories,
and suddenly you are expected
to just forget
you know?
to just **** it up and deal with it because
it's not supposed to be important anymore.
if you broke down and, god forbid, cried a little
like your heart wants to do
people would stare at you and wonder
why you haven't moved on yet.
there are so many expectations but
it is really easy for someone to just come along
and make these really difficult to meet.
you know?
 Apr 2013 Brandi
Jase Roessler
I go day by day trying to please the people around me,
But what is it for,
So they won’t criticize me and put me down,
Or is it to fulfill a deeper subconscious need of approval.
I don’t understand why I must do these things for other people,
I always say I am going to live my life for myself and nobody else.
Judgment is without a doubt one of this world’s biggest fear,
Because judgment means failure,
And failure means to be a social pariah.
Does the outcast have the group of friends that will accept him for what he does and who he is?
Nobody wants to be left behind and spend his or her life alone.
But in reality we are never alone, we are with the greatest friend of all.
The only person that I should have a need of approval from
Is God
And due to the paradigm that our society is in now,
To only accept judgment from God is an option that few people accept.
We must fit in and conform to the social norms to prevent us from becoming outcasts.
What has happened to humanity?
Putting down anybody that is different from everybody else.
I preach this message but I fail to follow it as well.
We pass judgment to cover up our own flaws.
The flaws that we live with everyday make us vulnerable,
And vulnerability means that we are not as perfect as our peers may think,
But I am trying to wrap this idea around my head that vulnerability shouldn’t be a tool for others to persecute,
It should be used to grow strong from and build that relationship with the one true friend that everyone has.
The problem for many people have is with letting God into their hearts and letting him witness their vulnerabilities.
The mask we wear for the people around
Does not give rest to our soul when we are deep in the ground.
I challenge the people to live one day for them.
Do not allow anyone to persecute their actions or judge their life.
Because in the end,
The individual is all that matters.
 Apr 2013 Brandi
 Apr 2013 Brandi
I noticed you
                        Haven't said sorry.
 Apr 2013 Brandi
I know I've been telling you
that I'm ready for it,
that he's my true love
and I wouldn't want it
with anyone else.

(but maybe I'm
not ready)

I keep thinking of ***
and what it really means.
how it's not just about
having fun
or feeling good

You have to feel it
inside of you:
in your heart
and bones
and veins
and soul.

You have to be confident
that that's what you really want,
and that you want to be
with that person forever.

(This, I don't doubt;
I love him with all my heart)

But what scares me the most
is how he'll react to my body:

The body i find imperfect,
with so many flaws
it's easy to lose track.
Too-large *******,
Not skinny enough,
or that birthmark
on my right thigh.

What will he think
once he sees this?
This shame of a body?

Will he run and hide
in fear?
Tell me how disgusting
I am?

In my mind, i know
he won't do those things.
But I can't help

but fear
the worst
because of what my own
and lack of confidence
has done to me

 Apr 2013 Brandi
 Apr 2013 Brandi
I don't know how to say this,
the words walking through my mind.
I can't put what is on the heart onto a paper,
the sentence I can't find,
for the feelings deep inside my heart.
I pray to god for the right words to tell you,
how much I have fallen in love.
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