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 Oct 2013 fire in her eyes
First, She belonged to her father
She belonged to her husband next
When She finally belonged to the earth
Did She realize --
All along, She belonged to Herself
 Oct 2013 fire in her eyes
Show me
That you crave
That you need
More than just the air you breathe
That you feel
That you see
The world in all its brilliant color
That you want
That you dream
'Cuz life is crazy pointless things
That you hurt
That you bleed
Show me that you still believe
Promise me
Lie with intent
To love eternity.

Feign the strength of
A god,
Hold the weakness of
A mortal.

Never let “love” slip
From this deep caress;
Not a glance be remiss
From the touch of affection.

Let our souls portray
Light, in the darkness.
 Oct 2013 fire in her eyes
I feel like no matter how close we get
You're still so out of reach
15 words.
Feeling discouraged.

© Peyton 2013
 Oct 2013 fire in her eyes
My dearest,
how I've missed you
and how I've dreamed
of us
I remember those old times
when we used to make
plans about our future
and would
for being so
and then you grew
and I grew
and we grew
 Oct 2013 fire in her eyes
I bought
her love from
the second hand shop
it was a little patched
and a little worn
but it fit me like
a glove
and never
have I been so comfortable.

— The End —