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"I've never been in love," you said,
one night when I shouldn't
have been talking to you at all.

                 "Yeah, I don't think I have either"
                           was all I could think to say.

  But under the stars
in the place we called ours
        there wasn't anywhere else
             I'd ever have wanted to be.

And I know my pulse quickened
        because I could feel it moving
   on the tips of my fingers
        where my hand met yours.

When you looked me in the eyes that night,
                    I hope you could tell
                    I was lying.
 Nov 2013 fire in her eyes
I dreamed of you all day today.
Like a ghost
Your faint whispers
and grace
floating through my
I swear that I could see you
out of the corner of my eye
but when I'd look
you were gone
I knew you were among the stars
seeming so randomly placed
but in perfect position
as though they were chosen
by some great artist
as you fill my night sky
I can feel you
as tangible as mist
all that I can see
all that I can think of
surrounding me
but every attempt I make
to grasp you and hold you
escapes me
and slides through my fingers.
as every night,
I will wait for you
and hope that it rains.
 Nov 2013 fire in her eyes
I remember well the day you died
I saw my glimmer leave your eye
The room went cold
Your heart went dry
We waited years to say goodbye
 Nov 2013 fire in her eyes
Life is but this fleeting moment
There it goes again
 Nov 2013 fire in her eyes
In the darkness
I can be anyone
Close your eyes
Dream with me

Let's pretend
For one beautiful moment
We are what we need
Each other to see

Now she's not gone
I feel her beside me
The warmth of her body
This ghost in the night

And for one fleeting blink
These eyes may be blind
But this heart is not broken
Until morning's light
Raw emotion does not die with a person
Flesh rots
Bones decay
But feelings always linger and remain
Placid inside
i still remember lots of things about you
our first kiss
was in my bathroom
in the dark
we bumped noses.
© Alysia Michelle
 Oct 2013 fire in her eyes
What's my name
My distilled essence
A bag of meat
Or something endless
A card with a number
Someone's dream
A reflected face
A thought, unclean
The sum of parts
A point of view
Or am I just
A half of you
 Oct 2013 fire in her eyes
Sitting here alone
Across from you
It brings me back
To our shared delusion

A hazy dream
Of bodies intertwined
No longer adrift
An anchor in this turbulent ocean

But yesterday's gone
Words have run dry
The distance between us
Is more than this room

Daylight bares all
In naked clarity
Pleasures and fantasies
Are marched to their doom
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