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 Feb 2014 Trader Tim
 Feb 2014 Trader Tim
I used to think foolishly think 11 was late.

Now, I close my eyelids at 12 when the skies are dotted with
stars and little dreams.
Letting the day's memories, melded with the rhapsodic dust motes of the past,
gently sewing them.

In the backwards of time, I used to think love had a limit.

A misconstrued and misunderstood thing.

Silly me,
now I have
Oh, it's February 14th?
Hah! I love you everyday. :')
Alright, with all cheesy jokes aside, I hope you had a lovely day.
Oh, I discovered little nonsensical writings that I have forgotten that I've even written.
So, I cannot wait to share them with you, you and you!
Good morning, Good Afternoon Sunshine or Good Night where-ever you are.
It Is When I Think Of Summer,
You Find Your Way Inside My Mind,
It Is When I Think Of Soft Rain,
I Remember Your Sweet Blue Eyes,
It Is When I Think Of The Sun,
It Is When I See The Stars,
It Is When I Hear Birds Singing,
I Remember I Still Love You
I Still Love You.

Happy Valentines Day.
 Feb 2014 Trader Tim
She finally broke
With sobbing tears of youth
The lesson learned
Never tell the truth

In a desperate display of despair
Her development arrested there...
That part of her regressed to child
She forgets about life for a while.

She cuts her body
in order to  
Hide emotional pain
Invisible now
those issues that remain

She's the one
with heart undone
Emotionally blind
and on the run
Pretending to be unaware
And so I bear her worry
Because I care...
 Feb 2014 Trader Tim
I have a desire to be free in ways that would destroy me, in ways that aren't accepted in this world. I have a need to be free in ways that don't even exist, from things that are such parts of my continued existence as a being that to get what I need would be to cease. I am a lover who has found nothing to take the love I have. I cannot stand to be near anyone, but I crave closeness in such a desperate, painful way that it controls me. I am a logical, orderly, sound, carefully crafted mind, trapped inside the chaos of a soul that I cannot be sure was ever made to withstand the kind of feelings it itself produces constantly. Without the handicap of my humanity, I would be free, disentangled from this web of useless little things I care about. The one that trusses up my legs and trips me and no matter how I try to find the pattern in it, reason has no power against this trap. Power has no power against this snare. I can solve anything, escape anything, survive anything, disassemble anything. But I can't solve myself. And I feel like a wasted opportunity, a consciousness that maybe COULD actually do something meaningful, tragically held back by the hitchhiker of a soul that has come along for the ride to slash the tires. I want to be free of impossible things. But I am an impossible thing, and every morning I wake up and the little part of me that knows things whispers, "You will never be free." What a way to start the day.
 Feb 2014 Trader Tim
Freedom enlightens
the chains on our souls
 Feb 2014 Trader Tim
for weeks, I believed
there were field mice scurrying under my skin
and dust from their toenails gave
me a cutting cough
as if they had been walking
on hateful words written in chalk

but it was you,
my body treated you like *****.

after I lost you, I grew a second layer of flesh
that covered your face,
a white towel, the white flag of peace
I already saw you in pieces.

nobody could have given you
a better funeral
than my swiss army knife and I

its blade wrote your would-be name where
you never got to touch
so maybe
bacteria would crawl inside
and I could still believe in the mice.
I wouldn't call this one finished yet.
you can feel the silence
the weight of the quietness in the room
the incurable ringing in your ears

you can feel the cold
seeping into all corners
of the room
of you
there is never a contenting lack of warmth
that can match the lukewarm feeling
of the blood wrongly pulsing through your veins
emitted from a self loathing heart
as the air settles it offers
the sensation of an uncountable amount needles
being evening sunken into your skin

the february night offers you no consolation
so you remain still
begging to hear
the whisper of the trees
as if they can find  some words
to leave you with an impression
that will make you to love yourself

there is a haunting truth
no one will
pick you up from the freezing floor
no one is creeping silently up the stairs
to tuck you into your bed
no one knows
that you suffer

you wonder
is their anyone in the world,
who maybe feels the same
mixed up emptiness
that you do?
who lusts to lay against you
to mend the heartbreak swelling in your chest
to soak the misery from your bones

you hope silently
in the bitterness of the night
that somebody does
the window was open
 Feb 2014 Trader Tim
 Feb 2014 Trader Tim
I dreamt of all the friends I've been missing
The ones I couldn't stop
from getting swallowed
by the sand
from the hour glass
sitting at the edge of
my dresser
The ones that became
victims of my endless hours
of essays and double shifts
The ones who sent text messages
that got swept beneath emails
from professors and managers
The ones who dialed my number
while I was in the shower
too many times in a row
and gave up
before I could answer
The ones who knocked
on my door while I
was away

The ones who will always
smell like summer
when I think of them
And the ones who will
always have a locker combination
in my memory

I dreamt of their hands
on my shoulders
and their laughter
warming the cool air
around me

But I woke up

in my bed

All alone

in my own home

Feeling terribly

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