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i wish we could drop acid
on a rolling hill like earthly ocean
summer breeze swiftly rocking
us back and forth in the
twisting realities, and
folding, condensing, expanding
visions, exploding in our
open, wide eyes.

i wish i could kiss you
and feel flowers grow from
your lips,
my ******* turning into
opening roses
soft and voluptuous under your
persistent hands.

get grass in my hair,
and count each and every one of the
angrily pulsating stars above us
as we lay naked somewhere
where reality can't breach.

let me comfortably say after
that i have lost my virginity;

because it'll be the first time i've ever
made love to a god.
it's sort of funny how i can bang you like
a frying pan to the head
and *** all your cigarettes
until your pockets are empty
and so is the bed

i'll want to know what kissing the
boy who lives next door
with the green eyes
feels like too
it has been four months
one week
one day
and five and half hours
since the last time
I saw you
I hugged you good bye
you tugged gently at my bright blue sweatshirt
I imagined that to be your plea for me to stay
You said "I'll talk to you"
I held back tears
as I climbed into a car filled with unapproving stares
I spent twelve hours on a bus
thinking that what went wrong was
but that what went right was
I spent the next
four months
one week
one day
and five and a half hours
trying not to.
 Feb 2014 Trader Tim
Olivia Kent
Violence grabbed me, pushed me around, assaulted my ears.
You made me crazy.
Staggered up in a blind rage.
Decided to put an end, to this vile situation.
Left it intensive care, the ****** alarm that got in my hair.
Terminated its existence, for a little while.
Gave it a shock of CPR, I charged it up again.
Tomorrow, cosset it I shall.
For it will be my day off and a good rest one and all!
The first poem on my new machine x
 Feb 2014 Trader Tim
Micheal Wolf
Tap dance for me on the hands of a clock
Hold back time "oh don't step off!"
Tango with me till the end of time
Haven't I already heard that line?
Run with me until your heart pounds
Then collapse upon the ground
Run fingers through my greying her
Tell me you will always care
leave footprints in wet sand
As we walk holding hands
Be all the thinks that you have dreamed
But most of all be here with me
FOR M and L
good luck
 Feb 2014 Trader Tim
Once again the light of day shines forth
and the darkness of dreams subside
Sober thoughts embrace the moment
As I reach for my stable lost mind

Oh to be young again whisper my inner child
To deprive this nature of life so vile
As the thought slips away I sadly smile
I ponder the day, so many more miles

To be with you my body sustains
To share but a moment a fire remains
Intact are the memories imprinted on our soul
Into the nether our spirits shall flow...
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