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Two Words

Wolves howl
cats meow
people prowl.
Cigarette smoke
Facebook poke
me broke.
Blonde hair
blank stare
better beware.
Phone rings,
bee stings
needless things.
Darkened rooms
evil looms
life zooms.
Authors write
feeling light
future bright.
Forget past
never last
happens fast.
Bloods red,
damaged head
you're dead.
people going mad telephones there hacking
all along coast they want to do some fracking
looking for some gas all along the shore
disturbing all the sea life like they did before
they dont seem to care about the consequence
public up in arms feelings so intense
anti fracking groups with there protest fight
fighting for there cause and what they think is right
why cant the frackers go and be fracking free
and  leave the place forever and give us back our sea
Nothing shines quite  as bright
Than your eyes
In the moonlight.

Your heart,
It beats to the rhythm
Of our love.

The sunrise,
Is nothing compared
To your everlasting beauty.

Your soul,
Is more trusting
Than the love from
A mother.

You're absolutely everything
To me in this harsh,
Harsh world.

Please don't leave me,
Because all I need
Is you.
A thousand years have passed
and I still remember our first dance
under the blue and grey disco lights

you stood there holding me, ever so tight
like everything was perfect
and just right

you didn't dance very well
but that isn't relevant
because I know your heart was present

every step you took
was like a walk on the moon
so historical
so memorial

A thousand years have passed
and I still remember that dance <3
@Copyright Kaitlyn Maire
Can you see my tears?
Welling behind hot and swollen eyes
They push and ****, hoping to escape
But I will not let them.
They are eager little monsters
And it takes all of my strength not to burst.

Can you hear my screams?
In the middle of the night
After drunken decisions
And hungover memories
That's when my flashbacks hit the hardest.
So, I shriek
But it falls on deaf ears
They either are not audible
Or people choose to overlook my
Lonely disposition.

Can you ******* air?
It is creeping and crawling
Drenched in sweat.
Salty and metallic flavors collide inside my mouth
As if some sort of blood began to flow
In one place that I wish it would not.

Can you smell my fear?
They say in dogs it reeks
A certain poignant stink.
In me, what is the scent?
Does it seep through my skin
And secrete out of my pores?
I feel myself trembling
I am not able to escape.

Can you feel my pain?
I want to send you signals
Tell you I am not okay
Or am I okay?
I just want to know
I just want to hold on a little longer
I just want you to notice
Please tell me, just once,
"We can talk if you want to."
And mean it.

They cannot see these
Classic and obvious signs.
They do not know.
They do not care
They do not  **listen.
 Feb 2014 Trader Tim
 Feb 2014 Trader Tim


A mere *wIncE
deals a fatal blow
they always ask
"why regret something you once wanted?"
but if I had known
what I know now
I never would have wanted it
in the first place
although that is a lie
if I had known
what I know now
I would still want you, madly
immediately and forever
such a shame
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