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life is like a clock it can change the times
seconds tick away and hours give there chimes
travels round and round as in life we do
hours in to days that we must get through
ticks away so slowly ticking time away
life is like a clock it changes everyday
oh sorry
don't let the flames burn you
for all the ***** deeds you've done in your life
oops, not again
shouldn't of let the dragons out
they are hungry for flesh
come this way
here's where we'll lay you to rest
no food no air
nothing there
but the regrets you hold
the lies you've told
let me know if you need anything
and oh yeah
welcome to **Hell!
@Copyright Kaitlyn Marie

y o u r s e l f,
 Feb 2014 Trader Tim
I want to brush my teeth until my mouth forgets your name
and I know I shouldn’t feel the way I do

and I’m sitting by my phone waiting for it to ring
I’ve been here for three hours and nothing yet

I’m painting my nails purple in hopes of brightening
my ever decreasing levels in spirit

you want to know how I got these scars?

I fought a few demons
and i got locked in my closet with your skeletons as well as mine

you know you make my eyes burn

and I’ll never let anyone break me

I tried to poison your pictures

I stuck pins in a doll I made of you

I don’t want to be my mother and sit in my room on Sundays
with the door shut and blinds drawn
and use a headache as excuse of heartbreak
there was a ******* cat and he just longed to be
a pirate on the ocean sailing on the sea
with his pirate ship and his pirate hat
and a ******* patch a proper pirate cat
he started on his journey across the oceans blue
hoping to find treasure in lands he never knew
he came across an island and he rowed a shore
there were lots of things he never saw before
he took a look around to see if he could see
if there was a a place where treasure just might be
suddenly a parrot come flying from and a tree
then he said to cat just you follow me
cat he followed parrot along the island shore
they walked for a while then a little more
then they saw a box buried in the  the sand
cat began to dig and parrot gave an hand
they dug out the box the treasure been found
opened up the lid and and had a search around
there were lots coins and some golden rings
goblets made of silver and lots of other things
cat was very happy his dream it had come you
now he was a pirate and had a parrot to
 Feb 2014 Trader Tim
heart pounds like crashing thunder
at the mere thought of the idea
blood burns hot
and time stretches through space
our eyes meet...again
and steam fills the air
a quick lean without a flinch
and electricity breathes life
into a wink and a nod
and the nerves rise
a smile, and blood rushes to the surface
hands gracefully glide over flesh
chain reactions need no words
a gasp and a sigh
attest unspoken passion
lips meet and sparks fly
as breath is stolen, so is a kiss
then so is one more
dancing tongues and fireworks
synergy and floods
blood drains to fill
and fills to feel
the heat rises
taking with it the knowledge
that tomorrow is when "never" comes
i saw a firefly while walking in the park
underneath the moonlight glowing in the dark
like a neon light flying in the night
glowing like a star shining very bright
it made me feel so peaceful such a lovely sight
fill me up with joy and brought me such delight
flying round the flowers its colors all aglow
clearly on display putting on a show
a lovely peace of nature like a fantasy
shining in the night shining just for me
 Feb 2014 Trader Tim
 Feb 2014 Trader Tim
Some would say I have the dignity of a queen,
The affections of a man,
The heart of a child,
The righteousness of a rebel,
The daydreams of a poet,
The bitterness of a *******,
The restraint of a soldier,
The faith of a zealot,
The cleverness of a thief,
The sorrow of a widow,
The stubbornness of a youth,
The doubts of a skeptic,
The weakness of a fool,
The humility of a freak,
The joy of a survivor,
The weariness of an old man,
The suspicion of a king,
The strength of a proud woman,
And the passion of a lover.
You tell me
Where I belong.
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