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 Feb 2014 Trader Tim
"Even as you close your eyes to sleep,
My love for you remains true and deep,
It’s you I love and forever will keep,
I’m here to say sweet dreams
before we both fall asleep."
 Feb 2014 Trader Tim
Take my hand,
and let's hop on every stars we've seen,
dance with me on the moons of Jupiter,
waltz around the milky way,
tango with me on that rock up there.
Let's float with fairy dusts
stuck on our icy cold lashes.
Take my hand
and let's form a constellation
of two lovers holding hands.
Let's be the falling stars
that they wished upon.
Take my hand
and let's travel together.
With every book we've read,
our journey starts there.
From Wonderland to Neverland.
**Close your eyes,we're heading somewhere.
 Feb 2014 Trader Tim
he tells me he is reaching
his breaking point
(and) he sighs,
(and) he looks away,
(and) i want to reach out to him
to touch his hand, shoulder,

but i am afraid he will
 Feb 2014 Trader Tim
Carly Two
I spent drunken walks
saying I love you into a made bed
into a moving train
a locked gate
like the mortared bricks could hear me.

The Christmas lights shone on wet face droplets
happy tears of nothing.

And if you were never coming back
I would never cry out loud
and it was the first time a love would never feel crippled.
Copyright C. Heiser, 2013
 Feb 2014 Trader Tim
As the nights languish with a fond kiss from lover's lip; Spry words spring from the dwindling flame as to revive its languor. In vain they stumble; Quick to the sword.
Love is, alas, a simple trinket to be bought and sold as they chose. Let it **** the next folk who haplessly come across it's starry eyed embodiment. Oh how black and binding it becomes; blinding the eyes to the truth. Which foolishly enough we over take.
For any chance at the happiness we seek is a happiness we take; Little in the hearts of man do you find contentment in solitude. Such a desire that burns in the heart; Little do we know of the derangement that befalls us.
Damnable in all it's wiles; once as sweet as honey then in a blink of the soul a black churning cyclone. It is the destruction we seek; But yet we do not destruct alone. This is what love brings us.
Countless night up; With wondering minds and curious hearts. It brings spring on a whim to tempt the summer to come back to us. It brings heart ache like a dusk; As the sun sets and we have fear that tomorrow never will come.
When all you get is heart ache; Is this what you crave. Endless nights in the dark after the wolves devour all your happiness.
Crave this lust of love; For all your want, you'll never have. Bestow upon yourself this damnable title and live as you shall. For we are men, and this is our curse; This damnable want of love to escape the lonely pit of ourselves. If only for the night.
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