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 Feb 2014 Trader Tim
Olivia Kent
A churchyard of sinners, cooks on low heat.
Maybe determined to meet, the man who in spirit, the one who is meant to be kind, but accidentally crept out of his mind.
So, what do they seek?
A stroke of inspiration, wielding passion, attached to the end of a sword.
The sword being the spoken word, pronounced at high volume,but always ignored, a cry for help,  sadly unheard.
Playing games in decibels of rackets, maybe a slight squash, a candy crush.
This thing's getting tricky, it's terribly sticky.
When the mallet of croquet, bashes in nails, as coffins are sealed.
Before the funeral bell, plays its one tone soliloquy.
While waiting for ground to be fed.
As in silence, he, bids "goodbye", to  his friends.
How dare he, he who had the audacity to go and die.
By his own fair hand, so very unfair.
Thought I'd explain this.
Mourners at a funeral of a guy who killed himself.
He was mentally ill, hence the reference to going out of his mind. It seemed as if guilt made the mourners attend the funeral.
The  inspiration was trying to understand why he did it.
The sword is a powerful demonstration of how talking through the victims issues could maybe have prevented it, but that nobody took him seriously.
His mental state was playing games with him and the candy crush etc is an explanation of how he was feeling before he gave up his life.
The how dare he go ahead and die was the guilt of the mourners presenting in anger.
And it's not a true piece of work.
It has just been lingering around after the young guy threw himself in front of the train in my poem "SUICIDE", He was actually only 17 and a lot of ifs and buts, have cropped up!
That suicide was tragically real, but I didn't know the poor lad personally.
tears of joy are happy they have good intent
whether birth  or marriage or a life event
running down your face happy tears not sad
these are tears of love that make you feel so glad
emotions they are shed when the tear drops start
filled with lot of happiness coming from your heart
 Feb 2014 Trader Tim
Dizzy eyes scan the surface
Spinning world, ringing ears
Bomb shell shattered
Unknown purpose
Her mouth moves
But I can't hear

There's no comfort
out here to bask in
Angels lie and
demons laughing
Evil sings when
the bringer brings
The blueprint of
a broken dream

Clearly she played
her game
And in the end
it's all the same
And in the end
it's all the same...
when you meet your first love your heart begins to flutter
leaves you feeling speechless you begin to stutter
your love buds they have opened now your love will grow
the happiness inside will give your heart aglow
makes you feel so happy a gift from up above
this is what will happen when you fall in love
why is there so much fighting in this day and age
why is all the world filled with so much rage
why the gangland wars blood is getting spilled
why so many dead with people getting killed
will it ever end and turn a different page
so we can live in peace again and take away the rage
 Feb 2014 Trader Tim
Missed so often are the gestures
Of emotions without measure
But no less heavy from here to there.

Through nonverbal communication
Not similar to meditation
We may speak on the body's accord.

For it does not require sound
To make meaning leap and bound
Far beyond the transgression of varying tongues.

There is understanding in sight's percept
Often retold in a night or two slept
Still she is all the fills my mind.

So while a gesture I have yet to see
A burning in my mind has yet to flee
As a vision has my emotions lost for words.
i have a little cat very soft his he
he likes to purr a lot and climbs up on knee
he  just loves attention of this he likes a lot
i just try to love him with all the love ive got
he just loves a cuddle and a gentle touch
just like a little child i love him oh so much
 Feb 2014 Trader Tim
There is a hole in my head,
      it's leaking my brains,
    I'm losing my emotions,
I'm going insane,

It's hard to refrain from esoteric occupations,
living in a world of conflicted demonstration.

  I don't ask for your pity in any rhetorical connotation.
  I seek the wisdom....of a questionable generation.
To answer patiently awaiting deliberation.

  But I leave here with no expecting realization,
  As we all can see the sign of mild sleep deprivation.

But it is so much fun to see my brains interpretation.....
 Feb 2014 Trader Tim
The steps are the steps
inward and flowing,
downward and away,
no time for possibility,
my mind has gone astray.
I chase not the chance of a certain moment,
I planned the time it took to hold it,
Not the falling that morphs the thought,
It is the telling that is yet taught,
We are rarely are own dreams,
Most times battling internal screams,
Merely a prospector of our own demands,
Turning to keep a little head above the sand,
That is thick and I am sinking oh so quick,
into a ground that devours my wit,
Making it so hard for me to state,
But I can't understand why she won't open the gate.....
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