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  Dec 2014 bones
Pradip Chattopadhyay

                                ­                              is


             ­ question




  Dec 2014 bones
Pradip Chattopadhyay
there's beauty in silence
except when
it echoes a void.
  Dec 2014 bones
kaylene- mary
Where the daisies grow tall
And the birds sing in perfect harmony
That's where you'll find us
Tucked in sweetly beneath the silver skies
Hands entwined
And bodies holding tight
We'll stay there forever
He'll stroke my hair
And I'll trace his scars
Tranquil and content
I'll love him always
bones Dec 2014
I have an irregular heartbeat
that ever so easily trips
head over heels and breathless at
the thought of your thighs and my hips;

I have an irregular heartbeat
I worry will run out of luck
and trip and stay breathless forever
before we are able to f...
bones Dec 2014
I collect missed
and mark them
out of ten
and order them
and store them
in my brain,
I'm constantly
as new regrets
form in
my ever changing
hit parade of
things that
might have been.
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