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I gaze as the Sun retreats to its hollow cavern of darkness,
The stars a faint reminder of the vast emptiness that lies beyond.

A dove flew across my view,
And a daffodil gently landed on the windowpane.

Yet, it wasn't long before I realized that the Sun had set before it even rose.
Not everything lasts.
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Pen Lux
She was a sunset
layered colors in the clouds
amused to attune to my muse
stunning hues
as I pay my dues
with due diligence
as I accept what I must refuse
lighter blues
all the same as it was before
brighter just because
fresh eyes see better at night
scattered moonlight gathers
as my heart sings
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fleeting orange sky
stop — before I sing sadly
through dark winter night
magnetic poetry
the slow slide
down from the stars above. love,

it leaves so fast,
grows so quickly cold.

she had looked into the shark's dead eyes
and found the friend
that waits in silent shadows

that draw the dying
inside themselves and into

the lone, solitary ring
of the cold church bells song.

Sylvia stared with dead eyes
and rode the white horse of death into the fire.
The autumn moon was receeding
At 5 AM this morning
Riding the wave of seasons
Wind stirring in a constant dance with the leaves

My cold mug of milk set upon the wire table outside
Under the Serviceberry
So I can pet the dog.

Kinetic shadows on the table
Wisped and whipped over the mug
Laying upon the white liquid
Thicker than the reflected light and dark. Boundaries that can't be bought.

Did the shadows, could the shadows, penetrate the surface of the milk?
Going deeper in where I can not see
To a place furrowed low
Seen yet not  perceived.

Is it a place with a soul
Creamy and still
Unmatched like time, marching or halting, that
which we can not ever hold?
Shadows on milk do not sink.
a clear fall day
falling leaves
and it becomes color rain

a bright fall day
falling leaves
and becomes color snow

meeting or parting.

— The End —