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bigbyloser Nov 2014
Beautiful big bang
We wished our palms were more vast
Pictures are pictures
bigbyloser Jun 2014
He isn't a sad person,
But in his room
He envelopes himself in a duvet
Filled with misery

He isn't a sad person,
But when he's out
He wears a coat that stunk
Of blue funk.
  May 2014 bigbyloser
I used to come home late,
my eyes rimmed
with sleepless nights
and my cheeks
stained with tears
and I would tug at God’s sleeve
and beg for help
and he would say “later”
but later never came
and I swear that God
reminds me of
my mother sometimes.
bigbyloser May 2014
They say
Our eyes are windows
To the soul
The soul
The soul
Ther isn't one

They say
They feel trapped
In skin
In skin

This skin
Is wrapped around

Inside me
I feel
bigbyloser May 2014
Everyone is
Swelling with euphoria,
But I feel empty.
I stink of loneliness,
But I like it this way.
bigbyloser May 2014
7 bucks an hour
5 hours a shift
3 days a week
4 weeks a month
I didn't work the whole of last week
3 weeks this month
That means
315 bucks
But, ****, I've a fine to pay
That means
15 bucks left
15 bucks to last the month
That means
He can't go to the concert he's been wanting to go
That means
No partying
No going out
No new clothes
No cigarettes
No cigarettes
That means
For the whole of this month
  May 2014 bigbyloser
Ashley Rae
I'd like to think,
that the best feelings are;
Grass under bare feet,
Spring tides,
Rain droplets lightly skimming your eyelashes,
A favorite blouse,
The burn of alcohol,
And the sensation of another humans skin

— The End —