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343 · May 2015
Sky of Mystery
Sabrina May 2015
I wonder what the stars dream about
do they worry, do they pout
do they watch us from above
and look upon us with lots of love
to be honest, I do not know
they're enigmatic- feelings do not show
they shine so bright in the sky
they're full of secrets but they're shy
I wish I knew more about the stars
I wish I could find out who they are
they look at me and I look back
so much knowledge do I lack
I eagerly await  that special day
when I will be able to say
I learned so much and figured them out
I am no longer filled with doubt
343 · Mar 2016
33's Resolution
Sabrina Mar 2016
All things begin and all things end
After two months of joy and fun
You said we were just friends
It's all been said and done

That really ***** and hurts a lot
I was beginning to love you
You were always in my thoughts
I thought our love was true

I was falling so hard for you
I thought you felt the same
I guess you didn't feel it too
Who is there left to blame

Was I completely blind
How come I couldn't see
Was I missing all the signs
What is wrong with me

Could I have done something differently
It was all going so well
I just don't get how this came to be
I guess I was under your spell.
The End to 33.
339 · Nov 2014
A Day With the Pack
Sabrina Nov 2014
I run through the woods alongside my sisters
as the cool wind blows and whistles
The soft earth greets my paws
I relax and retract my claws
For it is just a run
so let's have some fun
We let our heads hang back and howls run free
We run and run beyond the trees
338 · Jul 2016
The Race
Sabrina Jul 2016
Constantly on the run
Running from the  pain you bring me
Running towards the love I yearn
Running into the madness.
336 · Jul 2016
Sabrina Jul 2016
Since that day
we spoke at the pool
you've been consuming
more of my mind
than you should
that's alright though
you, your liquid amber eyes
your chiseled chest
your sideways grin
are all welcoming distractions
I'll sign off now
and see you,
my lovely distraction,
333 · Apr 2016
Heart Attack
Sabrina Apr 2016
Adrenaline and fear
pump through my heart
As I see the words
RIP Corey
I try to find out
if this is you
No one is answering me
quickly enough
I begin to imagine the worst
I had seen you just a few hours ago
Could you really be gone
Then my heart tries to slow
when I read it is not you
but another unfortunate soul.
Never take anyone for granted
You never know when will
be the last time you see them.
332 · Oct 2016
Sabrina Oct 2016
Nothing hurts more
than building anticipation
and its destruction.
332 · May 2015
Have a little hope
Sabrina May 2015
Sometimes I get tired
and sometimes I get sad
but I promise I will not lose hope
not even just a tad
A little hope goes a long way
330 · Dec 2016
Sabrina Dec 2016
First loves are a fire that is hard to extinguish
330 · Jul 2016
Vivre La France
Sabrina Jul 2016
Brown eyes like liquid
set afire by the sun
swimming with curiosity
drowning in temptation
I spot this wet, dripping boy
on the edge of the pool
I rest with my face
buried in my warm arms
as I float in the pool
my eyes follow you
as you begin running
for the dive
with a rise of bubbles
you're floating beside me
a crooked, toothy grin you wear
your liquid eyes flow into mine
as you let a simple word
float from your wet lips
329 · May 2015
Sabrina May 2015
Hypergraphia is a behavioral condition which is characterized by the overwhelming urge to write.

Well, call me a doctor because I think I've been diagnosed.
This poem was inspired by Little Bird. Thank you.
329 · May 2015
Cinderella Gone Awry
Sabrina May 2015
My evil sisters may keep me in
but that doesn't mean that they will win
they think they'll make the prince fall in love
I think they need a realistic shove
I wait and wait until they leave
their absence offers such reprieve
their hearts are black and their souls are cold
they never pictured me to be so bold
I get ready and slip on my gown
the royal ball is just in town
a couple of minutes and a couple of miles
they'll be so mad when I walk down the aisle
a princess, a princess, that's what I shall be
they'll understand they shouldn't have messed with me
I get what I want and I get what I need
You never would've guessed I would be in the lead
I am succeeding in the game of life
I'm in first place, I pity your strife
I am so happy, I'm having fun
now it's you two who have to run
It's a shame I've had to teach you like this
you stand by and watch true love's first kiss.
A personal favorite. Thank you for taking the time to read it all.
327 · Aug 2016
Sabrina Aug 2016
Paper clips are man's best friend
keeping us together when we
needed to fall apart.
326 · May 2018
Game Change
Sabrina May 2018
You were once the missing piece to my puzzle
but now we are two pieces
to an entirely different game.
322 · Jul 2016
Oceans Above
Sabrina Jul 2016
Miles and miles up in the air
leaving all my troubles behind
out my icy window I stare
letting my thoughts slowly unwind
the moonlit ocean lies down below
white little explosions darted about
so many mysteries does it show
like the albino forest that's sprout
we glide on and cut through the sky
as the forests transform into sand
looking at this I wonder why
all this beauty's been placed in my hands.
J'ai pas en vie
de rentre chez moi
en Amérique.
322 · May 2015
Sabrina May 2015
You're in my mind, stuck like glue
Please make me stop loving you
321 · Mar 2015
Fall Fellow
Sabrina Mar 2015
The autumn leaves begin to fade
Turning into brilliant new shades
Green, red, orange, yellow
A surplus of choices for a Fall fellow
Then comes the crisp air
Bringing the season's news to share
The leaves start to fall
Bringing not an end, but a beginning for all
Autumn's adventures are coming to a close
But not permanently, it's just a doze
317 · Jun 2015
Sabrina Jun 2015
You are a dream
I never want to wake up from
Sabrina Jun 2015
roses are red
violets are blue
poetry is hard
this is not a poem
313 · Aug 2016
Lonely Parking Lot Kitty
Sabrina Aug 2016
Lonely parking lot kitty
I see you late at night
I see you, do you see me
or am I out of sight

I watch you from far away
and four stories above
I see you, a lonely stray
looking for some love

I wonder where's your family
Here, I'll give you mine
I'll be you and I'll be free
Maybe then things will be fine(?)
Sabrina Apr 2017
Replaying the moment
in my head
it's keeping me up
all night in bed
your lips pressed
to mine
can we just
go back in time
I look at you
and everything slows
Hold me tight
and don't let go.
Sabrina May 2015
Expectation is the root of all heartache.
304 · Apr 2017
Black Out
Sabrina Apr 2017
It's so nice to just go out and be a kid sometimes
No stress, no school, no family to worry about
Me, my friends, a car, and some loud music
that's what fun is
Black out lights and dark space
Spontaneous parking lot kisses with almost strangers
It's time to just LIVE for a night.
304 · May 2015
The Fog
Sabrina May 2015
It's everywhere
In my head
In my mind
In my dreams
In my nightmares
It's like a haze
except when it clears
it takes everything I love
with it.
303 · May 2015
The Painful Truth
Sabrina May 2015
I lost you

                                                           ­                     and you weren't even mine

to lose
300 · Aug 2015
Crushing (PT.2)
Sabrina Aug 2015
I can’t believe I went through
With actually talking to you

I was so nervous and terrified
But I am so glad that I tried

It went so well and I’m so glad
If it hadn’t, I’d be so sad

Your smile just drives me nuts
Before today, you seemed so tough

A bit intimidating might I add
Not too much, but just a tad

The way that you looked at me
Made my fears seem silly

You are so sweet and so kind
No wonder you’re always on my mind

I hope we have something real
So far that is what I feel.
297 · Jun 2015
To Pratik :)
Sabrina Jun 2015
I know that you are always there
I love to think about the things we share
Sad or happy, it doesn't matter
You pick up my heart when it lay shattered
May we stay friends for many moons
And our connection remain immune
a poem dedicated to a wonderful human being
294 · May 2015
Fix me, I'm broken
Sabrina May 2015
I get so frustrated
that you can't love me back
290 · Mar 2017
Sabrina Mar 2017
Chirping birds and strawberry kisses
are just some of the things she misses
from those lovely summer days
filled with love, laughter, and play.
290 · May 2015
Three Wishes
Sabrina May 2015
If I had three wishes, they would be:

1. Forget
2.Move on
3. Start Over
289 · May 2015
Poorly Written Pickup Line
Sabrina May 2015
You know the feeling you get when you stand up quickly?
That's how I felt when I saw you for the first time.
Sabrina Apr 2016
The grass tickles my legs
As I step off the porch
And strain my neck
To look at the twinkling
Worlds above me

The sense of wonder
and mystery
overpower the sounds
of passing cars and
chirping crickets

This is my night
With the stars.
Wish you were here, Brill.
287 · May 2015
Sabrina May 2015
I walk through the dark hall
hearing the lonely echoes of my footsteps
The hall extends as far as I can see in either direction
A dim light starts to form further away
Every step seems to make it grow brighter
I extend my arm out and try to grab it
but it seems to evade my grasp
I begin feeling feverish
My body is suddenly flushed with intense heat
My pace starts to quicken
and before I know it, I'm sprinting toward the now-blinding light
My skin feels like it is slowly melting away
I push through the heat fervently
With a flash, all is different
I no longer feel outrageously hot, but now more of a refreshing cool
It seems like I've gone into the light, through it perhaps
I look around with awe
The entire scene has completely transformed
I'm in a seemingly perpetual white space
I walk forward, but my footfalls no longer reverberate
I try to call out, but my voice makes  no sound
I clear my throat and offer another weak attempt
This time, there is a voice
but the voice does not belong to me.
287 · Aug 2015
You Keep Me Up
Sabrina Aug 2015
I really like you
don’t get me wrong
I always smile
when I hear our song
But, oh my God
you’re in my head
You’re my last thought
at night in bed
I never was
quite the same
After I learned
your name
Something about it
just made me smile
Our memories
are worthwhile
But I mean, really
come on
I can’t imagine life
with you gone
Sure, I’d like to sleep
at night
But thoughts of you
cause such a sight
I’m always up
thinking of you
And how much
my love had grew
For a silly boy
with blue eyes
Falling in love
was no surprise.
Sabrina May 2015
White-out is my worst enemy
It fixes mistakes easily and quickly
Whereas I am here
and I've been trying to fix us from the beginning.
285 · May 2015
Sabrina May 2015
All you ever do is whine
if you don't quit, I'll lose my mind
I'm getting tired of this game
your snide remarks are such a shame
your attitude is really sour
do you think it gives you power
you're very stubborn and pretty rude
your sense of humor is also crude
please leave, you are not welcome here
I feel it's me you should start to fear
283 · Apr 2015
Sabrina Apr 2015
Sometimes I wish I could grow a pair of wings and
  fly away.
279 · May 2015
If He's Listening
Sabrina May 2015
Dear God,

Please take my pain away.

277 · Jun 2016
Sabrina Jun 2016
Love Sick
Sick of Love
277 · Jun 2017
See you under the Sky
Sabrina Jun 2017
In the silence or the city streets
your presence always covers me.
276 · Mar 2017
11:00 PM
Sabrina Mar 2017
There is an enviable
silence in sadness
don't you think?
276 · Dec 2015
Sabrina Dec 2015
Look what you've done
Are you happy
One stupid mistake
and now you've lost me
276 · May 2018
Four Word Poems: a series
Sabrina May 2018
Still, I trusted him.
274 · May 2015
Wake Me Up
Sabrina May 2015
You are like a bad dream
I don't understand what you mean
I wish for you to go away
I beg and plead but here you stay
no matter how far or fast I run
I can never escape, I am done
I'm over this and over you
it is no longer just us two
I give up, just let me go
I will vanish, I'll never show
what we had is now long gone
I'm no longer your little pawn
I will not let you control me
I'm independent, just let me be
You're a bad, bad dream gone wrong
but I'll wake up and you'll be gone
273 · Mar 2016
Why Must It Be This Way
Sabrina Mar 2016
I want you so much

                                             but I hate your guts.
272 · Dec 2015
Sabrina Dec 2015
270 · Jul 2016
Wet Minds At The Pool
Sabrina Jul 2016
Slippery hands
on slippery bodies
my mind is going wild
wanting you so badly
yet this is not the time
nor the place
so stolen glances
and coquettish grins
will have to suffice
for now...
There's always tomorrow, my dear.
269 · Dec 2015
Your Mistake This Time
Sabrina Dec 2015
This definitely *****
But more for you
since I can still sleep at night

I hope you sit there
filled with regret
realizing that I was right.
268 · Aug 2015
Crushing (PT.1)
Sabrina Aug 2015
I may not know you very well
but I know you like me, I can tell

To think that just a few days in
you’ve got me with this foolish grin

upon my face because of you
all these feelings are kind of new

I didn’t expect to fall so fast
Will these feelings always last

All of these stolen glances
I don’t need to waste my chances

C’mon, Self, you can do it
You’ve come so far just to quit

Just walk up to him and say hi
Everything else will just fly by

Put your heart out on the line
And pray that everything goes fine.
265 · Dec 2015
The Life of a Writer
Sabrina Dec 2015
Oh how much I yearn to write
my struggle must be such a site
I sit and wait while time goes by
but my words are just too shy
I guess I just need some time
in order to find the perfect rhyme
We all go through periods of strife
but that's okay; it' just part of life
We lose hope and we get sad
but that shouldn't prevent us from being glad
I found my words and I pulled through
I knew I could do it and you can too.
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