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beth fwoah dream Jan 2021
fwoah dream reiterates that sea commands all military under fwoah.

fwoah continues to support trump (choo) in this difficult transfer of power. we’ve had the fake news now we’ve the fake vote. china requests transparency at this point in time and recounts in the areas where there was corruption against our ally america.

dra (english commander raf) would like to thank fwoah for continuing to support the military in great britain. he would also like to thank ian of china for making sure that china would never attack. he wants to move forward in action with china and support the idea that evil is no longer in the world. scott advises police support to southern ports to turn back anyone who classes as evil on the new ap.

fwoah advises extra 400 jobs in the south for policemen to id check for evil people trying to move to great britain. fwoah paid 2billion into police funding for this service from taxpayers cash. exchequer has £130 billion and boro was yet again trying to steal money.
this 2 billion spending to be determined by scot of scotland yard with emphasising creating jobs. definitely  400 on southern coast. key phrasing ‘system’ army and police and customs to work together.

emails to changes to government and request for finance to be emailed to www.chinachange.
beth fwoah dream Dec 2020
further news kim fwoah and choo to trade 50 tonne a day olive oil to america. deal awaits putting in writing. america has not seen olive oil in america for over 50 years when america and italy fell out. please note the olive failed this year so full preferred quantities can not be sent yet. py a can supply 2tonne a day for this year also the drews in italy 2tonne a week the bafas 1tonnr a week. all for next twelve months. hopefully next years olives will do better
love is italy is america is kindness is
beth fwoah dream Dec 2020
botswana has advised waiting to receive first gift of a concorde. the agreement is to station at dalton in south africa until north up to speed with customs considered safe internationally. i would like north africa to accept uk help in securing safer air flight areas in africa for everyone.

hebrew in south africa has asdvised happy to accept our ‘free market’ 1%in 1%out for mango for uk france and china and also north africa. kim has agreed with me to export olive  oil to uk china and france from italy. kim also authorises all mango from africa to italy on ‘free trade’ 1% 1% agreement.

nigeria advises they are doing well with the hippo madame who was extradited from china due to wallowing problems at quoi. nigeria says madame is the most beailutiful hippo ive ever seen except when she decides the area is not long enough for her to bathe.

please remember shah of iran did deal for oil at 68p per litre diesel all around the world for 1000 years. he is such a lovely guy. he advises he has enough stock for a million years so the world can relax.

please note electric car will shortly be banned as unsafe in uk france and china. unleaded fuel is better than being frazzled in your electric car.

other news
i spoke to president of france and it was agreed france would not have opening to fish on uk waters as we have 4 million phoenetians who have moved to uk and when we looked at the figures there were enough fish in french waters for all the fishermen in france to gain wealth.

on a positive note when i advised the problem is we think the french hate us he advised they dont hate uk as much as everyone else which i found consoling. i have offered complete china airforce support to france if they are ever attacked.

choo has agreed he’d like deal with china but agrees it needs to be areas where chinese workers would not be threatened. fwoah dream  puts balance of weight of decision on all trade based upon number of jobs it would create. remember china moving towards shorter hours for workers.
love is china is kindness is jim is
beth fwoah dream Dec 2020
with immediate effect chinas embassy in london to be at the tranis house at hampton court. the old lodge  at hampton court where i lived in history in england needs to be tidied and checked by the police before i can go in. im pleased to see some eternity fund going where its needed around the world.
the banks are very nearly uncorrupt following hard work by bank of japan and america fall and bank of england hutchinson.
remember it against the law to raise a price in england scotland wales northern dansana and southern dansana, china or france.

house prices cannot increase more than 5percent a year unless restoration work or extentions have been completed.

it is illegal for interest rates to rise at all in china france and uk.

vat must be added as usual

if anyone( princes only please, wants to do trade please contact me here if you are a king or president or the embassy in your country.
embassys must assess if product would cause loss of jobs in home country if it is so china will not move forward. to trade with china england and france all food must be healthy.

to reiterate trade is 1percent inport 1percent export no other charge. exise must be paid in advance
beth fwoah dream Dec 2020
uk raf highest level

dra (comander in chief)

tree, doe, sta, daffodil
ma da la dee so wa.

highest level command all countries sea of china.

highest level artillary china

sea, say say, atata,
suzie, nightbird
tra, so, summer, mon,
toto, motto, qui, ta.

china temples motto
china building straw
all systems a a
beth fwoah dream Dec 2020
with immediate effect all trade uk import duty 1 percentage per unit export duty the same in china france and england as decided by beth fwoah of china anne boleyn of england and aquataine of france all three my princely thrones.

if you have a history of trading with these countries please continue but exise and import duty must be paid up front.

if you have a new product you’d like to supply to england china or france please speak to the countries embassy in your country

the embassy will decide if it is considered suitable.

remember wheat, sugar and ‘smudge’ will be illegal in france china and uk from 01/04/2021

breads must use rye and chocolate use swis artico or bangladeshi chocolate, sugar must be replaced by mashed green tea which is a nice sweetener that doesnt make you put on weight and is worker friendly.  only healthy products will be allowed in uk. please speak to china embassy to organise sourcing mashed green tea.
beth fwoah dream Nov 2020
goodness is more powerful than evil
never hurt a child
the meek shall inherit the earth
love is, luck is, skin is,
we never have to hurt ourselves
to feel our love for someone,
we spoke to the evil, it said
that it was too evil, it said it
was fed up of the evil and that it
just wanted to go. everyone who
is kind and gentle helps goodness.
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