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Jul 2014 · 1.6k
Grasping at Straws
Grasping vagrancy in one's child
Most simplistic act is not
Fractured maternal heart bleeds wild
Suffered soul the abyss caught
Crucible ever prevails fraught

Futile remedy ailment breeds
Posturing all heedless things
Neglecting primal earthly needs
Harsh inebriant trappings
Averse entirely lucid pleads

Clamping malady straining chest
Wakeful blackness vanished days
Clutched slight suckling babe at my breast
Cast tears enduring malaise
Reflection of having caressed

Tragic sustinence chosen vile
Sighted resolves not to see
Relentless self imposed exile
Indifferent to love me
Offer life to capture a smile

Grasping vagrancy in one's child
Cognizant of special spot
An alternative to beguiled
Alter processes of thought
I am needing to know she fought
Nov 2013 · 1.2k
The excitement builds before the show
Appearance anticipated, let's go
Out comes 2llen with applause galore
Crowd won't quiet, stoked for what's in store

Must say Ellen is such a **** dude
Whoops, oh...she's a she, I'm extremely rude
Ellen dresses with such casual care
Not a piece out of line, her fancy hair

Ellen completely involves her crowd
The silly shenanigans make them loud
She dances to the music everywhere
Famous for her moves, she then heads for the chair

She straddles the table with practiced skill for her advanced age and without a pill
She moves on to a famous brilliant guest
Uncommon talent to bring out their best

Music for the show picked eloquently
Ellen and staff almost always agree
The gifts she gives, the audience adore
Generosity leaves them wanting more

Cute that her mom's at every taping
Even stays awake and keeps from gaping
Ellen is actually my favorite host
Please forgive me, this little roast

If  you're in the mood for a real good time
Tune to Ellen at three, on channel nine
You won't be disappointed, far from IT!
It's world wide known that Ellen's the "****"
Nov 2013 · 728
My Hero (Childrens)
Watching TV, out of the corner of my eye
From under the table a huge spider I did spy
I looked at him and he stared directly back at me
My heart beat fast, coming towards me I could see

I really screeched and quickly jumped off of the chair
He was gaining fast, his legs spiked with hair
The horror I felt as I started now to run
I zig-zagged, he zig -zagged...increasingly not fun

I circled down the hall, he turned the corner too
Screaming as I dashed, I looked back and swear he grew
Hid myself by the fridge my heart now in my throat
Cried for my dad, he got up, put down the remote

Pop wondered what the fuss was, came to my rescue
I had held my breath 'til I started turning blue
When the spider saw my daddy he stopped and froze
Arachnid looked him up and down, knows how it goes

Spidy seemed confused, settled to run for the door
My dad, his big boots, bravely squished him on the floor
Mommy came into the kitchen, her eyes opened wide
Calmed my nerves, cleaned the mess, gross I must confide
When my anxiety is extreme I feel
That nothing around or inside me is real
I need to hide myself, to isolate
Feeling of dread and doom, can't seem to think straight

I curse myself for feeling this ****** up way
Live in unreality like a dream, or play
Fingers don't work, have a quiver of my lip
Nervous smile, not wanting this unchosen

Don't know what to do...sit, stand, pace or run
Don't want to be looked at, talked to by anyone
Sane, daily things take extra concentration
I try to do them with no coordination

Deprived of social skills, get tongue tied, can't speak
Building discomfort, terror panic will peak
Then it begins- palms sweat, heart rate rises
Worry about all, nothing, no surprises

No longer capable of eating, I'd choke
Get nauseous, the runs, to my body no joke In acute cases toes stiffen, my bones ache
Losing much control, damaged brain waves fake

Avoid going out to a bank or a store
Anywhere there's cameras, prying some more
Always makes me feel like I'm doing wrong
Paranoia, bottom line..I don't belong
Nov 2013 · 1.2k
Eating Flies
On a Lilly pad a frog sat alone
He jumped in the water, a splash he'd known
Frog swam and swam until he met his pal
On another Lilly pad sat crazy Hal

Hal had ideas, the frog wasn't sure
His plans were not always completely pure
Frog followed Hal thru the grassy quagmire
They'd gone fairly far, Frog began to tire

It started to sprinkle very large drops
The two hid in the marsh with a few hops
Hal whispered his plan in Frogs little ear
To Scare Miss Lady it became very clear

Miss Lady was such a beautiful gal
She really liked Frog, but not ornery Hal
She, always waiting for some sneaky prank
Tired of their shenanigans to be quite frank

Miss Lady was planning to turn the table
Prank those two, she was perfectly able
She sat up her scheme in the mossy bog
When here came that Hal, followed by Frog
Miss lady was on her favorite pad
She couldn't help but be a little mad
Miss Lady cried out, she needed a hand
She led them just inches from the quicksand

This little prank could have been quite a mess
Miss Lady scared them she had to confess
They quickly backed up in total surprise
The three agreed to end pranks and eat some flies
Nov 2013 · 1.1k
Free From Nicotine
Going to at last quit smoking
Just talked to the long winded Quitline
I'm tired of hacking and choking
Birthday, December third deadline

Going to use the well known patch
I was successful once before
No frustration searching for match
Or missing lighter anymore

Hairdo won't be smelly, clothes stink
My mouth tasting like an ashtray
It should be easier I think
Cause I truly want it this way

Shocked, first time was simple for me
It lasted for over a year
Relapsed as you can plainly see
I'll do it again, will adhere

Apparent wrinkles will thank me
Blackened, struggling lungs will too
Patches are delivered for free
Like ads, I don't want to be blue

Added cost of smoking is steep
Now almost six dollars a pack
My jeans empty pockets run deep
I'll save money, quite a stack

There are certain times I'll miss it
After ***, with morning coffee
Plus, I will be healthier, ****
Try it, it's completely free

Nov 2013 · 759
Soakin Your Dogs
There was an ole lady and an ole man
Each sippin coffee from a can
The two sat in their rockin chair
Breathin in the fresh mornin air

They both had a full day ahead
She started the yeast for some bread
His suspenders hiked up his pants
Wandered out to gaze at his plants

She deftly swept the dirt floor clean
He announced, she always looked mean
The ole lady sat to churn the butter
Ole man pretended to fix the shutter

Hardy ole gal got to smokin the pig
He drove to town in his ancient rig
While she hung the laundered sheets on the line
He pulled up to his still, it was runnin fine

It was time for her to rustle up some grub
Tipsy ole guy gave his neck a good rub
She fried them up some hogback and beans
He sat the table, perfect by no means

At last they sat down to commence to chew Forgot their choppers like they sometimes do
After they dined on their scrumptious fare
They headed back to the rockin chair

The pair soaked their dogs in a separate pan
The little ole lady and the shrunken ole man
Couldn't think of a better end to a day
Than to rock, smoke and soak their cares away
Polka Dot, Polka Dot, a one pony show
Strange name for a child, but she loves it so
Cheerful wee girl with sweet smile aglow
Adores all round shapes, expects you to know

Her twenty one garments sport assorted dots
Basic eight pairs of footwear, orange and green spots
Gaudy bows for her hair, with colored rings, lots
Dot sees spheres imbedded in her eyes and thoughts

Blankets and curtains, guess what, dots and lace
The spotted mouse toy for the cat to chase
Walls with orbs and specks on all space
In the right light they reflect on your face

Dot's off to school with a polka dot hat
Coat, umbrella with circles, imagine that
Polka dotted notebooks, pencils and backpack
Rides pink spotted two wheeler, parks in bike rack

Poor Polka Dot started feeling sickly ill
Sent to school nurse where she refused a pill
Saw the Doc, calamine lotion and advice to chill
Spots! Chickenpox! Polka Dots notable thrill
Nov 2013 · 1.2k
Kates Yard
Sitting on a swinging porch bench
Sipping slightly sweetened ice tea
Sunshine massaging my wrinkled face

Scenting fresh earth and leaves at my feet
Sounds of traffic absent
Sassy racket of resident Blue Jays

Spying clear majestic Rocky Mountains
Separated by half bare multicolored trees
Sky clear blue with wispy clouds

Sitting forever with no cares
Shutting out the bustling world
Soaking in Autumns wondrous glory
Nov 2013 · 814
What If? (Childrens)
What if the sky wasn't blue?
The ocean woulnt be reflecting true
What if brand new cars could fly?
We would have stoplights in the sky
What if our dogs did not bark?
It'd be a lot quieter in the dark

What if water was light green?
It would not seem so very clean
What if little boys were girls?
Why they would have long pretty curls

What if little girls were boys?
They would have trucks, Batman ,and muscle toys
What if cash grew on a tree?
Then everything in the world would be free
What if flaming fire was cold?
Then a lit charcoal briquet you could hold
What if , I ask what if once more?
I will always have an answer in store
What's your what if?
Nov 2013 · 1.2k
The Dancing Frog (Chidrens)
There was a goofy green frog, Eli was his name
He danced for Princess Malia, it's how he earned his fame
She adored sitting on her throne to watch him entertain
He boogied and did back flips, he loved this little game

Eli had a tiny frog house with eveything inside
A couch, love seat, TV, a bed was double wide
He kept it very tidy with a broom, vacuum and pride
His favorite was his Fry Daddy, for flies deep fat fried

Princess Malia, of course, had a castle on the hill
Waited on, hand and foot, she only had to chill
Wore gorgeous dresses and diamond tiaras at her will
But bored with her lavish life, Eli fit the bill

At 3:30 on the dot, the small frog danced everyday
The Princess got so excited, the help did hear her say
She got seated at 3 pm and that is where she'd stay
Right on time came Eli, grooving and twisting all the way

Eli entertained...and the Princess did demand
That the frog be introduced, then he kissed her royal hand
The two became fast friends, as quick as fast friends can
She moved his tiny house into the castle, that was grand

Eli and Malia were just as tight as they could be
The frog quit entertaining, a great playmate was he
The Princess, lonely no more, was perfect for he and she
They lived happily ever after, Eli danced for free
A fat cat chased a tiny mouse
The mouse ran in his little house
House was a small hole in the wall
Waiting **** curled up in a ball

The sly Tom took a one eyed nap
The wise mouse avoided the trap
Soon the chubby cat fell asleep
Sneaky mouse gazed out for a peep

The rodent smelled the cheese on the floor
It was right by the kitchen door
The mouse dared come out one step
Nose sniffing the air, full of pep

Stepping lightly two, three, four
He readied himself to run for more
The mouse dashed, fast as he could go
The plump cat looked around, didn't know

The mouse got ahold of the crumb
Cat snoring again, what a ***
He tip toed around the big cat
And made it back home just like that
Nov 2013 · 1.4k
Ode to Billy
A decent man in this world alone
DrIfting, dreaming about going home
Disappeared years ago, down the road
Mental illness, carried heavy load

Wandering daily from town to state
A handyman for hunger to slate
This man in it's grip, the devils brew
Loveless traveler no goals, no clue

Well trodden shoes worn to a shred
Shabby garments hanging like lead
No coat, no bag, had nothing left
His numbed out mind wholly bereft

An upstanding man once clean shaven
Matted hair and beard, no offered haven
To hunger and thirst in this sad way
Calculated risk leaving that day

To acknowledge failure, too **** proud
Never to return he boldly vowed
His people and love, no mail, no call
Family wondering if he lives at all

Lifes loneliest soul, filled with self hate
Reshaping existence, now too late
Loved ones lost an incredible man
Need to pray and move on, if they can
Nov 2013 · 493
Darians Freedom
Walk in circles
Run in squares
Skip in zig zags
Jump up stairs

Step over cracks
Walk backwards
Splash in puddles
Balance on curbs

No need to talk
Just like walks
Like to kick rocks
Off with my socks

Toes sparkle
Feet are so cold
Crunch of leaves
In no ones mold

Being free, young
What I want I'll do
No chains on me
You should try it too
Oct 2013 · 1.7k
Ancient Wonder
Sasquatch stalking woods
Glimpsed never ensnared

Homonids beauty of elusiveness
Ancestral biped prints

Folklore, hoax , unhindered
ages devoid evidence

Bristly forest devil
Conclusively confirmed
ancient Polar Bear
Oct 2013 · 1.2k
Freedom (Haiku)
freeborn mustang lopes
unchained throughout curtailed life
fur snared in barbed wire
Oct 2013 · 511
The Spread (Haiku)
Hymalayan peak
called Makula the great black
peacock struts beauty
Oct 2013 · 689
Danger (Haiku)
of supernatural means
trick or treating tads
Oct 2013 · 1.9k
The Barn (Haiku)
exhausted mare foals
scenting oats hay leather wood
from hay loft girl spys
Oct 2013 · 803
Reflection (Brevity)
Black widow spider spins web
Emanating silk strands
Grand plan in tiny head
Starts working at nightfall
The morning sun reflects
glory of her creation
Oct 2013 · 1.2k
My Secret Sanctuary
Snow pack dissolves, shrinking icecaps
Trickles, connects with succinct spring
Runs down frigid, joins brook
Babbling, descends to stream

Meanders past meadow land
With butterfly ****, rippling grasses
Flows through tributary into river
Enters the rocky canyon

Cliffs high as cotton clouds
Jagged, angular, shadowed sunlight
Chilly air rising off splashing rocks
Echoes of rushing, rumbling

Fresh scent of Blue Spruce, sappy pine cones
Churning white water, mile long
Cutting rocky gorge

Raging river travels with purpose reverberates around bend
Water falls towards paradise
Pummels hard to form pool

Surrounded by grassy fronds of Deerhair bulrush, Hydrangea, Lady Rue and Button Bush trees
         My secret sanctuary
Oct 2013 · 2.1k
Bleak Winters Life
Pine treed mountains
mid winters grip
Frigid blast
blankets all

Victuals scarcity,
wildlife hungers
Wolves scavenge

Eerie silence settles,
storm passed
Quiescent solitude
seemingly abandoned

Vicious temps split
frozen tree bark
Sounds, sudden
Oct 2013 · 516
Panic The Heart
I'm home alone start feeling strange
It's my heart or a trick of my brain
Sweating, shaking, can't catch my breath
Heart pounding, squeezing, is this my death

Got up to walk and fell right down
A dizzy blackout, I came around
Got back to the couch my toes were stiff
Arms hurt and were hard to lift

Could this really be my fate
Dialed 911 before it was too late
Talked to the operator and tried to rest
If panicking to breathe deep is best

She assured me they were on their way
What and ending to a normal day
I hear the wailing drawing nearer
My situation couldn't be clearer

The pros pulled up the nosy neighbors spied
With all the fuss you'd think I died
Checking me over, heart is intact
Suffered a severe panic attack

Their magic bus swept me away
The results, I'll live another day
For panic on several pills
Plenty of pharmaceutical refills
Oct 2013 · 1.1k
Care Free Day (Haiku)
overgrown pond hides
ferns swaying refreshing breeze
young boys jump off dock
Oct 2013 · 749
Life LongFriend
To love another human
As much as you love your life
Not an acquaintance, husband, kid, co-worker or wife
Your friend

No matter the length of time
since you've seen them
The feelings are there just
like they always have been

When you laugh, cry, gossip
And you know you do
Your love expressed for
eachother remaining true

When all of your heart and soul
are exposed to just one
A best friend treats this
with gentle protection

No more fulfilling relationship
on earth
It should be full of heartfelt
caring and mirth

Good friendships start, last
but sometimes seem like they end
You open your heart and
reveal yourself to mend

With the ups and downs
of any affair
A truly loving friend
Will always be there
Oct 2013 · 1.2k
The Stud (Haiku)
eighty pound baboon
enticing lover to swoon
bough snapping bafoon
Oct 2013 · 1.2k
Stanza Junkie
I am an alcoholic
i used to smoke and drink
But now my drug of choice
is notebook paper and ink

I can't get enough
it goes right to my head
Keep my pen and pad
right next to my bed

I'm a ****** when
it comes to composition
Used to scratch tickets
another sad addiction

In the distant past
stocked up on bottles of *****
Now it's ink and paper
that I wisely choose

I love to scribble,
compose and formulate
Of my poetry I have
a jealous mate

I write at night
So as not to ignore him
But this is important
it's not jut a whim

When I'm out of paper or ink
I go thru withdrawl
An envelope, a sticky note
most anything to scrawl

Verse, rhyme, sonnet, rondeau
I really love it all
If I'm not careful I'll
Start penning on the wall

Try to write a poem daily
I need to get my fix
Limerick, Haiku it
doesn't matter the mix

It's an addiction
I can take and run
It helps inside
And is lots of fun
There once was a man in Arvada
Who'd come all the way from Nevada
Wanted out of Vegas
Crook came to plague us
To Blackhawk for the whole enchilada

This chap had a thousand in his jeans
Like a cheap skate played nickel machines
He then put five cents in
Pulled bar back with a win
Cashed in, stuffed pockets bulging at seams

This gent was now sky high about life
Didn't care, left nine kids and a wife
Took chair to play Blackjack
Got chips, greased his hair back
The dealer sensed this fellow meant strife

The guy played, won, his streak unmarred
Counting Aces, kings, Queens, Jacks - every card
He raised some suspicion
From the owners position
They'd seen this before and come down hard

They escorted the cad out, such a pity
Got caught again, thought he was witty
So he drove far away
To the New Jersey bay
Was so close to Atlantic City
Oct 2013 · 2.4k
Lasagna Of Love
1pck. pre- cooked lasagna noodles
2 jars spaghetti sauce w/ onion&garlic;
17 oz. Ricotta cheese
1 t. sweet basil
1 t. oregano
1 egg
1 lb.ground, browned Italian sausage
3 cups mozzarella
1 cup grated parmesian

Preheat oven(with some innocent play)
Ricotta(to add some excitement)
Basil and oregano(to spice it up)
Mix in beaten egg(to add stability)

Use ungreased 8x10 pan(to hold the comfort of it all)

1 cup sauce(to swap a sweetened kiss)
Even out1/4 sausage(to add some spontaneity)
Place pasta in row(to layer with anticipation)
Spread ricotta(mixed with the above)
Sprinkle 1/4 mozzarella( to stretch the imagination)
Repeat steps 1-5(until pan is full of emotion)
Parmesian on top( to please)

Bake 1 hour at 350•( to heat up the love)
Cool 45 minutes( to lay in each others arms)
Oct 2013 · 346
Fall - Haiku
piles of leaves crisp air
the sight of Aspens turning
roads choked off by flood
Oct 2013 · 652
The Artic- Haiku
foxes tail held still
sniffing slyly for a meal
slips down blind crevice
Oct 2013 · 902
Autumn Colors- Haiku
breathtaking brilliance
falls encompassing beauty
eyes downloading realm
Oct 2013 · 1.2k
Peeping Out At My World
Surviving beneath bypass
Cardboard ripping, some spyglass
Thin covering, protection
Sharpening knife, perfection

Past life professional man
Bad karma, God, dealt sad hand
Panhandling corner right here
Homemade sign makes purpose clear

People ignoring, glower
Certainly love hot shower
Having nothing accept rags
Don't own anything, no bags

Eating something, drugging, *****
What's needed most cannot choose
Spent long hot days begging cash
Got *****, finished dining trash

Trodded back to cardboard home
Peeking out feeling all alone
snow shoe challenge
trekking untouched expanse
cracking beneath

rock climbing boots
eyeing open summit
crevaase shifts

lifetime chances
snowbound slide buries all
expanse untouched
Oct 2013 · 789
Falls True Meaning
Summers heat exhausting
Earlier sunset cooling

Chill nights blanketing beds
Lazy sun rising, colorful
Cool, cloudless, breezy daylight

Scholarly studies, another year
Garments warming, gone shorts, T's
Choice daily temps arrive

Leaves cascading, pure beauty
Birds make flight, winter looming
Excited trek, Aspens glory

Basking in falls perfection
Raining winds, beginning flakes
Everyone prepares for change
Bow our heads, winters onslaught
Sep 2013 · 3.1k
In The Rain
Rainy day people and frogs
Packed New York streets, mossy bogs
Umbrella or bumbershoot
In quagmire and crowded route
Splashing masses, polliwogs

Precipitation, cascade
The alley or everglade
Plebeians and ***** toads
Wetlands, winding back roads
Holding brolly or sunshade

Mobs, croaker in the wallow
Soggy marsh, bypass below
A sprinkle, pitter-patter
Parasol, doesn't matter
Your bullfrog and average Joe
Sep 2013 · 804
Autumn- Triple Haiku
hot relenting days
transforms cooler evening
fronds alteration

sleepy rising sun
chill cloudless breeziness
leaflet spirals down

quiescent fridgedness
bare armed branch depleted
foliage beneath flakes
Sep 2013 · 754
Autumn- Triple Haiku
hot relenting days
transforms cooler evening
fronds alteration

sleepy rising sun
chill cloudless breeziness
leaflet spirals down

quiescent fridgedness
bare armed branch depleted
foliage beneath flakes
Sep 2013 · 510
Diver- Haiku
unhurried leg thrusts
translucent effervescence
jagged cutting reef
Sep 2013 · 472
Nightime- Haiku
partially hidden
fervent moonlit escapade
being navigates
I can't be no more than three
To the circus, Barnum and Bailey
My blonde hair, a dress and big blue eyes
I am just as cute as I can be

My brother and sisters came too
My moms hands are full, what a zoo
Just so I won't get separated
Her soft, old brown coat I hold onto

The smells are all delicious here
Popcorn, cotton candy and good cheer
So many colors and sparkly things
I will get some later, it is clear

We take our seats I can barely see
On dads lap watching the menagerie
Elephants, lions, tigers and clowns!
So excited dad can hardly hold me

The music, drum beats and all the sound
The ladies on horseback ride around
The man on the trapeze soars very high
I'm sure he is miles up off the ground

We walk all the way up real big stairs
Past laughing people in their chairs
Hold onto that coat with all my might
I am having such fun, I have no cares

We bump and weave all thru the crowd
My mom and dad will be so proud
When I look up to see my mommys hair
It is grey! Wrong coat! I squeal aloud

Well I'll just have to find the car
Know they'll be there, it's not too far
The streets and parking lots are packed
I am lost and about to cry hard

I thought and searched and there it stood
My nice grandmas car, that's her hood
I waited for at least a year
Clown came by to help, he could

He took my hand in his huge glove
He dried my tears, thank God above
I missed my mom and dad....bad
Clown gave me ice cream filled with love

Over the loud speaker, announced my name
My frantic parents, on the run they came
Mom hugged me tight like she's never seen me
It was time to leave, what a **** shame
This happened to me in 1962. I was three and crossed two busy streets and found the car. The rest is history. Lol
Sep 2013 · 657
For My Mother
I've committed an act so grievously wrong
Worst mistake of my life, I don't belong
Am feeling so morbidly ashamed
My heart and soul are forever maimed
My unrelenting conscience nagged at me
I will never again be truly free

The worst part of all is the hurt she must feel
Pain, indignation, disbelief are all real
I took her love as something due me
Took it for granted so unwisely
I have lost the best part of me
To never return, can clearly see

I'm sorry is such a pitiful phrase
Shame, guilt, self hatred and malaise
I have an ache in my soul for trespassing
I am just heart sick, it's all encompassing

I will never allow MYSELF to forgive
Not sure with theses feeling I can live
I cannot reverse the transgression
In my being I've embedded a lesson

Don't know what possessed me to break our bond
I plead for forgiveness, if she'll respond
I hope our love can withstand and is strong.
To forgive, not forget what she knew all along
Sep 2013 · 991
The Defendant
There I sat with a cast and black eye
Just got small children down for the night
Tim decided to take tots for a swim
"Over my dead body", I yelled at him

We discussed our views in loud voices
Continued to fight, made bad choices
Very soon Westminsters finest pulled up
Domestic situation, cops abrupt

Got both sides of story, mine in jest
Smart *** me, I was soon under arrest
Handcuffed, shoved into waiting squad car
Was ******-cussed at my treatment so far

"I want your badge number", I threatened the cop
Ill sue for false arrest, and no I won't stop
Assault and battery on who, on Tim?
Refused to put out cig, didn't touch him

Got booked, printed and a soggy sack lunch
Wore old lady ******, rode up in a bunch
In population still in cast with black eye
The word spread around that I battered a guy

I crutched my way across shiny jail floor
Eyes following me as if to implore
Came up on a woman, looked like a ****
Then she asked, "**** girl what's he look like?"

Got released next day, had court appearance
Plead not guilty with no interference
Set date for jury trial of my peers
Never been in court in all of my years

With public defender at defendants table
Jury looked at me as if I were unable
To batter, assault a serious offense
I was so small, this did not make much sense

I bravely testified on my own behalf
Brought up Tims prior abuse, hid a laugh
Too late, the jury heard what I had to say

They filed out to deliberation space
Came back in fifteen, looked Tim in the face
The judge read the verdict, not guilty at all I was a free woman and skipped down the hall
This unfortunately was true. It happened in 1991.
Sep 2013 · 743
Dont Leave Me Behind
I love you my child
I don't know how to help you
You continue to die your slow death
It's painful us both
To watch you killing yourself
To see you so all alone
To know you're living with demons
I curse the devil and his minions

I love you my child
To witness you convincing yourself
to give up and die
It kills me inside

I love you my child
I've always loved you and always will
I don't feel you are long for this earth
The deterioration has accelerated
The doctors give you one short year
I cry for the hurt in your heart
I cry for the torture in your soul
I cry because you think I don't love you

I love you my child
Don't give up and die
I ache at the idea of living without you
Please see a glimpse of the light
in my soul
Let it guide you to peace
I can't watch anymore
I can't see you do this to yourself

I love you my child
Don't die my sweet little girl
Don't leave me behind
Let's love eachother for the time
you have left
I love you more than mere words express
I love you more than my own life
Don't cry little one, for I am here
This poem is tied into " The Woman On The Corner". This is what I read to her in her hospital bed.
Sep 2013 · 1.3k
The Woman On The Corner
Trial of homelessness strikes close to my heart
It's s difficult to put down in part
My poor baby daughter a ghost on the street
For a bottle, a meal, she'd ***** men she'd meet

This is such a sad and dangerous way
To live a desperate life everyday
The hardest part was watching her die
Not the life I'd have chosen, wonder why?

She was a very hostile and hurtful drunk
True tough love on my part, how low I had sunk
Muscular Dystrophy was part of her plight
She saw only darkness, was too tired to fight

She seized even while downing her *****
Early scerosis, extended abuse
I cried for her at night, worried all day
She called from jail, detox and a hospital stay

I once had to search for her as Jane Doe
In a panic I found her, back out shed go
I felt so mad, sad and **** confused
My sarah was out there, with who I mused

Homeless are people with heart and soul
Whether they choose or not to live this role
I know from experience that this is true
Sarah is loving, giving.....caring too

She had cried to me that I loved her no more
I wrote her a poem to convince and implore
Her to live and I loved her, I swore

I read her that poem in her hospital bed
We both cried, she'd get help,she actually said
She's now a month sober, attending AA
Happily sarah has a safe place to stay
I pray to the Lord that she finds her way
This has been recent and if you would like to read the poem that I read to her in the hospital it's called" Don't Leave Me Behind"
Sep 2013 · 1.4k
The Monster In Camouflage
Sunny day in June, the tenth to be exact
The horrible day my sister was attacked
Beth was in the house, her friend Mark outside
She was cleaning,he in the yard kept with pride

Beth Anne was on hands and knees scrubbing the floor
When she heard real gunshots, at least she swore
Snuck to the window and peered out with care
On the rocky driveway, saw Mark sprawled out there

Been shot three times in his back,lay in his blood
Beth saw her ex...with a .38 he stood
While terrified, behind the aquarium she ducked
Brad blundered in dressed in hunters camouflage- ****

Her heart hammering in her ears, bursts of short breaths
Saw him through the murky water, planning two deaths
Beth Anne cowered down praying to her dear Lord
He found her, pulled her up by the hair, fired once more

The bullet blew off her ear and traveled on down
Collapsed her lungs, in her blood she would drown
Brad disappeared and the firing just stopped
For Mexico he fled, red ranger with white top

Beth dragged herself the complete length of the rug
Called 911, shed been shot...head ringing from slug
She was determined to live, wouldn't give up the fight
But then she passed out endangering her plight

Came the Greeley police, fire trucks, EMT's
Assessed the situation, perp further he flees
They all worked on Mark, too late he was dead
One smart responder....woman shot in the head

They spreading out rushed the house, found my sis
Beth was unresponsive, victim almost missed
Speeding to Weld County General, sirens blaring
Got her in the ER cut off what she was wearing

O.R. She went with damage extensive
Not much hope, docs and staff apprehensive
For many hours they sawed, pinned, stitched and closed
The ICU threat of infection posed

Her body and face were unrecognizable
Family stood believing the impossible

Appeared an Adonis with blonde hair and blue eyes
Talk of afterlife evidently not lies
Her guardian angel told Beth he was there
Would appear much later, in death they would share
Sorry this is so lengthy. Its true and I tried to condense it as much as possible
Sep 2013 · 775
Waiting and Watching
A grandmas patience for three long years
No help from loved ones brought many fears
Kids happiness and well being, all mine
Unconditional love, caring and time

Hugs, fun, play and loving eachother
Working hard as father and mother
So many families in this sad trend
Addiction, neglect....the child can't fend

Made impossible decision to adopt
My age, mental illness....I had to stop
Heart break and tears through the long process
Patience with workers, under such stress
Took four long months to live with myself
Guilt, rage, hatred...counseling to help

Found a perfect family for the kids
A great mother and dad plus two new sibs
The transition was excruciating
Watching my angels change, while relating

After a short time, they made the move
Patience with grieving, never knowing what mood
The children are with the new family now
It's been five months, I've survived it somehow
Skype, drawings, galore
My daily waiting, they're not mine anymore
Sep 2013 · 680
Walking Toward The Gallows
Stepping into the grand chamber
Scent of polished wood and old justice
Taking place on a hard planked pew
Prepared to be admonished

All rise with respect due, the robe that takes the bench
Players present in majestic setting

Take the orange clad prisoners first
A little time to breathe,
wipe the sweat from my palms

My name is announced,
hope they can't see me quaking
Sentence is four points and an SR22
I despise court
Sep 2013 · 828
My Empty Heart
If you leave me ill truly be through
I'm teetering on the edge it's true
I have suffered great loss, as of late
Can't survive more torture or hate

I have hurt you beyond any repaIr
Deceit, half truths, you feel I don't care
Honesty is important to you
I was scared and knew not what to do

Please don't go with an untrusting soul
I would be lost in this world with no role
I've never trusted a man until you
It's breaking my shattered heart in two

You are such a kind, fair, loving man
Treat me like gold whenever you can
I always come first, when its tough on you
I don't treat you the same, I see that too

You think I'm using you, a free ride
So far from the truth, I need you to guide
Until you, I haven't loved a man
Abuse thwarted me, I don't know if I can

Talk about baggage I own it in scores
Don't give up now, salt in open sores
Give me a chance to absorb your love
Ill open my heart and trust God above
Sep 2013 · 1.7k
Pros and Bros
Summer's still here, it's nearing fall
Worldwide excitement, it's FOOTBALL!
This season starts the fans are wild
Time for the game, the players are riled

All in orange, tailgating before
Manning takes field, the crowd they roar
Toss the coin, we will receive
Want ball at half, won't deceive

They punt real high just watch it soar
Takes a knee, the twenty, no more
The blazing sun, outside it's hot
Cold beer and dogs, the fans they bought

The first pass is incomplete
Groans from throng and stomping feet
The second play, under control
Our running back finds a huge hole
First down their forty yard line
Thus far we are doing fine

The ball snaps and Peyton drops back
Four man rush, he's down for the sack
One more pass it's intercepted
To the fans this is unexpected

Out comes the opposing team
What's this, for Manning they scream
It's Eli in his red, white and blue
This is too much, you feel it too
Brothers face off in a game
Greatness is all in the name

Both teams run, tackle, hit hard and pass
Tied game, seconds left, do we come in last The field goal squad must do their best
Prader lines up, misses all in jest

            OVERTIME :-)
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