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 Apr 2014 Becca
Roisin Sullivan
It starts, at first,
Like a small itch
That's easy to
Simply ignore.

But soon begins
To cause me pain;
Persistent and
Burning my skin.

In the start, the
Sharp, searing fire
Licks my body,

Then quickly spreads
Across my hills
And deep valleys.
Untamed wildfire.

I can't put it out,
With indifference,
Desolate and
Cruelly chilly.

For my passion
Fuels the flames of
Pictured despair
So real to me.
 Apr 2014 Becca
Bed ridden,
And Barely breathing.

I await you to drift in,
Like turning leaves in autmun wind.
Chasing your shadow through the corners of my latency

Make me believe in fairies.

Dance me in violet haze 
twirl me with nymphs of woods everlasting  
let me prance my weaknesses down 
Through apath of serenities among orange speckled wild lilies 
Take me where I can breathe 
Besides these letters of make believe pages.
 Apr 2014 Becca
Not Worth It
 Apr 2014 Becca
I'll see you once more,
call it quits.
 Apr 2014 Becca
 Apr 2014 Becca
3 years
chained to you.

2 months
I fly with him.

1st time
I find myself.
3... 2... 1...
 Mar 2014 Becca
Alyssa McWilliams
For many years my friends would say I was easy to read,
they could always tell,
they would say,
what I was feeling,
when I was lying.

I would laugh and agree,
say lying just wasn't my specialty,
when really,
it's all I ever did.

I would hide my sadness,
not wanting to bog down others with it,
it was my baggage,
and I must carry it alone.

Over the years I formed a mask,
one I still wear to this day,
when you are always wearing a mask,
you see things differently.

Slowly I started noticing all of the masks around me,
whenever I walked outside there was a masquerade,
of fake emotions,
empty smile.

I was able to see through the front people used to keep the world out,
and sometimes I was able to get in,
and help.

It's not always necessary to point them out,
a warm smile,
is all someone needs.

I'm still trapped though,
in my mask,
and its dark and lonely in here.

I want nothing more than for someone to come save me,
rip my mask off,
and embrace me as I am,
not as what I show.

I guess I'm a far better liar than everyone things,
because I am always able to keep my pain so far inside,
that even I sometimes forget it's there.
 Mar 2014 Becca
Alyssa McWilliams
There is nothing worst,
then thous days you can feel yourself slipping,
your seems bursting,
your emotions braking though.
You're just waiting for something,
to evenly,
shatter you.

All day,
you live your life like your standing on the edge of a cliff,
and the rocks beneath your feet,
are crumbling away.

You start to fear,
where will I go off?
It probably wont even be justified,
and that's the worst part,
you're to weak to be able to handle your own emotions.

When the seal is finally broken,
you can only wait for everything to spill out,
for the flow to slow enough,
that you can cap it again,
and wait for the next build up.
Get yourself together,
and pretend,
that you are,
 Mar 2014 Becca
Non responsive
 Mar 2014 Becca
I detest what you've made me become 
you ******* hate me 
I just don't understand why 
and I try 
oh do I ******* try 
but to communicate the recipient mustnt be a brick wall
A week ago you loved me
now I'm beneath your hellos however have enough energy to talk about me 
while I still can't fathom how I can't call you up about the thing I just saw that I knew would make you laugh 
the thought of that incapability handicaps me.
I don't even try to watch the same channels anymore because I know those situations where I'll lift myself from the couch only to collapse back down because you don't even want to see my number on your caller ID
I try not to but I cry. 
I cleanse my body from this pressure that has harden me from the inside out 
I feel so deeply I turned the feelings you've infected me with into water 
I begin to breathe 
To realize I can't feel
youve seen me and want none of it.
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