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BTW Jul 2021
So much more
22 July 2021

Many sites not yet seen,
Lived only in my dreams.
Places I’d wish to go,
Loves I wish I’d sown.
Magic in the mid of night,
Angels who touch is light.
Soon running out of time,
Trying to spend that one last dime.
Adventures waiting at my door,
Aching still for so much more.
Only lions hear my roar.
BTW Jun 2021
Souls Within My Souls
10 June 2021.

To the furthest horizon they bring light and life,
Strength I need as I weaken by time and age.
Each holds the flame and memory that I loved and cherished.
None flicker in the gales and storms of torments eternal.
They will pass with me, tender quiet and peace of acceptance.

Each priceless treasure in the home I held.
Foundations on which I grew and sustain before my passing.
I will drip their wax on the tables of heaven.
For soon they will fade and turn cold.
Only their memory will you hold.

Cry not for their loss as others grow to show the way.
They knew of this day.
Perhaps I can be one of yours caressing you.
I wish it so. I wish it so.
BTW Jul 2021
6 July 2021

Lifted from ways of worldly life,
Below tension’s daily strife,
Peace in isolation, selfless care.
Moments world fully aware.
Lone connection eternal love,
Not down, not here – not above.
You been there times before,
Somehow, something, closed the door.
So many struggling hurt and pain,
To find a place to be again.
Spirit waits to show the way.
We won’t waste another precious day.
BTW Mar 2021
22 March 2021

These are the sweetest times.
Stepping into a new spring.
Your arms mid-day lifting me,
To greet and celebrate our love.
We age as we grow, time slows.
Pains of life awaken our gifts.
Each day more precious.
Each kiss, hug, moment too short.
Each more tender, more sweet.
It is the first taste of maple. Our table with the Gods,
The strength and courage you hold,
That continues our promise unbroken.
Good morning, full of love’s promise.

Admiration,respect,appreciation eternal.
You are my strength, my life, my spring.
BTW Apr 2021
Spring Rains.
28 April 2021

April flood, earth bloom, spring clean. Tao.
From earth to the streets,
Winter leaves,  fills the trees.
Yellows, reds, greens primary, air fresh, scented new.
Squares on the walk rechalked each year.
Skates track the tar, paint the youth.
Arms entwine, ivory vines, warmed sun near.
BBQ kitchen centre, wicker chairs, dusty awning, railed brass..
Popcorn melody, grahams in chocolate sizzling over smoking ash.
Avian song parts the traffic din low……
My heart opens each window.
Welcome  now.
BTW Aug 2021
Squirrel and the Rabbit
10 August 2021

Met out in my garden,
Middle of the day.
Squirrel and rabbit,
Seemed to know the way.
Quietly pursuing, appetites in need.
None disturbed the other.
No sign of reckless greed.
Wonders seem to wander,
Past my place and stay.
Humans seem to squander,
Every chance for play.
Why not come today?
BTW Jun 2021
20 June 2021

Science fiction?
Rain is forecast today,
Strange for the future already here.
My plans changed for it is Father’s Day,
Event that was certain in the past.
Books between book ends fail the tale,
Human time altered by expectation.
How much of what is yet to come is unalterable?
Tomorrow my birthday.
How many candles should be on the cake?
BTW Jun 2022
20 June 2022

Strange Friends

20 June 2022

They call early,
Get up, each new day,
A priority.
Good morning friends,
You never end.
Each bend in the road,
We meet.
Strange friends these aches.
My day awaits.
I am awake.
BTW Oct 2021
Oct 10 2021

Why take summertime?
Winter I will give to you,
Stormy Weather.
BTW May 2022
15 May 2022-

Silk sheets. Sweat air conditioned, owl-echo growls.
Not yet summer, war, pain, dissolution, summer on prowl.
All winter waits, snow-broken melt on pavement,
Pressing my head, your shoulder shakes, well-spent,
Winds raise the shingles, we twist again passioned.
Cool fall sun lies best on me like you, unrationed.
Whispering, snarling,  orange-layered ******,
Shake in summer heat's thousand spasms.
Hold back the drear of fallen leaf and dove torn.
Peace, comfort-thunder, insist again, warn,
I open your door unbarred.

Lighting, dark enlightenment, ash, strength spared,
Like ice in cold water , spoil the taste of spice and hair.
Lying touched, challenged, used, we stay bare.
Summer heat holds us here. Night, we become one.
Summer heat. It's not done.
BTW Aug 2021
12 August 2021

In those quiet moments of reflection before dawn,
We said goodbye.
Was there time before the last yawn?
Was there one more time to try?
How natural the sunset on each horizon.
While the fire still fries,
That day is done.
BTW Dec 2022
Sweet Dreams
4 December 2022

Wonder my sweet dreams,
Filled each eve with you.
Can you hear my tender words?
Spoken kind and true.
Each night flavored wine,
As we head abed,
Holding sweetest mine,
We are gently wed.
Smiling drifting sleep,
Life prayers said.

Every night gathered,
We are not alone.
Waiting calls to come,
An empty phone.

Just around corner times,
Our love singing whole.
Tomorrow sunshine, cold or snow,
Future cannot know.
Dreams of you come with me,
Everywhere I go.
Fate told cruelty hold,
Unable body bolds.

I bring you dream red roses,
Love courage tight enfold.
Will that Gods will bless me,
When time fades to gray.
I dream those times asea,
Every blessed day.

When I rise in morning,
Last yawns loose the dawn,
You’ll be there to hold me,
Listen to my song.
I’ll dream of you forever,
Our love never gone.
BTW Jul 2021
27 July 2021

You are sweetness I  tasted.
Summer sun, winter nog, green so strung.
Fall orange my heart dated,
Golden bells my song that you rung.

Silk sheets you made for my night bed.
Clouds locking blue sky overhead.
Dancing in wind candied tassels,
Gleaming with caramel sash.

Sugared trees with bright apples.
Keys to honey life ****.
Streams of pure dapple.
Spices melting my heart.

Darling you hold my spirit,
Free from madness and dark.
Sweet as moon light fritter,
You are the net holds my heart.

BTW Jan 2022
Sweet Tea.
29 January 2032

Sweet tea,  fill my awakening.
Silk leaf, hold wonder high.

Stir silver spoon, glisten emerald.
Daylight come, fade from shadow.

Dream, prepare gifts  for this day,
Heated, soften each bud lusting release.

Savour this moment,  heaven.
Sweet tea of morning, lie in my bed.
BTW Apr 2022
Sweet Tea.
29 January 2022

Sweet tea,  fill my awakening.
Silk leaf, hold each wonder high.

Stir silver spoon, glisten emerald blue,
Daylight come, Sleep fade-into shadows.

Dreams, prepare a gift for today.
Heated  kettle, soften each bud, lusting release.

Savour this moment,  my heaven.
Sweet tea of morning in my bed.
BTW Sep 2021
19  September 2021

Trees are turning to red, orange, yellow, light green,
A rainbow of colors celebrating the full lives of time.
A bluebird stilling, edges along the cedar of the deck,
While a V of geese break through the sounds of morning.
Cooler weather now starts the day with the taste of dew,
Dripping on the edges of hedges and slimming leaves.
I hear your quiet voice humming a reminder of our celebrations.
Our love coming tomorrow, the sweetest time of morning.
BTW Oct 2022
Take Care (of each other)
Oct 22, 2022

These are the times,
My hope, my wish.
Take care of each other,
Never finished.

These are the times,
When life will unfold.
Take care of others,
Be brave and bold.

There’ll be others
Living alone, waiting for loving.
Cold in their homes,
Living for hugging,
Something they own.

You have the hunger,
Be kind and good.
You are the one,
Who understood.

Many mountains,
Not easy to climb.
Give me your arm,
We’ll be there on time.
BTW Dec 2022
Take the time
25 December 2022

Sitting, waiting, pondering in the airport.
Grand Prairie, cold, snowy, windy.
Separated from family, but feeling strong.
Singing my grateful love song.
This day taking my time cause “nothing wrong.”

Short nap on a leathered chair, my love is here.
Travelling together is our bond, our steer.
Only a few years have we met Destiny.
Was time to be as one, loving, healing, complete.
Taking the time.
BTW Aug 2023
17 August 2023

On edge love bated,
Fissures scar sated,
Power shifting tides.
Sacries found eternal.

Dare I dance?
BTW Jun 2021
The beautiful path of life.
26 June 2021

I walk on the edge of your beauty,
Morning sun that kisses the blue of the sky.
Sounds of the beach, rustling the leaves.
The sea of you gently caressing the rock that I am.
Awaiting the joy of your storm stirring me.
Living on the edge of you.
The beauty filled path of my life.
BTW Jul 2023
22 July 2023

Scribbling in the dark on a piece of paper with a broken pencil, the child wrote the truth.

Scribble squish, just a random happening, without clear or logic.

God looked and changed the path.
The truth spoke.
BTW Dec 2022
The Gardener
11 Dec 2022

“Who is speaking?” Ogre I know.
“Hateful words”, somewhere below.

I , devil unwise,
Spoke regretful thought,
Stat surprised.

“Lost dark-heathen”, show me your marque.

“Dawn cry-scent blackened”, Beelzebub harked.
“Experience forgetter, thorn ever-last,”
“Asthmatic throb, last-pain-filled gasp.”

“Lucifer, foul-blossom, demon-on-hold,
Craven brass, once claimed true gold.
Alchemist silver, tied at my bow,
Exorcist arrow-rain, will, your way flow.”

Let me lie peaceful, eternal my own.
Fiend away, leave my wooden door home.
Wolf heed us  laden, stay further encore.
Peonies, roses, quiet my core!
Forgotten the devil .
BTW Nov 2023
The Life of Poetry
2 November 2023

Remenbering the days,
The darts you throw,
Will hit the walls behind you.

BTW Mar 2022
The Moment
27 March 2022

Musing. Where do I find my centre?
The essence of my being?
The accounting of my worth?
My person?
Not in my poetry, my stories, my self.
Rather moments unfettering the illusion of wholeness complete.
Greatest satisfactions of my life, are brief.
Infinity's experience,  distanced, solitary, lost.
No need for more.
BTW Dec 2022
The Moment
Dec 23 2022

One cel in a movie.
One letter in a word, on a page, in a book.
One kiss.
BTW Oct 2022
The Neighbour
1 October 2022

Feisty was the neighbour,
Not as old as I.
Didn’t shirk the labour,
I could only eye.

Challenged every habit
Custom we had held.
Bushes for the rabbits,
Slashed and fully felled.

Dressed up the garden,
Flowers pleased the eye.
Became the local warden,
Edging lines awry.

Household soon renewed,
No limit to the purse.
Perfection was pursued.
Made mine feel crude.

Felt my comfort leaving,
To smile would host a lie.
Left alone and grieving,
Time for apple pie.

Garbage now the focus
Where to put the pail,
Glad we have no locus,
Outside be in jail.
BTW Aug 2021
24 August 2021

Precipice of Desire.
Good and bad in doubt.
BTW Jan 2021
The Rendering
29 January 2021

And so we pay out the ends,
Making something profitable,
From other than bankruptcy.
Emptied, we are alone whole,
When all else lies ruined.
Turning the wheel fate,
Leaves what we have left,
For the next as yet unseen.
You can have it all.
My need no longer calls.
Spend yours well while,
It is fresh and young.
Yet to spoil, unhung.
BTW Feb 2022
There you were (Hauku)
31 January 2022

I am my body.
You are my soul and life.
I will never die.
BTW Oct 2023
The Storm in My Dreams
20 October 2023

Like a mad storm,  shards of glass, hail on ebony rust,
The whites of my eyes, people, portrait busts on busses,
Filled with those left behind, but no where,
Shredding tired stares. Wait, another room, stairs.

Traffic fills with the noise that chaos brings.
Illusion of love,  a devil sings.
Dark red clouds, maroon skies, fushia trees,
******* stumbling, falling on leaves. Frees.

No power, stop the rain, still the winds, stirring sawdust,
On the butchers’ floor, stick my heels, mussing..
Old friends invites a celebration that exists.
Empty those that I sadly miss.
Thoughts dance, twist.

I wake, zen mind, leaving the detris in my last sleep.
BTW Aug 24
The Uni-Cycle
August 24, 2024

The apex of balance,
Uni-cycle Alone,
Every path taken, lands,
Near Home.

One wheel thumps over,
Each bump in the road.
Hover, whump, hover,
Future unknown.

Bicycle, front wheel and rear,
Map on steel rack  
Two like to steer,
Now back to back.

Tricycle rovers,
Lie on the road.
Rides over.
My love goes cold.
BTW Aug 2021
How did you lose the Way?
4 July 2021

Your mouth became your ears,
Your life filled up with fears.
Love well ran bone dry.
No longer summer skies.
All you see is pain.
Days filled with coldest rain.
Struggle every day.
How did you lose the way?
Never been a better day!
News from profit racks,
Off the cheapest track..
Passion of potato sacks.
Never got you back.
How did you lose the way?
Always a bitter day.
BTW Feb 2021
This Morning
25 February 2021

This morning got up aching for you.
Last night our love was so true.
My dreams heart felt I knew,
Last night our love was renewed.
This morning brings another day.
Time for you to stay.
Coming to stir you and play.
Love you to wake up that way.
Those hours we spend in our bed,
Have truly stirred up my head.
Love got up aching for you.
Each morning true sweet for you.
A little country'
BTW Jan 2023
This morning
19 January 2023

Cold, Snowy.
*** bump woke me.
Still snowing.
BTW Aug 2021
Song I write for you.

17 August 2021.

My quiet voice never hides
The power of my love
This song I write for you

The strength of my arms
The iron of my soul
The commitment I hold
Will keep you whole

You’ll know tower of  my love
The power of my heart
The passion we hold every day
My heart never hides
This song I write for you

From mountain to shore
Valley to hill
I sing of our love
With all that I have

Basso to trill
My love thrills
To the wonder of you
This song I write for you
BTW Sep 2022
Tide of Age
18 September 2022

Remembering the dates, the times, the pain, the loss,
The tides of age wash over me. A deluge of memory,
Wasting, waiting, finishing me.
All has changed, all was new, all unknown, All, gone.
Where are the shores, the craigs of rock, the sand dunes,
That gave me peace and place, defined me, defiled me?
Rattling, rolling, bruised, I lay tattered on it’s mound.
Age destroyed my trophies, gold turned to old brass, broken glass.
None keeps what they win, wanted.
Tomorrow I will be consumed in the thirst of life.
Tomorrow, perhaps you will join me.
Tomorrow, perhaps you will see me.
Tide of age, all time unstoppable, all time loving you.
All time, loving you. Loving you. Loving you.
BTW Nov 2021
16  November 2021.

Bless our morning sun.
Waves sweeping my shore.
Rhythms of you.
BTW Mar 2023
Time Alone
16 January 2023

Edged alone a verdant recluse,
Green, maroon hedges,
Fluttered impatient,
Hormonal male sparrow, 
Previous years seen by children,
Who named him lumpy,
Failed, too late.

Seasoned time incessant ,
Damaged by age,
Hungered by arrivals,
He Held.
BTW Mar 2021
30 March 2021

When I was young, each morning filled with hope,
Skipping school, jumping rope.
Rode my bike, hide and seek, played games till pedaled weak.
Stayed outdoors, till lights came on.
Energy, dawn to dusk, dusk to dawn.
This morning from my bed, kissed my wife, on her head.
Rose for breakfast, and with those oats,
Headed bath for comfort soak.
All those games just a joke.
In my gardens where flowers grew,
Arthritis blooms, pains renew.
Bills seem bigger, challenge looms.
Wife says groom, pickup brooms.
Seems to be so many rooms.
BTW Sep 2021
Today’s Life
16 September 2021

Today filled pictures, coloured ads,
Table talks take place, on pads.
Family now lives in ether.
Two thumb account of love and weather.

Values change from what you do,
Contribution to needs of others.
Rather follow purchase covered.
Moment to moment for yet another.

Private talks wired everywhere,
No quiet chat by grandpa’s chair.
Patriarchs have lost their joss,
Good old days torn and tossed.

Basics now the fastest car,
Golfing course and making par.
Fishing rods high on hooks.
Computer shelves all the books.

Like the highway bypassing town,
Personal touch on vacant ground.
An old man stands on heaven’s door.
Who can know what will his score.
BTW Feb 2022
Toilet Seat
23 Feb 2022

Broken-day, torii brick shard, lying grey furred furrow.
Dust scarlet covered berm, breaking morn of plain plaid kids, unearned plastic, horror films.
Bones were home, no  longer borrowed.. They never lived.

White marbled Torso held court in  dark brown sack, dreaming bloodied, past ivory beige scars.
Soil green-lined paper reel, only new light, burning orange in midnight star wars.
Seal pink toilet seat stays, winds farrow, foul blast exaggerated by cracked silvered mirror candle, weeping.
Broken azul sky, cloud black bar. A red bacardi label, torn, 3 rusted cars..

Ash, twisted ***** sculpted tan oak, on a blue T shirt.
Somehow resting, orange flat steeple *****.
Reminds past heroes were longer, discarded, purple neutered..

A nose and an ear. Vulvae. A smashed CFM TV.

Somehow these pieces form the picture of tall thunder.
Holding me here.
Chaos grows on my living room floor, wait!
I  lower the toilet seat, crying over a dead cow, last night's beer.

Today I will hold my own.
Reflections on a crazy broken world including the Ukraine.
BTW Dec 2021
11 December 2021

And so I wander the steadying hand of tradition.

An gray homestead, weary wallpaper and waxed wooden floors, frozen pipes.
Green and yellow enameled table bowled with oatmeal and brown sugar.
Window covered in leafy spirals of frost dripping, heat of wood stove crackle.

A bed warmed overnight by feathered covers and heated stone.
A metal pan in the sink holding my father’s soap, brush, and brass razor, awaiting a hot kettle.
Snow in my rubber boots, waxed paper sock lined, crunching as we struggle to class.
Charcoal ash marking paths through snowbanks, ice puddles on the road, horse track.
Milk standing at attention, saluting the rising sun of winter’s doorstep.
Hockey sticks and skates resting in the back porch, worn and ready.

Tomato soup with a pat of yellow butter, salted ******* crumbles.
Burnt bread crust trying to hold onto marmalade from the ice box.
Tea leaves in my cup predicting the upcoming fortune of the day.
A naughty calendar pinned to the garage wall, Dad over oily steamed mechanics.
Call of my best friend to dice, a color squared cardboard game, and an afternoon of challenge.
Hands of the girl next door brushing her unkempt, unruly hair in her front window.
Galvanized tub of warm water for the weekly Saturday bath.

A fir tree with the promise of sweets and a gift, sparkling at midnight, filling home with pine scent, holding lit candles.
Toy filled sock on the bed, half a cookie, and an empty milk glass on the bedside stool, Christmas morning.
The first phone call from family that morning, bacon and eggs, extra time lying in bed.
Butter tarts, turkey in the oven.

Tradition, tradition, where are am I now?
BTW Jun 2022
23 June 2022

Travel Unstressed
23 June 2022

Waiting, the airport is crowded and full,
Announcements taking their noisiest toll.
Security playing it's cluster f*cked roll.
One passenger, weeping bag overflow.
Mamma 4 kids, all squawking in tow.
Baggage lost, no place to stay.
Travel past, was never this way,
Horse only needed, one bale of hay.
Price is inflated, oil price today.
Never the less.  we're ready to pay,
Adventure pending, awaiting life weighed.
Cabins out on that  rocky lake  shore.
Fish jumping, hooks already gore.
Canoe drifting, fir green on trees,
Oak logs in fireplace,  burning my knees.
Going to open that lost deck of cards,
Two weeks not mowing  backyard.
Look forward, each summer season,
Straying hot summer, no stress or reason.
Chores left at airport. the master plan.
Mountain country, awesome, so grand.
Passport quaking in shivering hand.
Cameras hanging, old dust and sand.
Can't leave my bag, here at my seat.
Take it with you, if needing a leak.
Safety warnings,  hang every aisle.
Terrorists coming with all their wiles.
No one really daring to smile.
Hearing now that loud roaring sound,
Meaning my flight has been final found.
Finally time to get out of town.
Next year. again, will travel bound.
Friends all gather, end of my journey.
I tell them I never hurried.
Vacation was best ever scurried.
Bank account empty, now my big worry.
BTW Sep 2023
13 Sept 2023

With shaking hand, he holds  his ghosts,
Memories blurred by illness, pain,
Sweet tastes of honeyed  times, on a wooden post.
Baskets of mead, red wine, ***, stain. Spin again.

Their faces shimmer, lights to guide, lead.
Still alive in dreams. Thrive on me, said.
His smile, wrinkles, delighted in tender touch.
Passions, love partners, families, friends, such.

On the rails of time, he steadies, moving upslope.
One mountain to climb, one gate left to ‘ope.
One last great amour, stays his cold hand.
One soul, steady, true, eternal , grand.

The earth tremors, cracks, and groans.
He tremors, laughs.  He is home.
BTW Jun 2021
True Love
18 June 2021

True love lives in an empty tea ***.
BTW Aug 2022
25 August 2022

Blood red on edge,
They pledge,
Blood thick edge,
Home hunger stolen.

Truck gray rolling,
Soldiered stripe,
Green to rust pipe.

Held memory lost,
Promise morn frost.
BTW Apr 2021
19 April 2021

To read, is not to learn.
To cry, is not to suffer.
To love, a fantasy.
To pray, is not ecstasy.
To search, is not to find.
To give, is not to be kind.
To take, not greed.
To do well, is not to win.
Who can speak the truth?
BTW Jun 2021
21 June 2022

When truth exceeds your reality,
Your are living last stage of life.
Acting fool for an ardent audience.
Deceived by frailty.

Yet applaud your effort for they too,
No longer fit the breadth of their shoes.  
Staggering  tracks on a wandered path,
Follow a dimming light that cannot last.

Discontinuity cues the final moment of the play.
How did i lose the way?
BTW Sep 2021
13 September 2021

Tiw’s day solo anon
The time seconds to dawn.
Heart thirsts love song.

Quietly stir the bed of stars.
Skies open on many wars.
Child broken by youth,
Little soothes me.

Calm is sparse, unreachable.
Harsh too feasible.
Time to reach the well,
Cast coin for voten’s spell.
BTW Jan 2022
26 January 2022

In the dimming light,
My vision clears.
I see the gifts that I have.
I feel the love we share.
The embrace of those not here.

You warm me, shelter me.
Twilight in my home.
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