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BTW May 2022
8 May 2022

"two dollars said I won.
used to buy a bit of fun.
now worth only one"

Not enough to buy a bun.
A loaf of bread? sorry none.
Tried for galloon of gas,
Tossed  me out on my ***.

Taxes seemed came to three,
Took my money "abc".
Now wonder, two dollars free?
Can't buy one dollar's need.

Told it's called inflation's gain.
Least it's got a pretty name.
Pay it now, all day long.
" 'for it's over, dollar's gone' ".
BTW May 2021
Uncertain certainty

17 May 2021

Twisting left and right for place to stand,
When certain worlds seem shifting sand.
Truths soft in hardened hands,
Confusion near in distant lands.
Mortals search for friends and foe,
Which is witch no one knows.
Standing tall  falls, strong winds blow.
Opinion fast while facts stay slow.
Times fade as history passed,
Distortions brighten every class.
Keepers in that ivory  tower,
Waivers sweet our fruit to sour.
Careful in this war of strife,
Risky now our paths of life.
Honest used to be our goal,
Uncertain now certain takes its toll.
BTW Dec 2021
8 December2021

Innocent child has basic need,
Fulfilled parents, to feed that seed.
Marriage contract, every level,
Course not filled, delights a devil.
We live our lives in trade and debt,
On conditions bet or set.
Gift always does some burden bear,
Loads lifted only wear and tear.

Love bears it’s own heavy cost.
Unconditioned, always tossed.
Dream of less forever lost.
BTW Aug 2021
23 August 2021

There is a tombstone,
Written “I too once was there.”  
"How do I get back? "

(Still have my coat and bags)
BTW Jun 2021
7 JUNE 2021

Unplugged and disconnected,
Estranged the viral way.
Time lost forever,
Socially astray.

Unarmed by sadness,
Care  by stranger names  ,
Forgotten days of gladness,
Life is rearranged.

One day the doors will open.
Never be the same.
Age line steeply sloping,
Most not in the game.

Clock slowly tocking,
No one can it tame.
Some are still talking,
Don't know who to blame.
BTW Aug 2022
15 August 2022.

Without judgement or restraint, you curled me,
Celebrating our love and passion, true and free.
Dancing on sweet air,
Hold me, caress me, touch fair,
Every nerve feasting.
My soul, my body, your spirits intwine.
Medusa's blessing.
Kisses soak unbinding, no moral taint,
On a sea of love, we travel heaven’s gate.

Be free, you said, anything you want, I will.
I trust you. Such love God's fill.
BTW Aug 2021
The Unlucky Pirate
10 August 2021

Born needs that poke and pry.
Hungered treasure other eyes.
Will to take, till love died.
Happiness fought from ding-a-lings,
Diamonds, bracelets, golden ring.

Other vultures heard her sing.
Many others just like her.
Picked partners she made purr.
Close, not smart enough,
To get away, with other’s stuff.
Began to treat her ruff.
Trouble followed everywhere.

Damage she left didn’t care.
Tried to blame cards and stars.
Attitude like one from Mars.
Nothing ever got her far.
Could never jump, that big bar.

Grab pirate’s top cigar.
Now hangs from pover-tree,
Still swings so needlessly.
Envies all she has lost.
Can’t acknowledge, just because,
Little brain, mostly claws.
Never found her Santa Cause.
BTW May 14
BTW Sep 2023
I Wish
I wish
Sept 7, 2023.

I wish I could give you all you will need.
I wish I could give you more years, less tears.
I wish I could keep you ever free of pain and sorrow.
I wish I could promise you tomorrow.
I wish I could keep you safe and free.
I wish I could give you a world to see.

I can only give you all of me. .
BTW Apr 2021
Up All Night
26 April 2021

Surrounded by lack of light,
Where is the boundary?
Sudden spirit in flight,
Where will I roam?
Walls have no home.
Child runs alee.
Is that the devil I see?
Who set me free?
BTW Aug 2021
Up in the Attic
18 August 2021

Up in the attic a young boy laid his head.
An old army cot and mattress were his bed.
Cold in the winter, wool blankets were his stead.
Hot in the summer, an old fan buzzed mosquitoes dread. .

Painted wooden steps led up from the front hall.
Downstairs two sisters night time played toys and dolls.
Dinner cooked and boiled on an old wooden stove.
Dad made money with the Eaton’s truck he drove.

Never was much change in that cookie jar.
No nights for sitting long in local bars.
Front steps were broken, loose, and tinted rust.
Trip to school luxury would be a local bus.

Old family doctor had long passed eighty three.
When he came to visit never was a fee.
Cures came from lore and our family history.
Never saw the inside of a pharmacy.

Old dog slept on a torn and tattered rug.
Bed sheets from flour sacks withstood every tug.
Music came from Dad’s old banjelo,
He sang like Bing, every song we know.

Clothes came down the line from friends and family.
Most shoes and boots were found somewhere else for free.
Winter coats with full newspaper stuffed,
Warmed us through the winter’s coldest rough.

Wood stove stone warmed the bed at night.
Coal soaked with kerosine easy Mom to light.
Sometimes that old kettle gave the dog a fright.
Tea stayed in the teapot lid sealed down really tight.

Ice box held the dinner, carrots peas, and spuds.
Breakfast in an oatmeal box came easy with our  morning hug.
Washed our hands and elbows, faces were the test.
Checked each day in classroom for the very best.

Was a privilege when you the blackboard cleaned.
May you shiver when the bad boy strapped and screamed.
Said the good Lord’s prayer start of every day.
National Anthem sang the same old way.

Spelling tests were common, had to do the math.
End of each year we all hoped we’d passed.

Games out in the schoolyard made our bodies strong.
Most had joined the choir and forgot all those songs.
Summer went so quickly, winter stayed too long.
Friends and team mates were where you belonged.

Conkers and alley games always stood close nearby.
Also often bullies tried to make you cry.
Yoyo’s some swung and danced. Tricks that would enchant.
Ball games and soccer ran till all  need
huff and pant.

Were those few who won ‘bout every race.
Girls sat front of class who had the nicest face.
Hero’s of the football field stood big and tall.
Those with highest marks never seemed to fall.

Many years have passed us by, leaving hopes and scars.
Some of those in our class helped us plan on Mars.
Some now only found, parts in brine filled jars.
Youngest memories fade in daylight stars.
BTW May 2021
Upside Down
27 May 2021


My world seems upside down.
Like being on the wrong side of town.
I can find my way home, but not in a dream.

Stopping for ice cream and peace.
Deep breaths thru my skin to my soul.
Noises, sounds, smells - strange, hold me.
Hold me.

My world is upside down.
BTW Jun 2021
Upside Down
27 May 2021

My world seems upside down.
Like being on the wrong side of town.
I can find my way home, but not in a dream,
Stopping for ice cream and peace.
Deep breaths thru my skin to my soul.
Noises, sounds, you - strange,
Hold me.
My world, upside down.
BTW Aug 2021
30 August 2021

You welcome vigor and energy in our love making.
In the deepest moments of life we find peace and meaning.
Those times endure in memory of a lifetime well taken.
Comfort from the passion of life short lived, unseaming.

In your touch, your kiss, your loving, I am revived.
So grateful to be with you, I feel so alive.
You have awakened me again, welcomed me.
The vigor of your seas, I gratefully seize.
I will ride your wave, until the sun fades,
Until the winds of life, freeze.
BTW Sep 2021
2 September 2021

Vivacity hit,
Right in my gut today.
Too late, couldn't wait.
BTW Jul 2021
21 July 2021

When you hear a cry for help.
When you hold a loving heart.
When you question your firm belief.
When you help one ride the street.
When you take the pain of others.
When you accept a lie to cover.
When you are hungry and still share.
When your partner makes you dare.
When a child holds tight your hand.
When you eat sand right grand.
When you trust an enemy right.
When you forgive the one who fights.
When you see poet stars of blue.
When poetry stars see you.
When you love without condition.
When you live love song’s rendition.
When you share your home and table.
Vulnerable, to be able.
BTW Aug 2021
24 August 2021

Waiting is the hardest,
Where do I wait startled?
Can we know what could be won or lost?
Can we know what will be the cost?
I long waited for you.
Now you, my life is at risk, you are my life.
Flowers or music hardly tell the tale.
You are my freedom from pains of life.
You are that awesome gift fate has tossed.
Waiting is precious time we have lost.
Yes, we have to take the cost.
Waiting is hard.

Yes we have to take the cost.
Waiting is the hardest.
BTW Jul 2021
Wakening Ten
10 July 2021

Special day of 10 still free.
You are here in love with me.
Journey we will each day take,
Waiting as you my love wake.
Filled with love, we found our way.
Never lost our memory day.
How do I live life with you?
Ten gifts you bring my truth.
Beauty, gentle, empath, youth.
Sweet days, love maze, humor wiles,
Loving smile in handheld miles.
Tradition holding with our pen.
Two ten wakens me again.
BTW Jan 2023
24 January 2023

Old shoes  tired feet
Home, an empty surrender.
He is complete.
BTW Apr 2022
3 April 2022

They watched you go.
Time stopped, they wanted free.
Every dream stayed with me.
Every dream😲agony.
Tomorrow’s pain will show,
Moon and fire only know.

Sleep alone,  little ones.
Strife  is here with his guns.
Over there behind those trees.  
Men die on broken knees.
Loved once, they hold their brave.
Soon they’ll sleep near tags in graves.

War forever holds their eyes.
Tomorrow time for all to cry.
Today I hear sweet good byes.
They stay here so you can fly,
Ignore the pain.
War comes to us again.
BTW Jun 2021
Welcome Summer
4 June 2021

Quiet sounds of the ‘hood’ deft with the summer rain.
You are so welcome again.
Grateful praise for those warm days,
And nights when it’s hard to sleep.
Soon the rains will come soft and plain.
Somehow I missed the sheep.
BTW Aug 30
When It Happens to You

When the storm clouds gather near,
And the winds howl strong with fear,
It’s easy to speak of courage bold,
But harder to grasp when the night turns cold.

When the world spins out of control,
And the weight bears down on your soul,
The words you offered to others in need,
Feel distant, hard to believe, or heed.

The road you once saw clear and bright,
Now twists in shadows, devoid of light.
The strength you preached in better days,
Seems lost in this darkened maze.

But deep within, a flicker stays,
A tiny spark that guides the way.
For even when life tests you true,
The heart remembers what to do.

Hold on to that thread so fine,
For it’s the tether to your line.
When it happens, and it’s all too real,
You find your path, you learn to heal.

The storm will pass, the skies will clear,
You’ll rise again, despite the fear.
For strength is born when we make it through,
Even when it happens to you.
BTW Sep 2022
When you are a dreamer
14 September 2022

When you are a dreamer,
Your dreams show all true.
If you are a schemer,
Trouble waits you.

When you’re a dreamer,
Rewards thin and few,
Old love kisses are due,
Romance waits impatient anew.

When you are a dreamer,
Passion steams drum.
Heat weans in shelter,
Sheets left benumbed.

Music fill the morn,
Trumpet blow your horn.
Body holds no warning,
Love sweet and warm.

When you are a dreamer,
Need of great success,
Dreams lost manifest.
BTW Sep 2021
12 September 2021

When you are a mountain, no hill to climb.
When you are a mountain, stars mill your time.
When you are a river, water clear falls.
When you are a child, you hear my call.
BTW Jun 2021
When you are away
19 June 2021

I see you in every rainbow.
Taste you in each summer shower.
Immersed in sweet wet flow of you,
Falling from your tower.
BTW Jul 2021
When You Are Not Sure
24 July 2021

Doubt hindered my progress.
Opportunity at the margins.
Now I may have less,
Than I should bargain.
We took a risk and won.
So much undone now done.
Let’s take the chance.
Come close, let’s dance.
So cute in those pants.
Let’s take a chance.
You had me first glance.
A tribute to my wife. Love should always be young.
BTW Aug 25
25 August 2024 Fit Me In Once in a While

Fit me in once in a while, when you can,  
Like a soft kiss in a fleeting span,  
A stolen glance, a whispered word,  
A secret smile that goes unheard.

In the moments between your busy days,  
Where passion hides, and hearts obey,  
Find a space, just a fleeting touch,  
To fit me in, though it’s not much.

I don’t need long, just a tender embrace,  
A shared laugh, a moment of grace,  
To know that love still finds a way,  
Even if it’s just for a day.

Fit me in once in a while, when you can,  
In the quiet nights or the morning’s plan,  
I’ll be waiting, patient and near,  
For those brief moments when you’re here.
BTW Jul 2021
Where you are known
19 July 2021

Nothing hidden, secrets hanging clear,
A pool of aqua green waters.
The eagle circles a moonlight sky,
BTW Jun 2023
11 June 2023

Your whisper echoes,
Revealing truth's solemn gaze,
Now aware, alone.
BTW Jul 2022
Is there ever going to be enough time
19 July 2022

Suddenly it’s over.
Sun is setting in the west.
The darkness creeps in.
So much today was noted done.
Yesterday was full and felt complete.
Tired and ready to sleep, I pull up the covers,
Put my head down in the pillow, and wish for pleasant dreams.

Waiting this morning, I am blessed with a new day.
When the tears of morning are done,
Excitement of new possibilities sustain me.

Each day is full of promise.
Will there ever be enough time?
BTW Jun 2021
23 June 2021

Somedays I fill with wishes,
Winning lottery, youth and yacht.
When I put dishes in to dry,
I ought no lie,
To be more grateful.
For what I got,
Before I die.

So much dangled on display,
That will never come my way.
Grateful that I'm still free,
Don't need those things controlling me.

Life amazing every day,
Think I like it just this way.
Family, friends, smiling faces,
Everywhere in my favorite places.

Still once in an ever while,
I'd like to try that lovely style.
Wishes keep me in the aisle.
BTW Feb 2021
Wishes Lost
20 February 2021.

Time the greatest mystery.
Riddle history lost.
Why so quickly past?
Times of trouble noted.
Pain, suffering promoted.
Now wishes unfulfilled,
I bade the time to ****.
History be what I will.
BTW Aug 2021
11 August 2021

Wishing no pain or sorrow.
Joy and love for all tomorrow.
Pictures past of times we knew,,
Always bring love renewed.
Let me live blessed today,
Sharing with you wishes I prayed.
BTW Nov 2023
6 October 2022

Today I start to wonder,
How this love will end.
Last love of my life,
Has now twist and bends.
Time wears on the corners,
Of the cards we sent.

Vowing love forever,
Then truly meant.
Passion tired the nights.
Hid away the stars.
Kept the cold frost melting,
On the winow bars.
Ordinary than more the days.

Little left of games we played.
Tomorrow comes too soon.

On the street at dawn,
Love awaits it’s doom.
BTW May 2021
Wonder who
16 May 2021

When I read my poetry I wonder,
Who wrote those lines?
Not who I am now, I have changed,
Every day.
Who am I?
BTW Dec 2021
04 January 2019

Sip of wine, sparkling eyes, gentle smile.

Chrismas decorations, miles and wiles.

Neighbours shoveling snow, laughing, kicking the edges.

Some have already gone south.

Lights blinking like fading stars, some didn’t.

Another snowflake on my glasses melting, like the years.
BTW Aug 2021
20 August 2021

I can love you more,
I can give you more than need.
Yes. Yes. Yes I can.
BTW Feb 2021
12 February 2021
This morning at 4 A.M. I thought of you and simply saying “hello XXXX”, remembering you are also an early riser.

Yet I knew I needed a word for a person I loved, respected, and admired,  a word that also emcompassed someone,  words that respected a young heart in an individual coping with our challenging times, age, tradition and cultures. So much uncertainty, yet these individuals hold strong. These individuals are exemplars of respect, stability and strength in their actions and yet, quiet lives. They have seen it all and are grateful. There are more than are often noted.

I was unable. It is the distinction of vitality and life experience for which I search. “hello Friend” does not seem adequate. I had accepted “young heart”, but also needed ageless. There are amazing young people with old souls. “Young hearts, old souls”, is now my choice. I suspect somewhere there is a single word. I am looking.

So, this morning “Hello young heart, old soul, XXXXX”. Just wanted to wish you a happy and safe day. Next time, “YHOS”. Sorry this is a little late.
BTW Sep 2022
Every Day
16 September 2022

You are brave, beautiful, pure.
On every corner, in every place.
I don't know you, or your face..
Simply you live, one day die.
BTW Apr 2021
You are my music
16 April 2021

You are my music, the strength of summer storm.
Gentle song of springtime, when earth grows firm and warm.
The soft light of morning, dancing waves soft horn.
Sheep in the meadows, waiting to be born.
The miracle of love songs, from those teenage years,
Kind, loving, that rock away all tears.
The healing of young child’s dreams.
Water of fall’s clear falling stream.
Wind kind and gentle, holding life for me.
No place I’d rather be.
You are my music, unfolding of my life,
Holding you in my arms, my wife, my willing wife.
The soft sounds of twilight, pillowed at your head.
Sleep and rest, love times, spoon fed in our bed.
Awaken in the morning, you are my daily bread.
No symphony will fill me, as you do each day.
Every touch of time with you, my proper way.
I found the paths of love with you, the staff that keeps me strong.
You are my music. The Gods have heard your song.
So grateful here, where love belongs.
You are my home, my sweet one, ever on.
BTW Aug 2021
You Bring Such Beauty and Joy
16 August 2021

You bring such beauty and joy, my life.
Roses your cheeks, green emerald eyes.
Quivering angels wing from your lips,
Kiss your entwining sweet fingertips.
Each day Monet, tinted pink, perfect apple,
Purple iris, lavender, clear pool spring-dappled.
They sing of your truth, the hymn of your love.
Pure white summers, soft feathered doves.
Joyous those thousand magical carpets.
Genius unbottled, impassioned sparkle.
Art of Leonard and Dali found your fine glory.
Authors of history script your sweet story.
Mozart, Chopin, Bach wrote those wined lines,
Music, opera, dance pulsed ever time.
You are each blessing of heaven’s best gifts,
The joy and beauty that my heart sure lifts.
Joy and happiness, you fill all my life.
My precious, amazing. I love you, my wife.
BTW May 2021
14 May 2021

Some mornings empty,
Your soul and music fills you.
Make today your day.
BTW Aug 2021
Your Dreams
24 August 2022

I slept. hand on your breast,
Bare ***** pressing your back.
Your dreams filled my night.
BTW Aug 2021
20 August 2021

Unappreciated your strength,
So many missed who you were.
Few would take that journey,
None could survive.

Your challenge accelerated,
And you smiled hiding pain.
Legs crossed and open armed,
You struggled again. Undaunted.

Now I have your pain.
You were stronger.
BTW Aug 2021
Zen Of A Perfect Man
29 August 2021

The perfect man does nothing perfectly.

— The End —