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BTW Mar 2021
Noise (Haiku)
29 March 2021

When does it stop being noise?
When love listens.
BTW Sep 19
19 September 2024

i’ve little tide for nonsense.
My world filled with sands of time.
No patience for half truths.
Hazy glow of staled wine.

Yet where else can i hide.
BTW Nov 2021
20 November 2021

Free of pain.
How do you know you exist?
Arthritic old sits daily twisted,
Grey eyes struggle, tears misted.
Lost a friend or mother?
Money, job, sister, brother?
Respect, youth, your truth?
The great questions of life and death,
Answered in last quivered breath.

Each day I awake for the sun.
Listen,  last song she sung.
Wonder stars filling night sky.
Where will I go when I die?
Cry as wars fill the earth,
Heroes finding their worth.
Feeling that child in my arms.
Loving you, kissing you warm.

Pain lies hidden each day,
Holding the answer at bay.
How long can I stay,
Loving you?
BTW Jul 2023
22 July 2023

I sweat passion, lust into the sand of the beach.
Nothing grew there.
BTW Oct 2021
Watch her crying.
Her dream dying.
Life twisting her dry.

Always standing alone,
Strangers filling her home.
Hungry hands fondled her *******,
Taking her owned she had left.

No where to go, only frost.
All treasures long lost.
No one to listen her cost.
Empty, her bucket tossed.

Each day was the same.
No hugs, only pain.
No promise let her live.
Born only to give.
BTW Jun 2023
Twilight's gentle glow,
Age's obscurity shines,
Wisdom's tapestry.
BTW Jan 2022
22 January 2022.  

In the infinity of you,
I find unending joy.
Calm as each wave,
Washing me.

Holding me under God’s sky.
Pain and sorrow find no hold.
Your courage has no lie.
Your strength from purest gold.

You leave no one behind.
Share, love not blind.
Other find you there.
Precious, gentle, rare.
Growing in your care.
BTW Apr 2022
22 January 2022.  

In the infinity of you,
I find unending joy,
Calm as each wave,
Wash me pure.

Holding me under God’s sky.
Pain and sorrow find no hold.
Your courage true bold..
Your strength purest gold.

You leave not one behind.
Share, love, never blind.
Other find you angel fair.
Precious, gentle, rare.
Growing strong in your care.
BTW Aug 2021
25 August 2021

Perfection is personal
BTW Feb 2023
Old married man
3 February 2023

When we sit together, holding hands,
When you kiss me, make me smile,
When love overwhelms me? a mile,
Sacrifice your freedom for me,
This old man wants you on his knee.

Shivers, passion, loving all your charms,
Hearing that, you love me, my arms,
Tremor-like a boy on first date.
Like a teeny standing at your gate,
Impatient nowhere I can gentle wait.

I only met you late in life, Match Ave.
Not knowing how much we would have.
Grateful lucky for each moment where,
Our time we can our life share.
Thank you for a second ever second fair,
Adventure that we fare and dare.

Journeys hold the challenge, keep us alive.  
Your love sweetest gift on which I thrive.
Perhaps I hold you closer, tighter,
That any man should keep right.
Watching you sleeping each night
When you dream and stir in fright,
I kiss,  touch your shoulder light.
Caring, old married, I care.
Old married man, soul bare.
BTW Jun 2023
Only one
26 June /023

The rhythm of the wind, refreshing the tress,
Holds the  essence of life. On my knees,
Praising the gift of you, my wife.
Such warm light you bring my life.

Never again, deny the wisdom of each muse,
Could fate ever be so generous or remind.
The scent of a sea rising over a summer sun,
Brings the secret of joy and love in
each day.
How can I sing your soul’s beauty, your praise ?
There, your heart, your eyes, I am ever won.

BTW Feb 5

How many failures does it take  to turn a GOD into a DEVIL ?


How many successes to turn a DEVIL into a GOD?

my thoughts On war
BTW Aug 2021
On This Mountain
16 June 2020

Passion drowns afar. Curse of mortal flame@@@@@@@
Wave of hell. Broken shoulder. Lame.
Pain. Despair. Rock of Sisyphus. Bend nor break.
On this mountain I will die for your sake.@@@@

Life, I cherish.
Stay true.
My struggle is not you. ()())()))))(((())())
BTW May 2021
12 May 2021

A piece of paper torn,
An ancient book in reindeer cover.
The forest bush with wet bark worn.
Stains of morning rain.

A baby’s warmth in loving home,
Rabbit’s twitching as foxes hover.
Clumped untethered stone.
The smoke of oak.

A mother’s glance, touch of new love,
Clouds in  big sky  Saskatchewan.
The crystal blue water of mountain flood.
Dreaming meaning.

Finding sparrow’s feather flown,
Pearled wave on island sand.
Purple skies of sunset storms.
Bus station.

Passion of a kiss,
Loss of a friend,
Knowing  the end of bliss.
A memory lost to time.

Pain of age,
Wasted youth.
Hurt of rage,

Quiet whisper of  wind,
Sky fired with thunder and cloud.
A Nursery book worn thin,
Prayer at bedside.

Lined and holding for monies due,
Hungered lion on flank of gnu.
Bite of  winter,
Music from an attic window.

Spider’s web covered in dew,
Honeyed pear ripe and full.
Apple fallen straight and true.
Midnight moon.
BTW Apr 2021
11 April 2021

And now I find I am overwhelmed by you,
Your youth, your beauty, your life before me.
Outside my class he said, while you lay in my bed.
I crave your arms, your grace, your quiet,
And fear my times alone, when your mind and care,
Seem to be in another place.
How do you have such power as you smile?
How do you know a man so well?
BTW Jun 2021
4 June 2921

Covered bbq in one corner,
Two hanging plants, flowered vine.
Water fountain, Buddha sitting on its fall.
Morning dove , maple keys, ,    
Circling oak.
Lawn sprinkler metronome slow swish,
Wasted some.
One black squirrel, anticipating unknowns.
Music  drifting across the road,
Cloud faces.
Deck empty, needs paint.
No one home.
BTW Dec 2022
Perfect Days, Amazing Nights.
14 December 2022

Perfect days, you are my life.
Special ways you are, my wife.
Celebrating dear, your loving  kindness.
Living clear, no gloved blindness.
Times you hold me, when I feel sad,.
You remind me,  heaven had.

Each tender night, you stand by my bed.
Slender light, little needs said.
That look, emerald eyes,
Perfect nights, my wise.
Let me sing your deserved praise.
Perfect nights, amazing days.

Perfect night,  Amazing day. You are here.
BTW Jul 2021
Perhaps Forever
17 July 2021

Perhaps forever,
Some loves never will die.
Today some still try.
BTW May 2021
21 May 2021

Meaning of life, the great mystery,
Taking some time on it, over my cup of tea.
Plato, Socrates, Heidegger, Kant,
Renee said think on it, maybe I am.
Mornings always the best time for me,
Making sense of things as I try to ***,
Wondering why some men are bigger than me.
Their ideas seem to fill up the room.
Some of them make most women swoon.
Buddha got the answer sitting under a tree,
Letting go of things would set me free.
I live on the edge, I try to unwind.
Can I burn calories just using my mind?
I would love to ponder and get the scoop,
Sorry my friends, can’t wait for answers, I have to ****.
Tomorrow perhaps the answers I’ll see,
Again, at the windows, drinking my tea.
Who’s that out there, standing under my tree?
One walking his dog, same questions as me.
BTW Oct 2023
10th September 2023

Each day, a photograph brings such joy.
The truth of you through uncertain days.
Memories of times of love, touch our souls.
I greet you, I thank you beautiful.
You are wide awake, and I await your day
BTW Jul 2021
17 July 2021

Precious moments hold eternal,
Notes in my love bold journal.
So many ways remember you,
Kept our dreams, our lives two true.
When a second quickly lost,
Pictures precious never tossed.
This morning spent some time with you,
Closely held each day renewed.
Photos where we traveled light,
Image faint in dimming light.
Image shows my hungry plight,
Holding you so ever tight.
Time now darling moves right slow,
Loved today our picture show.
BTW Aug 2022
Pillow Talk
3- August 2022

Head on my pillow, I watch you
sitting on the side of our bed. Hair tussled, eyes closed, night gown twisted showing a bare leg and breast.
You look pretty as a kitten in a basket.

You stretch over, touch my shoulder, bend down for a musty kiss. Soft lips part. Pillow Talk.
BTW Sep 2021
Poetry  (Haiku)

10 Sept 2021

A new suit.
Wrap me in soft linen.
I feel naked.
BTW Jul 2021
Poet Tree (A Lowku)
30 July 2021

Maltreated goth,
Needed a hit with his m'oth.
Cocoon spooned.
BTW Jul 2021
Precious Days

7 July 2021

Forever was so far away.
Youth a blur, frozen day.
Life would ever last.
Future yet sweet uncast. .

I knew the path I walked.
Held the promise duty locked
Love was always near.
Loss unknown quickly teared.

Heard the cry of loons at dawn.
Squirrels racing every lawn.
Sunsets, eves of scarlet yawn. .
Morns, excited passioned dawns.

Children with their warm embrace.
Partner with a loving grace.
Years that quickly slipped away.
Kindren grown, on their way.

Successes life gifted me.
Acorns fell from every tree.
Newest quests raised desire.
Life set full afire.

Embers-of golden glow.
Graying airs began to show.
Changed to a simpler pace.
Watched other start their race.

Felt the wins of kindness last.
Swelled the winds of times now past.
Habits soon began to age.
Now lived another page.

Marked the cake at 83.
Candles lit on rolling seas.
Lovely woman married me.
Her care keeps me free.

As I near the end of time,
Solace lives in simple rhyme.
Lost so many to heaven’s door.
Tallying how I might score.

Cherish those precious days.
Albums, records, others say.
Grateful for memories found.
Love that keeps me still sround.
BTW Apr 2022
10 April 2022

Social, psyche, and marital bonds bind us,
Challenging our demise.
Primary as elder I fuss hoping wise,
To secure your  plan beside.

Resources to fulfill all your dreams.
Priorities lie in rocky-life stream.
Family lies on my knee.
Best plan keep them secure and freed.

Children expect parents hold them heir.
Particular when pass unprepared.
Though our vows lie fresh and new,
Balance quivered, edges dewed  

Much depends other ways and mean.
Not all ready, skill tight and keen.
Future lying in their wake.
Give them all I take?
Remarried? Adult Children?
BTW Sep 2021
Quality of Life
24 September 2021

Quality of life.
Some like peace, some conflict
I like the choice.
BTW Apr 2021
Quiet Morning
29 april 2021

Reflections on the sea of responsibility,
Realize the deficiencies of mood and logic.
Decisions selfish and unrewarding, impromptu,
Bring the prize of self defeat, pain and endless regret.
Burdens of debt in the baskets of life.
Unbalanced on the heads of the lost.
Struggling to find the way.
Conscience stirs then looks away, but all pay the price.
Lonely game hide and go seek in the stilled rising sunlight.
How to make call, “:You’re Out”?
BTW Apr 2022
Quiet Times.
19 January 2022

Your footsteps whisper song,
Basement stairs too long.
Rustle of your clothes.
Crackle of sore flexions,
Sniffle of your nose.
Colours you so careful chose

Your hand on my pillow,
The rattle of your keys.
Hinges of the door squeak,
Silent morning sun.
Sliding o’er the fallen snow,   
Love the things 'bout you I know.

Shadow of that moonlit tree,
Where you head could be.
Waiting for those quiet sounds,
Set me free.
BTW Jan 2022
Quiet Times.
19 January 2022

Your footsteps, whispered song,
Basement stairs too long.
Rustle of your clothes.
Crackle of flexions,
Sniffle of your nose.
Colours you chose

Your hand on my pillow,
The rattle of your keys.
Hinges of the door tease.
Silent morning sun,
Sliding o’er the snow.    
Love the things I know.

Shadow of that moonlit tree,
Where you head could be.
Waiting for those quiet sounds,
To set me free.
BTW May 2021
Rainy Night
31 June 2021

Cold from the north brought the rain.
At the window, trees shivered the low.
Somewhere hurt, pain again.
Alone awind lonely flow.
Dreams are hard to find, rainy nights.

She was in my bed, making me restless.
Asleep, deep in another world, crying.
Through the door slats, nightmare Crept, holding her unstirring.
Drops rat-tat onside, this rainy night’s cold light.

Ashes in the fireplace, gray in that way,
Reminding flames past didn’t last.
Heat played astray.
Half-empty glasses, chocolate mark sash.
Shoulders low, head bowed, cold rainy night.

Funny how the room emptied.
Echoed songs unheard, still waiting their turn.
Such cold rainy nights, love’s heat denied.
Cold night’s burn, nothing learned.
Could just be the weather.
BTW Jan 2021
Reaching Out
30 January 2021

Stretching arms, breaking through the dark,
Remembering times in a country park.
Listening to the melodies of our past,
Making those moments live and last.
Time to laugh, love, and sing,
Together, time is fleet and on the wing.
Reaching out for you.
BTW May 20
Ceiling mirror falls,  
Humerus breaks, laughter spreads—  
Unexpected crash.
BTW Jul 2022
2 July 2038

Tattered Checker change-purse,
Zipper broken-worn.
Dented tin-full toolbox,
Sat with Clipper horn.

Handkerchief wash-snot-clean,
Work-boot bright-black-sheen.
Sweaty first dinner jacket,
Dusty rust-skin tack.

Stain-fold loving letters,
Hand scribed fuzzy matter,
Words he couldn’t spell,
Fear of burning hell.

Loved his owned reality,
Lived her life true well.
BTW Jul 2021
Regrets (Haiku)
12 July 2021.

Betting long chances,
Risking the joy of each day.
Do you want to play?

(Would you like to stay?)
BTW Sep 2023
30 Sept 2023

The lost, the hidden, the cursed,
The Children, the Aged,
ReMind us.
BTW Jul 2022
30 June 2022

Shortcomings in cement,
Anger, pain, really meant,
Open window truth was bent,
Love no longer pays the rent.

Weight of steel bar sent,
Imprisoned acidic scents,
Reflected resentment.
BTW Sep 2023
9 Sept 2023

Empty yourself.
BTW Mar 2021
17 March 2021

You are the warm blanket, peace as I rest.
The strength of Olympic pillars in my dreams.
The power of love with which I fly.
On the feathered mattress of temporary,
You give me eternity, strength, courage that survives.
Grateful, I rest.
BTW Dec 2021
25 December 2021


When I get there,
Will I remember why I came?
BTW Sep 2023
Dawn's Delight in Verse
Sept 12, 2023

In the morn's embrace, the sun so bright,
It soon challenges snow, a thunderous fight.
Yet I rise, a stumbling, graceless feat,
Upon my restless, ever-creaking seat.

A pillow, faithful but in rodeo style,
Carries me forth, mile after weary mile.
Shoulders tense on the edge of day,
As my hip complains in its stubborn way.

In this daily race, my manhood I seek,
Lost, perhaps, in the midst of the week.
I contemplate time's eternal clock,
In search of rest, my sanctuary, my rock.

To the bathroom's icy rim, I'm led,
A tightrope walker on an ice rink, I tread.
Yesterday's fiery win, now a fading taste,
As I brush, lost in the cosmos' vast space.

Reflections of a tongue's wild escapade,
In history's footsteps, my fortune laid.
Rabble and chaos, ashes, and soot,
In life's grand theater, we play each part.

Praise be to the gods, whose fate we share,
In pajamas, we rely on threadbare wear.
Each day's adventure, a comedic embrace,
With laughter and stumble, we run the race.

Life's unpredictable script we recite,
As we navigate each twist and each fight.
In this grand comedy, we find our place,
With humor and grace, we embrace the chase.

Written by BTW
Finished by Quadgpt.
BTW Jan 2023
See each other
31 December 2022

We don’t see life, all the same way.
We live in worlds, different each day.    
Stress falls to ground, seeding our stay.

We aspire, our world is good,
To make ours, your neighbourhood.
I see you far, try our best.
Together, we pass to west.

Sail to wind, each storm alee.
Sight rest, on peaceful sea.
Care to each other.
Safe and free.
BTW Feb 2023
6 February 2023

Crow hanging on an ancient oak,
Truth spoken.
Quiet unbroken,
Understanding deepened.
I, alone.
BTW Jun 2021
20 June 2021

Give me the simple life.
No more can I handle.
Complexity and strife.
That is your beauty,
My wife.
BTW Aug 2023
Skinny man
Fourth of August 2023

Food there on the corner,
None were they owners.
Skinny man, ribs, bone,
Empty pockets. Mobile phone.

In reels poor led,
Joux maroon.
Memory lost.
His head,
Was love bled.

Battery died weeks ago.
BTW Apr 2021
18 April 2021

You are asleep.
Your dreams are sweet and true.
Life has blessed you.
BTW Feb 2021
Political Sympathies
4 February 4, 2021

Retired I have few urgent issues.
Of course, health always brings tissues.
Without help you understand,
Could use another hand.
Hiring would cost a grand,
Will I win with a stand?
Wouldn’t that be grand,
I think I hear a band!
What a great man.

There are times a plan must be laid.,
Agreement on games to be played,
Chasing for parts that are  late,
I try to be calm as I wait,
Are cookies left on that plate?
Wondering what is the date?
Seems this is my fate.

In the middle there is some tension.
Did I read any of the instruction?
The scratch on my thumbs,
Might seem minor to some,
But now I am numb,
Some think I am dumb,
No wonder it’s  not done.

Sleep is out of the question..
BTW Apr 2021
21 April 2021
Crystal on green glass.
Patterned reminder of life infinite.
Who should deem prettiest?
BTW Dec 2023
Snow Plow
7 December 2023

I depend on the December snow plow.
Driveway needs done you know,
I’m too old for all of that chore.
Trouble enough, just the door.

Problem is it’s Christmas season.
Can’t dunp snow load on the road.
Traffic blockage one easy.reason.
Would be neighbor hood treason.

Decorations flashing nightly on our lawn,
Brightly light our celebration want.
Plow, for now, no place to dump.
Would bury all that breaks our slump

Presents could break our budget,  
If we can’t find ways to fudg it.
Santa never would find his way,
Without our amazing digital display.

Taking cover with the snow plow driver.
Waiting for the flakes to melt.
Says he’ll stay for fun and fiver,
Plus a glass of warm winter belt.
BTW Feb 2021
10 February 2021

In my arms. I feel the swell.
The tides of love over the cold.
The press of life, passion.
Touching. Our dance.
Rhythm infinite, kisses unending.
Smooth, sweet like apple wine.
Knowing the ends of time, space.
Sensing all that, your gift, your grace.
Bending in the winds.
Soft as silk.
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