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Bamboo Bean Mar 2015
Love, camaraderie and poetry
You always did love it here.

HOW DO YOU save a poem as a DRAFT on here anymore? Help! I've been gone for a year and the save as draft button is gone?

Acacia tree sunsets over Lake Turkana
Yes, you always did love it here
Drawing Crocodiles on my wheel

The mouse in your hoodie
The hurt
the homeless
and all those people
you always did love it here.
1 year, 7 months, 7 days later and courage to get on Hello Poetry again, and tears and tears.
Feb 2014 · 1.6k
Bamboo Bean Feb 2014
Seems like every time
I sit down to write a poem
the words come out
"I miss you".
a lot a lot!
Feb 2014 · 2.0k
Crying Playlist
Bamboo Bean Feb 2014
These are the songs I listen to while I cry and think about my beautiful sister and friend who I lost in July. What are your crying songs?

1. Consequence, The Notwist
2. Stuck on You, Lionel Richie
3. Hear You Me, Jimmy Eat World
4. Silence, Matisyahu
5. Drive, Ziggy Marley
6. Asleep, The Smiths
7. To Build a Home, The Cinematic Orchestra
8. Hallelujah, Jeff Buckley
9. Worry List, Blue October
10. Take a Little Time, Josh WaWa White
11. Ghost Towns, Radical Face
12. Kettering, The Antlers
13. Santa Monica Dream, Angus and Julia Stone
14. No One's Gonna Love You, Band of Horses
15. The Scientist, Coldplay
16. Fire and Rain, James Taylor
17. The District Sleeps Alone Tonight, Birdy
18. Yamaha, Delta Spirit
19. These Waters, Ben Howard
20. See You Soon, Coldplay
21. Unconditional Love, Tupac
Jan 2014 · 881
of failures
Bamboo Bean Jan 2014
Waking up in the morning feels like a mistake
what the hell am i?
I drag through these miserable days like a two-legged dog.
My value feels like dirt.
I am *****
I am lonely and lost.
Jan 2014 · 10.1k
bipolar notes
Bamboo Bean Jan 2014
Bipolar, if you had asked me what I knew about it six months ago I would have said it means that a person goes from being really happy to really sad sometimes or, if I would be honest I would have said I hadn't a clue about it.
Bipolar means to touch heaven and hell.
This year began with me being in a severe depression, often holding a loaded gun to my head with a finger lightly depressing the trigger. Bipolar, after all, is the highest killer of all psychiatric illnesses with 1 out of 5 committing suicide and 1/2 attempting it. I felt completely alienated from anyone- severely out of place in the world, as if my birth was some sort of horrible mistake.
But I'm holding onto hope, hope that all these meds(Lamictal, Saphris, Abilify) may eventually enable me to have a life again. This year I lost my sister to suicide(she was 27 and also bipolar), I cannot put anyone through the pain that I've felt due to her leaving like she did. I must "carry that weight" as the Beatles would put it.
If you too are Bipolar I would love to chat, please message me. I'm looking for a friend who can relate, hell, I'm just looking for a friend.
Nov 2013 · 1.1k
Something Good
Bamboo Bean Nov 2013
Something good
a night of terror-less sleep
a friend who's there
a pain pill
a memory without the inevitable crash
tears wetting the clay
a *** that doesn't crack
art that's honest
losing one of many addictions
peace pipe
a starry-flourescentless night
lose my mind
for something good
1,500 pills
2 manic episodes
1 hospitalization
loads of shame
prison of Blah
more depression
all I'm looking for-
the one thing I need tonight
something good.
Oct 2013 · 1.0k
Saltwater Tears
Bamboo Bean Oct 2013
I am crawling through the mud of the Valley
of the Shadow.
The skies are dark,
the water cold,
I am blue and I think I am drowning.

It feels like a hurricane is brewing
and the flash-floods are coming soon.
But maybe this rain is just a
reminder that God is
Crying too.
a constant reminder.
Oct 2013 · 1.9k
Good Vibes
Bamboo Bean Oct 2013
Babe I miss you
but today I got these good vibes
and tho I'm still blue
I'm looking to even bluer skies.

I've thought about killing myself many times
but tonight, under these stars
I've got the rhythm and I got the rhyme.
I'm down for some camp-fire peace, let's lose these wars!

Here in We-Town
We don't fuss, we don't fight.
Life is worth living
Let's do this right.

Bamboo Bean Sep 2013
‘The rebels always find each other,’
the old men used to say, scowling
at us and our feral-haired friends
in the slums of Nairobi.
Tell my people I love them.

The rebels do not know who they are
but they know who they are not;
they know they are breathing bad air,
they know something is not quite right here.

The rebels always find each other,
communicating on some soul-dimension of revolutionary
called to understand, called to speak,
called to live and live well the cause of peace.
Let them be alone if they must.
They will empty their pockets for the freedom of the world
and feel themselves the winners of some crazy cosmic sweepstakes--
tell my people I love them.

The rebels always find each other
far from home,
far from other.
They find each other and remind each other:
to tell despair to *******,
to reach for light,
to stay up all night seeking,
because the rebels will find each other
and be found--
tell my people
I love them

by Teej Mali
Sep 2013 · 1.6k
Jungle Shak
Bamboo Bean Sep 2013
Deep in the Jungle Shak we don't judge
Come Don come drunk
Come Jerry come Joe
Come eat some junk
And turn up the tunes
Here, in the Jungle Shak funk

Play me a blue
Make me a melody
Burn my toaster or
Just make love to me baby

We'll find those stars
Scream louder than the din
While we dance these streets
Finding the soul within.

Look here-at all our ***** feet!
Look here! This happy hopping hippy-shak
Where you and me
Can be a we.

Look at us
All our silly junk
Here, in the Jungle Shak Crunk.

Bone Thugs-N-Harmony: If I Could Teach The World:
Sep 2013 · 906
some days
Bamboo Bean Sep 2013
Some days I feel expressionless
I lay on my couches
Sipping some teas
Thinking on nothing at all
No smiles, no frowns
I just sit here and be
an expressionless me.
a poem for Jadey-Babe
Sep 2013 · 1.2k
Bamboo Bean Sep 2013
Somedays I feel the air is unwelcomed
in my lungs-as if to say:
stop breathing
you're not welcomed here
in this world
but still
compassion spins from the wreck as if to say:
keep turning, find the center
all is not lost, the purpose
is in the pain.
Sep 2013 · 898
Bamboo Bean Sep 2013
Mine are not always appropriate to the circumstances.
I wish I felt love towards you, my friend, but in this moment i do not love anyone...
not even myself.
Bamboo Bean Sep 2013
I could drone on line after line

Splashing ink across a thousand pages
But still
I could never have enough rhythm and rhyme
To express

How terribly I miss you...

Bamboo Bean Sep 2013
what are you addicted to?
What you on?



Just jack and ****

they tell me *** is dangerous...
I have nothing today
and so much things to say

Did your best friend get shot 72 times on

On the woodpile
In the passenger seat?
Wife take everything
And leave you
After 30 years?

You homeless now?
Or just broke-in.
Did Your wife die:
An intentional dose of an incidentally fatal

Did you husband-
An engineer for Ford Motor company
Get burned alive?
Was it you
found the ashes?

Did they throw you in prison
For your depression?

You have addictions
And a little help
But no music-
are not allowed here
You are grasping at existence but
don't seem to know you

Your still breathing
You haven't failed at existence itself

What chemicals are they feeding you
In your cages?

T.T. has 17
medications but
she almost got killed last night
Because she's allergic
to aspirin.

Are they treating you with
Lamictal like me?
Is it helping-
or making it ten times worse?
any difference at all?

It's called practice and we are
the test-tube

Jon's heart has been in defib 8-times
twice due to accidental overdoses
by doctors

We can have too-many

I don't believe in accidents
no more.
seen-too many
felt-too much

You self-admitted and
at least your still breathing
this place is full of madness but here at 1-east
we're still dreaming.

pax 2013
written two weeks ago in OLAP psych hospital, I'm okay, though, just hypomainiacical! Literally, a functioning Maniac! How cool!
Sep 2013 · 1.7k
KONY 2012
Bamboo Bean Sep 2013
Let's see
How many
Shares we can get
On Facebook.
Let's see how many times we can get teary over kids in Africa, those poor kids. Glad It's not me dying way over on that far side of the world.
Sep 2013 · 796
the promise of life
Bamboo Bean Sep 2013
Is it OK
To want to die
Like-all the time?
No, really...

Is it OK?
I don't want to live forever
If forever's like a life-
If forever's like me.
Sep 2013 · 2.3k
Bamboo Bean Sep 2013
Shot in the head?
In the passenger seat?
Shot 72 times...
through the windshield?
Shot of bad ****** >l--
Best friend shot?
Wife? Husband?
Brother or sister shot?
like  Marley
or tupac?
Mom or dad?
Suicide shot ¿


too many and not enough
To drown.
A shot of grace            
Shot-up Into the sky   )
shot from the living room                    
Exploding into fires.  §
'''A million-billion bright stars'''
Too many fluorescent nights
And shiny cars

°   °
We need more
A wake-you-up call
Red sea midnights
And Icarus falls
Shoot us down
Collapsing legs ¥
And a broken crown
#Please crush these bones#

Shatter femurs
Splatter marrow
Crack Tuberosities
And break me
A crashing drone
   '     \     '
     '  ¿'
Before an invisible king
Sending me back
To his throne
You might answer me
So I pray
Don't you abandon me.
Shoot up shots
of saint brokenhearted brokenness
And see
What no-one else sees
A Sea
Of saltwater tears
Drown away
All our fears
Shoot me please
•    •
•Blast aw • a •    y      •
All the fears
Dream of:
An infinite sway
Into the infinite place
I can be
A galaxy---or some other cool face
Of astronomical astronomy
Perhaps a nebulosity
A sign
Or constellation
Across a blood-moon-sky
The end of time
|   |
A hidden message...
I look to the east
Your face from the sky
Hear you me?
Someday soon
You'll be
Me                             ax.

©Pax 2013
you bamboozle me, rip it up-up there teej.
In love and memories. You finally found pax, your nbf.
Aug 2013 · 1.6k
all my words
Bamboo Bean Aug 2013
know   god   hard   really   oh   used   heal   heart   look   stumble   substance   free   feel   soul   want   hell   broken   like   compassion   herbs   shy   shiny   peaceful   jim   cigarettes   beam   stumbled   peach   pressure   juice   apathy   jesus   sing   shades   innocent   lift   content   golden   vital   funny   aim   bob   listening   struggling   doubting   bars   humility   chairs   boulevard   coolest    oppressor    hellfire    oppressors    chaining    hom­elessness    macon   doesn't    he'll    satan's    hip-hop    icehouse    baybo    hy­ena-laugh-like    
pit--    thomas    pottery    churning    bus ­  boring    builds    unwilling    marley    insides    captors    ­slaves    element    severed    leaking    survived    *****   kentucky    brothels    karina    sitting    walk    people    wh­ite    hit    mind    help    blessed    night    
hurting    pra­y   courage    reminds    fearful    words    talk    song    self   ­ die    thoughts    notice    just    home    green    make    ge­ts   hands    world    speak    ******    red    fear    fears    stan­d    hearts    lonely    heals    stopped    throat    apple   person    awareness    breaking    black    trees    taught    
y­ellow    fallen    answers    spit    ***    dreads    
heads   gentle    far    pretty    knew    faded    spirit    minds    pr­ide    hurt    yes    feeling    knows    crushed    
tired   tomorrow    save
just as i found them...
Apr 2013 · 1.1k
I Could Stumble
Bamboo Bean Apr 2013
Can You help?
it's all I want to know.
i'm a doubting Thomas;
let me look at your ****** hands
and know you know how i'm feeling.
it's really lonely being myself
down here,
on Satan's boulevard
where I could stumble,
every night,
In the drunk-tank
I'm really struggling, god,
really hurting god,
you know
when you want to cry your heart out so hard
but you can't
and the blood-pressure builds
breaking mind
leaking fears
all down your throat
into your soul.

stumbled and fallen
can you save me?
i get no answers,
he knows i have them.

come to jesus,
just like that song we used to sing,
oh people be free
from all pain

oh crushed,
he even heals the oppressors severed hearts,
and broken
he heal your faded spirit too.

pax 2013;=n

"And there's no alibi, We're all here, Participating...I remember I believed If you were good,
the world would be" Peter Buffett
Apr 2013 · 5.9k
Bamboo Bean Apr 2013
never boring
look at that shiny ***
been through hellfire and survived...

Apr 2013 · 2.0k
Bamboo Bean Apr 2013
bars, brothels and homelessness
broken and blessed
reminds me of a home I used to know...

Apr 2013 · 1.2k
Bamboo Bean Apr 2013
pretty as a peach
innocent as the trees
always content
and mine
Mar 2013 · 1.5k
hip-hop substance
Bamboo Bean Mar 2013
She taught us to talk
you see,
we were fearful.
unwilling to make that walk,
pride chaining us in our chairs...
insides churning,
and we are the captors.
so we pray:
for courage to stand
and the humility
to not notice the thoughts they aim at us
because awareness of self is a vital element
of you and me.

let us free our minds
to hell with the fear
lift our heads up and out of the pit--
up and out
for and against
black and white
we have it in us
to spit so hard and so far
that every oppressor gets a heart hit
so hard
by words so full
of substance
that even they will feel
yes, they will feel it,
Mar 2013 · 2.0k
Bob Marley
Bamboo Bean Mar 2013
dreads and herbs
of yellow green and red
heal your soul
should have never stopped listening
Mar 2013 · 2.2k
Bamboo Bean Mar 2013
icehouse and cigarettes
funny as hell
doesn’t give two *****
Mar 2013 · 1.6k
Jim Beam
Bamboo Bean Mar 2013
golden apple juice like
God knew
he would move to Kentucky
Bamboo Bean Mar 2013
sitting next to you on the bus
you are tired, and shy
he’ll die tomorrow

— The End —