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 Mar 2014 Azrael-Always
One cut feel some pain
Two cuts to hit a vein
Three cuts you're feeling okay
Four cuts for the ****** day
Five cuts your blood flows like a river
Six cuts you shake and quiver
Seven cuts 'what's one more'?
Eight cuts there's a puddle on the floor
Nine cuts you've got a huge ****
Ten cuts you think it's just another cut
Eleven cuts when you get you're relief
Twelve cuts this one extra deep
Thirteen cuts you think you should be done
Fourteen cuts you will make another one
Fifteen cuts for being a failure
Sixteen cuts you still go deeper
Seventeen cuts you can't feel
Eighteen cuts the blood doesn't seem real
Nineteen cuts tears fall as your body does too
Twenty cuts your lips start to turn blue
Twenty-one cuts your mission is finally complete
You're laying in blood as you fall asleep.
 Mar 2014 Azrael-Always
And love is really important,
even if just for one night.
It can chase away your biggest fears,
it can get your through your toughest fight.

Don't let society make you feel cheap
for only needing love in small, temporary amounts.
Your value as a person
isn't derived from your *** partner count.

Don't let them make you feel ***** or small,
because some of us need this to survive.
The night of love we get from strangers,
we use just to stay alive.

Because relationships can be messy,
and hearts are so easily broken.
But through nights of whisky and hotel rooms,
we find words of peace that were never spoken.

And some of us don't have hearts,
as they were stolen long ago.
From men called "Dad"
and men in suits,
and men who we've never known.

And maybe the word "****" makes the people feel okay.
This type of labeling has been going on since the Biblical days.
Maybe it makes them feel better about their own sinful ways.
Maybe when the Earth crumbles, they'll have a price to pay.

Because they don't know what it's like to be empty for so long,
That the thought of being full terrifies you.
They don't know that you'd rather be wrong,
than risk the pain that being right can put you through.

But I do, my dear.
For I am one of you.
I've felt closer to heaven in the arms of strangers
than I ever have kneeling on a pew.

I know what you dream of, darling.
I know that you dream of lasting and healing love.
I know that you feel prisoner by your demons,
I know you hope for a sign from above.

Don't let the world bother you much.
I understand you; I know you're doing your best.
For now, it's okay to find comfort in a stranger's touch,
to let love fall from your mouth.
To let pain flow from of your chest.
Definitely a very personal poem and a controversial topic.
I know there are a lot of opinions on promiscuity and ****-shaming, but I'm happy with the perspective I showed in this poem.
As always, I hope you leave me with your thoughts.
The cursed queen, to be sure.
Lonely you stand in your tower,
thickened waist and wrinkled cheeks.
There is no one but God here, now.
The men you loved are dead- one in body,
the other in spirit,
but still making love to another
on your broken marriage bed.
Your mother gone, and with her your children,
though their tiny things
still rest in the cupboard, their tiny hands still clutch your heart.
Your sister is mad, keening still
over the moulding coffin of her long-dead king.
Your one salvation, your living daughter,
small and kind with her parents red hair,
is shunned and rebuked as you are,
though you send her kisses on the wind.
Still you stand, refusing to fall to your knees
you have taken the armor of God
as you once took the armor of man.
Though under that armor
your heart is breaking.
This is about Catharine of Aragon, first wife of Henry VIII. Of the tudor dynasty, she is one of my favorite figures. Catharine was said to have been quiet, thoughtful, extremely intelligent, and passionate. She was first brought to England to marry Author Tudor, older brother of Henry, but upon his death, she was married to Henry to preserve the alliance between Spain and England. Contrary to popular belief, she did bear Henry a son, but he died only a few months after birth. She had a series of miscarriages, and Mary Tudor (****** Mary) was her only child to survive. As though this were not enough tragedy, her beloved mother, Isabella of Spain, died shortly after her arrival in England. Her sister, Juana, Queen of Castille, went insane, and after the death of her husband Phillip, refused to let the body be buried, and treated her husband as though he were still alive. She was later confined to a tower where she remained until her death-- with an empty coffin so she could take care of her "husband" (she pretended to feed him, covered him when it was cold etc). Henry VIII, upon his divorce of Catharine, and marriage to Anne Boleyn, stripped Mary of her birthright, and banished her from court, not allowing her to see her mother- even when Catharine was dying. Overall, she was a very tragic figure, but a wonderfully strong and intelligent woman whom I admire a great deal.
Let’s kiss with open eyes
Show me love with no disguise
Let’s kiss with naked souls
Show me love with no controls
Let’s kiss without a shame
Show me love burn the flame
Let’s kiss without restrain
Show me love don't abstain
Let’s kiss with delight
Show me love the whole night
Let’s kiss everyday
Show me love don’t run away
Let’s kiss until dawn
Show me love turn me on
Let’s kiss under the moon
Show me love show it soon
Let’s kiss while we dance
Show me love and romance
Let’s kiss till we can
Show me love be a man
Let’s kiss till we die
Show me love don’t be shy
Let’s kiss as we used to do
Show me love, as I love you
Copyright Afrodita Nestor
 Mar 2014 Azrael-Always
-Believe it
-Trust it
-Nurture it
-Feed it
-Love it
 Mar 2014 Azrael-Always
Right or wrong
Yes or no
Black or white
All or nothing
Drowining in darker
Shades of gray
They say that little girls
Are made of sugar,
And spice,
And everything nice

But perfect girls
Are made of Botox,
Long smokes,
And diet coke
 Mar 2014 Azrael-Always
There is something to say with being deprived
Of everything short of the sun,
That with freedom comes undone
You don't even feel like one
Whole isn't your sum,
Not even half
You are apart to every nothing to start at something
Would be anything I am willing
I am able
I am always able, body permitting
Which can always be shaped for fitting
I am seen as an incapable, which to me is indivisible
I don't want your sympathy
For I am an individual my belief is incomprehensible
I often wonder just how personal
all that we were actually was.
I really don't like question marks. I suppose it's because I live in the curve of one
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