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Sep 2015 · 1.3k
Warm. Moist. Full of life.
Your tongue invades and controls and guides and taunts my own.
Darting in like a rabbit in it’s hole, seeking solace and refuge within my mouth.
You try to contain all that I have within the confines of your luscious lips.
I feel you hot breath drawing me in.
I hear your panting. Heavy. DEAFENING! It excites me.
I feel your chest press against my own as your arms wrestle me close.
I can feel your heart beating as it tries to burst through your breast.
Your scent floods my senses.
Your heat drowns my thoughts.
I am lost in this one moment of sheer bliss...
The gentle caress of your tongue against mine; the clashing of your lips against mine -enhanced by our blindness.
I taste you and find you to be utterly delicious.
I take a quick peek only to find that you are staring up at me.
I smile.
We go again.
Sep 2015 · 463
One More Drink
Fire shut within my bones.
Body brittle; foundation of sticks and stones.
I can feel the heat building.
I can feel my blood flowing.
My thoughts are slowing.
True colours start showing.
I dance away my sorrow.
I lose grasp of my tomorrow.
I feel I can do this again… and again… and again.
I count to ten.
I shout: “Give me another!”
Aug 2015 · 445
Filled to the brim
I am overwhelmed.
Simply passed by me like a rose petal floating in the wind you did.
My long dead nose hunted down your scent; hungry for your soul.
The centre of my being became tethered to your own.
Fetus-like I clung to you for life.
Your joy became my elation.
Your disdain became my grief.
I know this now… You consume me.
If everyone has a cup of love to give…
The one I give to you is filled to the brim.
Aug 2015 · 549
I am NOT obsessed,
Yet you are the only one on my mind,
As I type meaningless words in the dark hoping to make you understand,
Hoping to let you see a glimpse or a glimmer of the depths of my feelings,
Which I believe rival the ocean-containing just a smidge less pollution.
Feelings hot as the sun,
Burning bluer than the sky,
Burning the heart and mind that contains them-
Burning, burning, burning.
The agony becomes ecstasy.
The ecstasy becomes insanity.
But even if this love makes me this crazy… I would like another round.
Jan 2015 · 1.8k
Every Day Is Mother's Day
I think about my birth, my gift of life gave you pain,
I think about the people in my life...some leave me but you always remain,
Even when I am your source of grief my joy is at the top of your list.
Even if you are cold to the bone, keeping me warm you can't resist.
You're the epitome of sacrifice, a close definition of love.
When I see you being selfless I see that there really is God above.
I see Him perform His acts through you,
As you care for me and my sister too.

Through being human, through being emotionally blind,
I had failed to see the truth, I had shutters on my mind,
But through some miracle, through some inexplicable event,
I finally see what I was supposed to see-something even my ignorance couldn't prevent.
You are a rare gem, you are a bright beacon in a storm of darkness,
You are my favourite poem-all of you, including your bluntness.
All of my success I owe to you  and your perseverance,
I owe it to your love, your attention and your constant vigilance.
Your prayers were not in vain; I will be worth all that pain,
Through what won't come and what may,
By your side, Mom, I'll forever remain.
Make every day, Mother's Day
Dec 2014 · 558
Psalm 91
It's like the world is revolving in the wrong direction,
You try with all your might and all your soul to steer it right,
But you're a lone ranger, a whisper in a monstrous typhoon, a wasp amid titans,
You're a torchlight, bright and fierce in the dark-yet your competition is the sun.
But don't wallow in doubt,shame or self pity,
Or in all your frailty, in all your sensitivity.
You may think you stand alone or that you are but a pebble standing against a raging sea.
Yet stand strong, firm, unmoving, even as the large warriors flee,
For you have within you One who is greater than all,
One who makes life worth living, One who gives life and removes death's pall.
He who restarts your life when all seems to stall,
He who gives you wings and teaches you not to crawl;
He will command His angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways,
They will lift you up in their hands, they will protect you always...
Your foot will neither dash against a stone, nor rock,
Nor viper, nor shall it land in a ***** pond.
His might surpasses your fight,
To catch flight and keep in sight-of Perfection.
Good night.
Sometimes we forget that there is always help. Be inspired.

— The End —