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Dec 2014
It's like the world is revolving in the wrong direction,
You try with all your might and all your soul to steer it right,
But you're a lone ranger, a whisper in a monstrous typhoon, a wasp amid titans,
You're a torchlight, bright and fierce in the dark-yet your competition is the sun.
But don't wallow in doubt,shame or self pity,
Or in all your frailty, in all your sensitivity.
You may think you stand alone or that you are but a pebble standing against a raging sea.
Yet stand strong, firm, unmoving, even as the large warriors flee,
For you have within you One who is greater than all,
One who makes life worth living, One who gives life and removes death's pall.
He who restarts your life when all seems to stall,
He who gives you wings and teaches you not to crawl;
He will command His angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways,
They will lift you up in their hands, they will protect you always...
Your foot will neither dash against a stone, nor rock,
Nor viper, nor shall it land in a ***** pond.
His might surpasses your fight,
To catch flight and keep in sight-of Perfection.
Good night.
Sometimes we forget that there is always help. Be inspired.
Ayanda Joe Munikwa
Written by
Ayanda Joe Munikwa  Harare, Zimbabwe
(Harare, Zimbabwe)   
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