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 Apr 2015 Audrey Gleason
 Apr 2015 Audrey Gleason
There once was a king with THREE daughters...
 Feb 2015 Audrey Gleason
when I first saw you
I thought maybe
you were an angel
and the way you looked at me
gave me my own set of wings...
well you never showed me
gates of white
but lines of ******* did
look almost heavenly.
what's the harm in sin
if we'll just be forgiven again?
like I forgave you
again and again and again
(your lies went down as
smooth as the pills)
how was I to know
the space between you
and your sheets
wasn't the palace
I had been waiting for?
you left open your
closet door-
white feathers, broken
and mangled, strewn on the floor,
a hundred other angels who
had been here before.
angels don't cry
angels don't cry
but if you were ever an angel
you fell before I met you
and maybe now
I've fallen
 Feb 2015 Audrey Gleason
my lips are chapped, my skin is pealing, my thoughts are ripping
into pieces
i asked you where my chap stick went
please blink back
to at least let me know that you heard.

i am full of everything possible and the bathroom smells like vinegar and fresh paint
brushed along my skin
when will i hear your voice again?
part of a really rough poem i am working on. thoughts?
 Feb 2015 Audrey Gleason
sometimes I only feel at home
on empty streets

sometimes I pick up the phone
just to listen to the dial tone
(it sounds like the absence of you)

sometimes I fall asleep
hoping I wake up
and sometimes
that I don't
"It's hard to love someone who hates themselves
I hadn't seen you in weeks, you popped up out of nowhere just like the pills did
I barely recognized you
But I remember that sleeve, it's where I laid my heart to rest
It's where I brought a smile to a gunfight and lost with open arms
I had been empty for so long I forgot I gave my heart away in the first place
You used to remind me a lot of church, I dressed up really nice to try and impress something I wasn't sure existed
But I followed through on my promise and worshipped at the heel of your lies
The shrine I built for you broke last week, it fell off the counter and cracked almost the same way you left me
Your kiss left drunk and my words started slurring and my falling started occurring and the time started blurring together
I wasn't naive enough to think we'd be together forever but I thought you'd stick around for a little longer
At least long enough to let my pain pass, and help me get passed the past
Stuck to the tip of my tongue, I was always so close to telling you how I felt but your name always got clogged in my throat
I choked on the forgiveness I swore I'd never give
I thought about dying so much I forgot how to live
Fell head over healing for you
I remember that love
It was like remembering spring comes after every winter
And fall follows every summer
The seasons may fluctuate but they'll always come
With time, so will love
I want to apologize to the both of us for how long it took me to let things go
You needed space, I thought you meant outer so I tried to grab you the stars
I just ended up burning my hands
They blister at the sight of broken now, I hope you're doing okay
Me? I carry around a bunch of never-agains in my pockets and pictures of forgotten friends in my wallet, I remember love
It looks a lot like that mirror i lost myself in
It looks a lot like her
It looks a lot like you
It looks a lot like you"
 Dec 2014 Audrey Gleason
Here’s to the kids lying on the floor.
Here’s to the kids whose hearts that drip and spin and ooze and pour.
Here’s to the kids with hands spread wide with open doors to their cars and shudder with lies.
Here’s to the kids with cat scratches, metal latches, kitchen sinks, emotional tumors.
Here’s to the kids with paper masks, who smile when they scream and snap when they cry.
Here’s to the kids who want to say “I’m sorry” but have forgotten the lines,
Here’s to the kids that touch bone, say they’re fine, and have lost their shoulder blade wings to the sky.
Here’s to the kids without laughter lines,
Here’s to the kids with smile scars.
Here’s to the kids that press on, live on, watch the trees and sing bravely on.
Here’s to the kids with eyes made of steel, the kids that fight to feel.
Here’s to the kids that leave prints in the snow and who fight for their right to say no.
This is how we fight for our lives, this is how we breathe.
Leave your lost name at the door and bring us your thoughts
Your insides, your reality, your strengths and
Your weaknesses and your smile and your tears and your hands.
Take off your mask, kid, take it off and release the butterflies with fangs that live inside your hushed brain.
not sure. :|
there is a line in this that i am trying to fit into the right poem, so you will see it again.
written early november
 Dec 2014 Audrey Gleason
Tell me about the time you realized his fingers were scissors
And he could never hold you without tearing you apart
Or about how his words are bullets that don't leave exit wounds
You'll carry this with you forever now
When did you notice that he never blinked
And I swear to God he has no idea what your face looks like
I  '  m  s  o  s  o  r  r  y  
He looked at the sky and only saw the constellations
Not the stars that made up everything you dreamed of
He looked at you and only saw your skin
Not the cells and certainly not everything that it held in place
He held you and kissed your lips and he'll never remember you
As anything more than a dark room and stained bed sheets
You meant more to me than that
But I was less to you than you were to him
So just leave me be pulling on ropes with nothing on the other end
 Aug 2014 Audrey Gleason
Last night we climbed onto your roof
to watch the stars
but mainly to tell secrets where
they'd be wrapped in the mask of night.
I told you I was afraid of abandoned buildings
and collapsed walls
because I thought I might become one.
You told me you thought I was beautiful,
but then you always did love sad things.
My blood jumped when your fingers
traced my pulse points and
I cried when I thought I would laugh.
You kissed me anyway.
Life seemed too far away to be real
and that's the way I prefer it.
 Mar 2014 Audrey Gleason
 Mar 2014 Audrey Gleason
Things are never easy for anyone,
and I know you've had more than
you're fair share of misfortune
but I've never heard you complain.
If everyone got what they deserved,
you would've grown up with
blue sky in your eyes
instead of dark clouds in your heart.
You didn't ask for your life
to be filled with death and desertion
but the universe isn't prone to
granting requests anyway.
I've never known anyone who
didn't run away from their problems
but you're still in that sorry old house
so maybe you're the first.
You may not let me in anymore
but you still have your own personal
doormat at the gates to the
back of my mind.
I wonder if you still compare yourself
to the peeling wallpaper or the
rusty hinges on the laundry room door.
I used to think you were crazy
for not being able to see the glint
in your eye that the world tried so hard
to beat out.
Whenever I see you around
I try to make sure it's still there.
 Mar 2014 Audrey Gleason
 Mar 2014 Audrey Gleason
Darling I hope you understand
when I say you're as beautiful
and dark as the night
I mean you have stars in your eyes
and freedom in your heart.
I mean you hold the deepest secrets
and only speak the truth.
You embrace the lonely who
wander the streets of your soul
and show love to those
shut out by everyone else.
Even the broken bottles
in the corner of your mind
reflect the glow of the moon
to show someone the light.
There are those who revel
in the bright of day
but there are also those
who only find solace
in the black of night.
For Audrey: because being unique, being you, is what makes you perfect.
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