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Atript Abhinav Aug 2015
Forget what you don't know,
Forget what you do,
Forget what you were before,
Forget yourself too,
Forget what you're trying to remember,
You're wasting your time moving back and forth and in circles
Close the doors behind you and walk straight,
Crack wide open your world to get rid of things you don't need
Your body is more than a veil for your blood,muscles and bones
Feed your soul
Wave goodbye to the drowning sun,
Embrace the chill of the tired dusk,
Pick out words from the silence of the moon,
We are made of stars,
Sleep through darkness
The world will take a smooth turn and the sun will shine just for you
Breathe in the beauty
Take it all in, breathe it all out
Hold it just to know how important it is to let go
We are immortals
the buried rises up as plants or remains as dust
Ashes travel forever as energy, as life
death is just a transition and end is the only thing impossible
There is no heaven or hell and afterlife
Present is the paradise and we don't die
Know that in a million years, we will become diamonds
Atript Abhinav Aug 2015
When my shadow travels east to fade,
The sun weeps farewell
I wave until it vanishes
And embrace the remains  
Shade over hills and dales
The green greys
I give my ears to the final music
The moon rises and stars glitter
There's so much coming back to me
I watch the clouds wither
I close my eyes and dive into the melody
And I levitate from my reality
Atript Abhinav Aug 2015
She came on wheels,
her eyes pricked into my mind and stuck to remain
a beautiful splinter of pain
Atript Abhinav Aug 2015
Sometimes I feel old,
So old that I treat the people of my age like babies,
Like they would get on a broom stick and fly to foreign lands,
over the hills and across the sea,
Over the mountains draped in snow,
Over the autumn fields green and yellow
Through the forest where my childhood stood still
Scared and lonely
I look at my fingers and the pen lying dead on my diary
Dear world, do you know that I exist?
I am trying to bridge the distance with poetry
And fill the scars with dreams
Dear sun, please stay
A little longer i beg
Atript Abhinav Aug 2015
Take me with you,
Through the classroom windows from where i flew,
In the garden where memories grew,
To the childhood where all the wounds were new
Over the horizons which I once knew,
To the mountains which I once drew,
Crack wide open my world in two,
Take me with you,
Take me anywhere,
Closer to you or away from myself
Take a box full of spray paints and spray paint over the walls confining me,
Paint a star, the sun and the moon and you,
Paint a rainbow,
Paint me red, green and yellow
Paint the sky, blue and grey
Paint the clouds, infinite and immaculate
Paint a tree, alive and withered
And a seesaw just to keep reminding me that we cannot rise together
**** me in the friend zone
Atript Abhinav Aug 2015
Her hair was as long as her tongue,
Maybe a little longer
Her tongue was not normal,
I think it still is not
Her tongue was so long that everytime we kissed I'd push her away after seconds thinking her tongue might get stuck in my throat or below and I'd die,
I'd push her away, breathe in and breathe out, take a long breath and then pull her back to kiss her one last time
I kissed her like i have kissed her hundreds of times but never learned so i kissed her like it was my first,
She kissed me like she knew her father was watching us but she was not bothered,
She kissed me like she would die if she did not,
A sick salsa of our tongues,
Like two snakes making love
Like two ***** lesbians trying to **** each other,
Her tongue felt like mine so i wanted the world to witness our kiss just to make myself believe that I was not kissing myself and that she was real
She once kissed me so passionately that I bit her tongue just to make her stop and asked her if my heart was as sweet as she said it was
She looked at me and said nothing, like the catholic guy who flinched when i asked him the possibility of Jesus being a ******* and god being a ******
She kissed me deep
Atript Abhinav Aug 2015
'Move on'
Two words
But yeah, move on
He has left you
She is gone
Maybe your dream of waking up next to her remained a dream,
The truth hurts but maybe it was never meant to be,
Now when he spreads his arms wide open, the silent call is for someone else
But know that if love ended then love was never there
So move on
Know that the split could not stop your heart from beating
You are trying to hold on to something that never existed
And no matter how hard it is to believe, nothing else has changed
So let go
For what you really have will remain yours
The one who is gone has left the space enough for someone else to fit in
So breathe, live!!
It may take weeks, months maybe years but keep walking
That someone else is on the way, waiting
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