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 Nov 2020 Joszy
Trust Issues
 Nov 2020 Joszy
Telling paper my thoughts she keeps my secrets.
I'd tell you but the issue would be trusting you to keep it.
Paper keeps me grounded in my feelings.
She knows the truth even when the words don't mean it.
She feels the intention in the strokes of my pen.
With every line she proves to be limitless.
An infinite realm of ideas where the mind can feel the power of pure potentiality.
But at the same time she challenges my sanity.
No form of parody in her love its stronger than gravity.
Through my own sense of hubris I'm using her for vanity.
 Oct 2020 Joszy
Birds offer up their song
a new morning
and then break their fast.
 Oct 2020 Joszy
hand in hand
 Oct 2020 Joszy
I took a sip from the flame
my engorged veins glowed
suddenly i walked away
from all that I had ever known
the spirit who lived in the forest
gave me welcome, a hand in hand
as I accepted more and more my goodbyes.
 Oct 2020 Joszy
Birthday blues
 Oct 2020 Joszy
If you give me just a minute of your time,
I could tell you stories about my life.
Could you give me just a minute to get it off my chest,
Something's on my mind that I can't ever seem to address.
It's that time of year again where I have to act elated and pretend that I feel like celebrating with this recollection in my head.

— The End —