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 Jun 2013 ashw
She whispers along to the tune
peeling carrots and potatoes at the sink
as she remembers a time when she was free.
 Jun 2013 ashw
Like A Dream
 Jun 2013 ashw
He's incredible, sweet and gentle like a rose
and the way he holds my hand
as we're busy making plans
wonderful gentleman
just the way he holds me tight
every touch makes me weak
makes me drift off to sleep
the passion is intense
makes you forget everything
makes you forget all the pain
makes you want to love again

Devil with a charming heart
tears your security walls apart
electricity when we touch
he's like a dream
is this reality?
feels like Heaven to me
© Natali Veronica 2013.
 Jun 2013 ashw
I gave you permission to hold my heart
You held it in the palm of your hands
Promised not to break it apart
It was a risk and I took the chance
Soon it was clear that you were the one
I felt like my heart had won
the winning prize
But soon it was clear
That he fooled my eyes
with filthy lies
and broken promises

This man had my happiness
in the palm of his hands
He knew that I was weak
so he used it to his advantage
as I loosened my defence

His mouth talked *******
but his body meant business
I can tell by the way he said my name
as we walked during our dates

He was a liar but honest about his past
Gave you a one-way ticket to paradise
made you weak as you fell for the eyes
who ultimately deceived you not once
but oh so many **wicked times
© Natali Veronica 2013.
The night,
Is locked,
In your journal.
For your heart.
Where you keep the souls of those,
You ripped apart.
Shhh you say,
It'll be over soon.
Wait until the afternoon,
After the moon.
Before dawn,
When everyone's gone.
Shhh you say,
Stay quiet.
You don't want a riot.
You'll destroy all of them,
The same way you destroyed I.
You screamed in my face face,
I won't be defied.
It won't work,
I know I've tried.
As you silently suffocate,
The bodies you hide.
Shhh you say.
 Jun 2013 ashw
 Jun 2013 ashw
You know, I would like to call this a poem
But really all it feels like is bleeding.
Like the flood that pumped through me is,
And trust me,
That hurts.
When I think of all,
I can't help but cringe.
Because somewhere in the between I lost the pieces of my puzzle,
That I was really looking for.
And that the love that I etched so carefully
Into the lines of your face
Ticked backwards, like a forgotten clock,
At his mention.
For you, I connected constellations in your freckles,
As though there was some kind of system of finding my
Way in this labyrinth that I know so well.
I found oceans of depth in those eyes,
That promised me salvation in happiness
That promised love in loss.
Although I have learned,
That when you explore too deep
It is easy to become lost.
The bleeding isn't a pattern,
There is no rhyme to this reason,
Only treason and tragedy.
So excuse the torrent,
Because I've already drowned in the flood.
Remember when flowers grew in the garden?
 Jun 2013 ashw
Chris T
Every day
he wakes up
from a bad
nights sleep
and he'll go
and wash
his face
in tiny gray
bathroom sink,
glaring madly
at the figure
in the mirror,
then he'll dress,
fit his
into a suit,
gray and sad
and overused,
right after,
to his kitchen
he'll go,
make dull
coffee and
a dull meal,
on a
wobbling table
he'll gobble
down his
gray food,
and lock his
then to his
gray car
off to his prison,
his gray job,
a thing he hates,
until the sun goes down,
followed by home
where he'll have a drink,
watch the gray news
and fall asleep,
and tomorrow
the same thing,
day in the life
of the fool.
2013. Just wrote it.
I don't wanna end up like the Fool and it depresses me, the thought of the same thing every day. Getting up to work at a job I hate, every day 'till I die. Terrible. A nightmare. And it hurts to see so many trapped in that process with no way out but death. You see them out sometimes, you can tell by looking at their defeated faces and posture and the way they speak, monotonous, a bore. And they'll fake a smile, maybe they have a kid with them, but you know that in their heads they wish that the kid doesn't end up like them. A father, a mother, who doesn't want their kids to think of them as heroes. It's sad really. They've got a wife, a husband, they hate each other. Or perhaps you saw them at a bar, face down on the wooden counter, an unfinished beer right in front. And those ties, like nooses around their necks, slowly choking their life force away. Maybe, at some point, in the beginning of their working lives they thought things through like me. "This won't happen. I'll notice when it does and I'll change things. I won't be a Fool." And the moment of transformation comes and they don't notice until it's been years too late and they've dug themselves to deep and it's over.
I guess that what I'm trying to say is, don't be like The Fool.
 Jun 2013 ashw
Hungry Envelope
Beneath this ironed shirt and tie
I breath in slowly witnessing
The simple changes
Passed before the night jury

Seven days faded since
But still I see the closest moments
Closer still for distance
Internalised and persistent

We are all due our changes
But masters in the art
Of final ignorance
We never see it coming

Until it finds us
Unready and wanting
To take what was given
Without ceremony or purpose

Leaving only emptiness
In memory of joy
 Jun 2013 ashw
Hungry Envelope
He slumps, grumbling at the air
a grunt, no more
admittance of awareness
minimising risk
of developing interest

the glow across
his face pale
a reflective pallor
shows us his day
has spent him inside

nourishment calls
a gutted feeling
deeper than his alienation
as food is not forthcoming
he tries to sing

in letting go
his newfound voice
an interrupted squawk
so disgusted he uhgs
hiding himself again

daily untouched
but for lonely nights
when in consolation
he hands himself to the
bounty of the sickened screen

and gurgles
in unity, at one
with images which champion
his waking hours, forcing him
and confused
 Jun 2013 ashw
Hungry Envelope
 Jun 2013 ashw
Hungry Envelope
I am sitting in a city
Full and empty
Concrete lines of grey
Smudged tranquility
Quiet almost silent
But for the deafening

I am standing in a city
Alone in company
Touched but unfelt
By the fingers of society
Invisible to those above
And those below
Just a flicker on the face
Of the stranger I know

I am walking in a city
Passing colours
Too bright
For my shallow eyes
Every night
They burn away
And fall into the sepia
Lamplight a golden glow

I am hungry for this city
To open up
Fill with light
A dawn to spread the sun
Bright hot
To burn away the dirt
Leaving only clarity and
The human need for
 Jun 2013 ashw
 Jun 2013 ashw
Your name is sweet,
That is why the flowers bloom,
There is the Spring in your movements,
There is a lost world in your eyes
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