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 Jan 2014 Ashley Greene
 Jan 2014 Ashley Greene
Feeling so worthless,
I can't digress,
I'm just worthless.

I never take the gold,
This is getting old,
All the racers pass by,
You see,
I'm worthless.

Wish I could repress,
The fear in my chest,
That I am just worthless,

I'll never be there,
For all to stare,
Lifted high above,
I'll be alone,
At home,
No one there because I'm...

A pest,
Retreat to my nest,
Where I am more than less.

Can't escape that bar code,
Bars me to a price.
But feel free to take me for free,
Since I am a grain of rice.

Thinking really gets you sometimes.
 Jan 2014 Ashley Greene
What is anxiety?

Anxiety is waking up in the middle of the night
Heart pounding
And senses spiking

Anxiety is walking out onto a cold balcony and staring down at a street full of taxi cabs,
And thinking,
"Should I jump...?"

Anxiety is full body shaking
And mind convulsing
While you're sitting completely still

Anxiety is standing in a full room
And feeling completely alone
And enclosed by an invisible box

Anxiety is the voice rising torture that fills your vocal cords and chokes you until you can't breath, and you're grasping at your lungs, trying to fill them with the air you can't seem to get
Anxiety is gasping, and gasping, and gasping
(She Speaks.)

I MEANT to be so strong and true!
The world may smile and question, When?
But what I might have been to you
I cannot be to other men.
Just one in twenty to the rest,
And all in all to you alone, -
This was my dream; perchance 'tis best
That this, like other dreams, is flown.

For you I should have been so kind,
So prompt my spirit to control,
To win fresh vigor for my mind,
And purer beauties for my soul;
Beneath your eye I might have grown
To that divine, ideal height,
Which, mating wholly with your own,
Our equal spirits should unite.
A light left on in the dark of night,
A fight that rages on only deepening our plight,
Blind in the dark we find ourselves lost,
A war is fought but at what cost.
Simple things that keep us alive,
A shallow grave, our time arrives,
Bodies that never saw the light of day,
A debt not ours but it's we who pay.
I'm bleeding and I don't want it to stop
I want to drown in the pain
Drown in the blood
Am I crazy to crave pain?
After what you did to me
You hurt my heart and I am bleeding inside
But right now I'm done waiting for the pain to subside
You love her
And what am I?
A broken girl
With no alibi
I am nothing to no one
a no one full of nothing
A broken girl that can't stop cutting
Does anyone see this?
My cry for help
I guess not..
I'll just keep bleeding.
Sometimes you just want to watch yourself bleed
And then you realise that you are already bleeding
But the thing that's flowing isn't blood
It's pain
Not flowing from your veins
But from every single pore of your being
And there's no way to stop that bleeding
Because it bleeds from more than just the outside
But the inside too
More specifically, your heart and your mind
And sometimes even within the intangible confines of your soul
So you pick up that razor
And you try to make the bleeding real
Because that way you can stop it
That way it's tangible
That way you can see it
She walks along the stone path, cold beneath her feet.
Making her way towards him, carrying her heavy load.
Dragging the blade
He shouldn’t of left her
She met his gaze
Now face to face
Lifts up her sword with all her might
Feeling a pinch in her abdomen
She collapses, left alone again
yes, i love the blades
sharp, sleek

blades take away the pain for a while,
it gives me the adrenaline that i crave

i feel like i could fly
fly away from this world and never come down

but i know better, this feeling cant last forever
so i patiently wait til i can pick up those blades again
and let loose once more

ice skating is fun, isn't it?
I have a mask
I wear it well
What is underneath
I wish to tell

When I'm alone
I take it off
And contemplate it's fate
Will I wear it once again
And myself berate

We all wear masks
That we reveal
To the different ones, we meet
With some, we lift it up a bit
And with some it stays complete

Could your mask
Perhaps be
The white lie, that you told
Or could it be
Your tolerance
To the things
In which you don't uphold

Yes, we all wear masks
From time to time
And fail to stand up
For our beliefs
The question is, my friend
Does the mask you wear
Practice to deceive?
Copyright *Neva Flores @2009

— The End —