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 Apr 2013 ashley
yesterday a bird sat down on the power line
just outside my house-
he clamped his beak on the
wire and twisted and pulled until it
snapped in half.
he touched the broken line to
the one underneath it
until sparks flew and he

his body was too mangled
to identify what kind of
bird he was
but experts say he was most likely
one of the two
endangered monsters that
swam in the pond behind the oaks.

i wonder if the remaining will
**** himself next.
that bird makes me want to cry.  birds don't just chew through power lines like that.  
i bet he was sad.  lonely.  i don't know
 Apr 2013 ashley
(things are heavy,
but i can be strong
for you)
hannah, i love you so much.  these words aren't enough to describe the distances i would go for you.  thanks for being one of the best friends ever, i hope i can be the same for you.  stay strong, girlie, things'll be o.k.
 Apr 2013 ashley
i am drunk with
and drowning in
one thousand
this is maybe too cliche but whatever
 Apr 2013 ashley
hold me*
        he asked,

(but my hands
     were too
taking advantage of ten-word tuesday, fo sho
 Apr 2013 ashley
days like this, i want to
apologize to the sky
for not thanking it
every time it rains--

(too often i got
distracted by the way
your heartbeat sounds
alongside a storm

or how your eyes
become cloudy
like it is

or your smile
you can't contain
when lightning strikes
and turns everything

but you're gone now,
and even still
i feel butterflies in my
every time it pours.

i wish i knew then
i didn't need you
to make things beautiful
it rained all day.  it's so gorgeous out now.
 Apr 2013 ashley
Patricia Drake
and beautiful
in patterns intricate
and complex
for strength and viscosity
I hope to spin
and weave
into a web
so I may catch you
if you fall
 Apr 2013 ashley
toska (n.)-
a dull ache of the soul,
a longing with nothing
to long for
not really a poem at all, moreso just a thought.
 Apr 2013 ashley
do ghosts get
when they
cling to
ten word tuesday, woohoo (:
 Apr 2013 ashley
i swear:
i'll unfold you
if you
u n f o l d
me too
"I am too alone in the world, and yet not alone enough / to make every moment holy. / ...I want to unfold. / I don’t want to stay folded anywhere, / because where I am folded, there I am a lie." -rainer maria rilke

i feel you, bro.
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