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Oct 2019 · 332
Lucid Girl
Arjun Tyagi Oct 2019
Between the memories of a twilight just past,
and the breaking of the zenith with holy light,
hangs an old child inverted,
suspended on a thread black as unholy night.

She wonders, she ponders,
she reminisces, she thinks.
She laments, she cries,
she laughs, lucidly she sinks.

The ground below turned,
as the tide of time wills it.
While in her free-float she  waited,
unaware of all earlthy business.

Things and People come,
Things and People go.
Was it really so different,
from what those awake know?

And Realization dawns,
in the stead of  Golden Eye this morning,
just over the valleys it flew,
just under the hills it was soaring.

An arrow of inner thought,
whipping through the dark,
severed the thread,
and let her fall.

Between this one dream,
and the future beyond her shut eyes,
sleeps an old child, almost aware,
that time shall pass, time shall fly.
Sep 2019 · 320
Wood Elf
Arjun Tyagi Sep 2019
Little Wood Elf, She
Stumbling across her, I;
Watch the kindred spirit, gentle soul,
of woodskin with hair of moss and
satin ivy, which drapes my neck,
As she becomes the black sky and
I, a dead star in it.
Jan 2019 · 302
Arjun Tyagi Jan 2019

Rusty voice
Blending in harmony
With the static,
over a 4 am phone call;
Wading knee deep,
In fitful sleep.
But it was precious;
The sawed voice,
The parch in her throat,
A raw call from slumber,
Into sudden awakening.
And she realized later,
Today was the first day
His voice was the voice
That interrupted
The silent dreams.
Jan 2019 · 325
Traversing Her Body
Arjun Tyagi Jan 2019
I depart from the comfort,
Of my home-
From my crow's nest of ever watch,
Into the world seen this far,
Through a spyglass.

Concave reflections,
Of valleys and shores-
Part and whole,
Large and small,
From winter to fall.

So it was that I reached,
Two marble pillars-
The stone, smooth,
To the touch, cool
Through them, the way through.

So it was that I found,
The Bloom-
A doorway in the centre,
Its walls, soft,
Gliding my hands on them, I entered.

To a river of tranquility,
Beckoning me-
Towards the sea,
In which I bathed,
Stripped and laid my soul, bare.

And through the sea,
I was led-
Elsewhere, to a prairie,
Of cotton, warm and bright,
My skin bathed in glorious light.

By the light of two suns,
Far away-
Over the hills ahead,
My next perceivable destination,
A beautiful scene, a godly creation.

A due respite,
In the shadow,
In the valley between the hills,
To a warmth giving me chills.

I traversed further,
At a well, its shape; a rose.
And though the well's mouth was pursed,
It drew softly apart at my touch,
Quenching the last of my thirst.

And thus I stared above,
Gazing at the suns,
Lighting my way,
Beckoning me, giving me aim.

I arrive at the comfort,
Of my new home-
Away from my crow's nest of ever watch,
Into the world I had seen this far,
Only through a spyglass.
For U.R.
Never doubt.
Jan 2019 · 246
Never Winter
Arjun Tyagi Jan 2019
An Autumn of departure,
I peeled away like a dying leaf
Hoping for a spring.
Finding grief.

Unnatural, a leaf must die,
Against all odds and wishes.
Because what spring comes
Before winter has hit?

And now the tide has turned,
The Winter returned.
I wither in prayer
Seeking shelter at this time of year.

A resting spot,
Beneath your roots.
Wishing for Spring upon us
I whisper I love you.
Jan 2019 · 257
Arjun Tyagi Jan 2019
Out of light,
In my sight,
A ghost in your voice,
Whispering lies.
Of a bed, of walls,
To be shared till we fall;
Of two who would not part,
Till either of us, the Reaper called.
Dec 2018 · 283
Arjun Tyagi Dec 2018
My Friend,
The only, is a Rainbow.

The world, a burning Sun,
Blinding me, lighting the dark corners
Of my mind.

Passing sunbeams through me to fall,
On a carpet of skymoss and cloudgrass.
Where to my surprise,
She stands everytime.

Reflecting the Colors,
The best in me,
To me.
Nov 2018 · 261
Arjun Tyagi Nov 2018
He looks in your eyes quite seriously.
You see a light in them. More. A fire which once gave light profusely
Dying, but warm nonetheless in those frigid moments of loneliness.
He leans in after softly touching his nose to yours, with a certain degree of finesse.
Your heart tries to not stop but it does until he rests his hand on your thigh.
He asks you to breathe his name but all you can do is sigh
Oct 2018 · 261
Mending a Habit
Arjun Tyagi Oct 2018

It's that time again.
I utilise the block button,
Block out her and my memories,
The epitome of futility.

It is time I write,
For strangers to hear.
Of my endeavours and my pain
So someone validates me,
Gives me reason to be sane.

But then again this shall be the last,
Of the times I have held her back.
This habit I'll let go,
Little stagnant flower, I'll let you grow.
Arjun Tyagi Sep 2018
Imprint on skin,
Imprint on a pane.
The One on my chest, her grace;
The Other fades sans trace.
Sep 2018 · 291
Arjun Tyagi Sep 2018
My toes fail to curl in the concrete beneath,
Tears unfurl as I yearn for the Beach.
My nose bleeds, infiltrated by gas, smoke and dust;
The sting of saline odor gone; eyes dry, for Brine I lust.
I swim in a Sea but of a different kind, stretching far out before me,
Schools of myriad Fishes crossing roads, circumventing my being.
But there is only One true sea, the Sea behind my Home,
The Sea where I lost a sister, A mirror on which the moon shone.
The Sea sighing and whispering, its waves the only lullaby I knew,
On its beach, golden sand and memories of a woman I made love to.

So I swim and I come up for air,
For air that smells of death,
Not of Brine.
Until I lay to rest, like
My sister in her watery grave
In this concrete Sea of mine.
Sep 2018 · 1.2k
Magdalena's Gown
Arjun Tyagi Sep 2018
She weaves, a river of black,
Flowing from her lap,
The current increasing with each thread
Of satin, of black drops pouring out
From her fingers.
The walls smell of dye,
home to a spider,
In its web a beetle caught.
Murky pools of wax indicate
Where illumination was sought.
In this dark and dingy Hut,
The weavemistress carries on,
A lonesome life but filled with joy,
Of creating what was not from
Mundane items like skin and cloth.
With none to look out for,
And none to look for her,
She finished her masterpiece,
The last design she had to offer.
In silence and in peace,
In resignation and in a need
To mark the final creation
With a final deed.

Magdalena bared herself,
Poised before the window reflecting
The candles
And her haunted frame,
She adored herself as
She adorned herself
With her Gown of Black,
Feeling no regret, feeling no shame.
And to celebrate,
She lit a fire
Poured wine,

Not to the wood,
Not in a glass.
But to the Gown
And on the walls.
Sep 2018 · 244
The Cost of a Virtue.
Arjun Tyagi Sep 2018
The cost of Patience,
Is the hours of silence.
The breaking of a heart,
The distortion of common sense.

Its cost,
Is the screams one swallows.
The words that die,
Their meaning hollow.

Its cost,
Is an eternal hunt.
To find shelter from an attempt
To resolve or confront.

Its cost,
Is the tumor filled of thoughts,
Pulsing under the skin,
Of a Man distraught.

The cost of Patience,
Is an Eternal Agreement.
To be and to let be,
Condemned to be in confinement.
Aug 2018 · 600
Gluttonous Absorption
Arjun Tyagi Aug 2018
Swallow whole
Obsidian Heart
Never for it to see
The light of the world.
Wrapped in Her blood
Away from the heat
The venom unnfurls.
Plasma boat beneath
To be carried
Over the ice red churn.
Obsidian Heart
Was Absorbed by Her
Lady Snake
Writhing in pleasure.
Aug 2018 · 2.6k
The Fence
Arjun Tyagi Aug 2018
Across the span of fissures,
Marring a weather worn land,
Two, of The Elements toiled,
Splinters biting into their hands.
Air and Fire,
Barefoot and tired,
From opposite ends of the world,
Planks in hand, their journey transpired.
Towards the centre that was chaos,
That was disorder and fear,
Of what happened when the Elements met,
When they had come near.
Colossal the effect, Air fuelling Fire,
Fire enveloping Air,
The energy too intense,
Their bodies it sheared.
Thus, eternally wary, since
That time of Destruction,
They sought to overcome,
A life growing into dysfunction.
For a land remains empty,
Without fire to be the Dark's fall,
For Air in an empty land,
Gives life to none at all.
Thus they build,
each passing step,
A fence with sins inscribed,
To remember the sacrifice.
To understand what they were,
When coming close would not hurt,
When they could let live in peace,
Instead of driving the world into the dirt.
Aug 2018 · 1.0k
The Grind & The Toll
Arjun Tyagi Aug 2018
A lay for the Brother,
A lay for the Soul.
A lay for the Lover,
Their graves set in stone.
For the Tarmac and the Lessons,
For the Company and the School,
For all the Years and Times,
That have grinded their souls.
For the heat of the moment,
For the chill beneath their spines,
For the silence that stretched,
For a million years' time.
For the ***** in his heart,
For the Wolf in her mind,
For All that happened,
Unfair and Unkind.
For the Future that died,
For Each Second  it is reborn,
For the Lives lived together,
Mildly content but so forlorn.
A Lay for the Lover,
A Lay for the Soul,
A Lay for the Brother,
For The Grind and The Toll.
For Kozu.
Be strong.
Apr 2018 · 220
Boss Woman
Arjun Tyagi Apr 2018
Dear Ma'am

Let me begin by saying,
A heart in your office is left swaying,
When the elevator dings at around nine,
When your scent before you arrives.

Wafting past my aisle,
Drifting beyond my seat,
Shampoo and Conditioner galore,
Your presence fills the floor.

Around March, I got lucky,
When your computer caught fire,
You vacated your cabin, and
Moved to the cubicle next to mine.

Even if for a week,
It was worth the entirety,
Of the time I have invested in your venture,
Of the time I shall spend in the future.

Kindly allow me this poem,
A message I will never send across to you,
Subject-less, impertinent,
Never shall your inbox receive, my words so true.

Regards and Thanks,
For letting heart slip into work,
For though this may never come true,
My feelings I shall never shirk.

Yours sincerely,
Mute eternally,

Nov 2017 · 704
Arjun Tyagi Nov 2017
The ink turns to cream,
Silence loud, the demons scream,
For chaos of the night,
Has passed over to the light,
The paralysis of my slumber,
Remedied by a woman of wonder.
Nov 2017 · 243
The Day that Never Came
Arjun Tyagi Nov 2017
In a need to start afresh,
I washed my sleep and sheets away,
Changed the pillow covers
To have her smell again.
In a need to make space,
I cleared the trash and my heart,
Made a mess of my room and mind,
I had to begin from the start.
In a need to soothe her,
I dimmed lights and vision,
Couldn't see far enough,
I was attempting a futile mission.
In a need to clear the air,
I lit incense but also a cigarette,
Makes no sense, but maybe
It'll put her burning eyes at rest.
In a need to satisfy,
I cooked to her appetite,
But sullen cutlery await,
Not one reached mouths taking a bite.
In a need to save the day,
I spent all of it,
On the one that never came,
Task by task, bit by bit.
Aug 2017 · 627
Baby-Old-Man Sky
Arjun Tyagi Aug 2017
Blue so perfect it looked
The Greys dormant,
Like ash on my tongue.
Bare since eternity,
With storm-wrinkles now and then,
Wonder how often the sky
Is a baby and old again.
The Black so deep,
Deeper than Hades' Keep.
The Silver so fine,
Blinds a cat's eye.
Still bare since eternity,
With a pattern of utmost conformity,
Wonder how the same sky
Is beautiful yet marred with deformity.
Aug 2017 · 549
Arjun Tyagi Aug 2017
The eyelid falls
As does a whip.
Another "mistake"
So called but called.
Nothing suffices,
She stares,
Under pale eyelashes.
Aug 2017 · 256
Ghost Limbs
Arjun Tyagi Aug 2017
There was that salty syringe,
Sweet seduction of senselessness.
Then there was you,
Who left behind a ghost heart,
Carried by numb hands,
And dead legs.
May 2017 · 430
Hestia's Departure
Arjun Tyagi May 2017
Once she was a hearth,
Warmth of a home,
She claimed in a heart.
Now, the dying embers,
Of a campfire,
Under a naked sky.
May 2017 · 373
Ruby and Rust
Arjun Tyagi May 2017
Ruby lips kissed my dreams,
In another world I was free.
Free to be in hers as well.
She took me by my fingers,
At Midnight's bell.

Each night I dined.
With Queen Green of the fields as
She blew rings of smoke,
Multihued, hazy beads.

Thousand colors ran across her body
Dripping on my tongue.
Kaleidoscope high in our eyes,
Between stars we hung.

Eternal moonlight, her diamond skin
Pale as white death.
I let her sink in.
Sink in deep, in fevered dreams.

Kissed by Ruby lips,
I set sail for her heart

In a little rusty ship.
Apr 2017 · 364
The Moment She Missed
Arjun Tyagi Apr 2017
It is not her fault,
That she never felt my embrace,
The moment when she knew
She was my only friend.
That she never felt my eyes,
Graze across all of her,
The moment when she knew
She was the most beautiful in them.
That she never had a shadow,
Trailing her every move,
The moment when she knew
From her, it could not be removed.
That she never had her heart racing
As I climbed in through windows,
The moment when she knew
Watchmen could not keep me away.
That she lost what was precious,
Replaced by what was half its worth,
The moment when she knew,
She would never be happy again.
That she picked the half broken toy,
To play with as time passed,
The moment she knew,
Distractions faded quite fast.
That she breathed his name,
As I pretended to be in her,
The moment she knew
Lustful words were just sweet breeze.
That she never forgot the moments,
Which left her marred,
The moment when she knew
I was not him after all.
That she missed all the moments,
Which could have made us better,
The moment when she would know,
We truly belonged together.
Mar 2017 · 327
Arjun Tyagi Mar 2017
The thorn in her side
That *******, him.
The rose long gone,
leaving the pain within.
She bleeds red from mind.
I bleed salt from eye.
Mar 2017 · 431
Asking Ayesha
Arjun Tyagi Mar 2017
Can I call you stardust?
Can I call you by names
That corroded.. with time's rust?

Will you remember?
Will you ever wonder
If our lives before.. were better?

What if I was less than
A human in the present?
Would I recognize us then?

Have you never felt it?
The reason we have seen this?
It is not..coincidence.

The skies are now tainted
Billion years faded
Our wait at last...Is ended.

May I sing you a layby
Have  you in my cradle
And send you..To the light?
Dec 2016 · 607
Arjun Tyagi Dec 2016
If you do, dream sweet,
if not, hear the morning birds tweet.
The Sun is summer, stretched too thin,
Our winter comes at night,
when Moonlight shines within.
Dec 2016 · 641
No Sleep
Arjun Tyagi Dec 2016
Seize me.
Cease me.
Sleepless fits,
Nightmare fuel, endless rain.
Grinding midnight bones,
Like a demonic epilepsy,
I am the sum of Pain.
Netherworld, Asgard, Helheim I have roamed,
Only to wait for you, from the Dreamscape,
To come home.
Dec 2016 · 379
Better Red than Dead
Arjun Tyagi Dec 2016
Red of her nail,
Leaves it's kiss upon skin,
Peeling secrets from layer
Upon layer of him.
Red of her nail
Grazing a neck in sleep
A woman's vengeance
Is not bitter, only sweet
Red of her nail,
Points at places,
Where love between them
Was thin as laces.
Red of her nail
motions him on his knees
Put heel to head
A Domina, a Queen
Red of her nail,
Never faded while she tied,
a tie as he left home,
A day already bright.
Red of her nail
On the doorknob
As soon as she finds
Her trust has been robbed
Red of her nail,
A caress on my head.
Red of her nail
*A woman is sharper than a blade
Dec 2016 · 538
To Look Into Her Eyes
Arjun Tyagi Dec 2016
Sol stands bright behind me,
Yet my eyes burn.
It is her turn,
One behind this thin glass,
To hold my gaze,
Blind me with her light,
Akin to Vulcan's furnace.
Dec 2016 · 695
The Cuckoo
Arjun Tyagi Dec 2016
Ghost town impression,
Hooded eyes cower.
Gazing across white murk,
Solitary, stands a snow capped bower.

Scrambling steps,
Wiccan wallowing of the willows,
Pronounce a guest; a traveler,
Would you give him rest?
Nov 2016 · 415
Arjun Tyagi Nov 2016
Each time, I remain a passer by.
She walks past, smiling,
Perfume wafting, shark to blood,
I follow yet remain wary.
If only, when she looked at me,
Said hello,
That one and only time,
If only the sound I made then was my own,
And not the frogs in my throat.
Nov 2016 · 377
Arjun Tyagi Nov 2016
I am neither the Sun
bright, fiery life.
Nor am I the Moon
flawed, lifeless cold.

I am the Eclipse
a precipice,
Nov 2016 · 664
The Witchlock
Arjun Tyagi Nov 2016
Bone needle,
Jarred in wooden skin.
Silver thread glistens
In murky crimson sap, blood-akin.

Disciple Ajörn,
Squints beyond yonder.
Sap oozing in steady streams,
Into High Witch Åy'lla's beaker.

'Dryad, dryad, come
Foundling lost in Mireswamp.
Bless the Father of Lies,
Solitude begone.
Breathe fluid,
This wound I inflict.
Seep, drench, drown me
Beside you this moon I sit'

Seven quarters turned,
Blighted, glazed and dead.
Moon spanned all skies,
While Ajörn lay in a stranger's bed.

Reckoning came,
As sudden as his unfortunate arrival.
Witch and Dryad stirred ,
This night the moon, in denial.

'Stop, please?'
Hungry cackle, a shift of pose.
Needle removed, so gently
Soulsap collected in whole.

Åyll'a's bones, deft, finger blades
Nipping and knotting,
Slipping and sliding,
Silver of her thread, red of his being.

'Now we begin'
Sap and thread entwined.
Needles countless descended,
Pain silencing her whines.

Elder craft, this magick,
Dirge of the deathless.
Blood-bone colour of threads
Weaving over her *******.

Weave, weave, my gentle love
What was two can be one.
Bounds known not to sentient life
Awake once more beyond ****** strife.

Through her skin, by her hand,
His sap she sewed unplanned.
Rivulets and lanes of High Witch blood,
Danced black and dark over skin, bland.

A tiara made flesh,
A finger bound in rings,
Ruby fluid flowed freely
Dancing with it's silver twin.

Moans ensued,
Pursuing now departed cries.
The Ritual of The Weave,
One death from being complete.

Like sawdust, he fell,
Strong disciple Ajörn.
Soul, sap, life taken in turns,
An undead Warlock was born.

Not corporeal, fatally surreal,
An existence wrought in threads
Strung by unearthly hands,
A partner in despair and dread.

Dryad lost,
Witch no more.
Two lives threaded
As one, forevermore.

Wheezed two voices in unison
Chanted the Witchlock in delusion.
Nov 2016 · 954
Little Grizzly Bear
Arjun Tyagi Nov 2016
The wolf killed the bear.
The dead leaves rushed in.
Blue rushes the red and leaves violet sprawled against the sky.
The white churns orange into feeble sunlight.
The world breaks, when you dream.
And I am the first to fall.
Nov 2016 · 494
Coffee and Tea, please.
Arjun Tyagi Nov 2016
A splash of tea.
A dash of coffee.
Empty cups sat long after,
The departure of their masters,
In a wayward coffee shop,
Pondering on words,
Spoken in a rare dialogue.
Nov 2016 · 307
Arjun Tyagi Nov 2016
I tire of waking to sticky notes;
On my pillows,
Where your head was the night before.
Nov 2016 · 512
Arjun Tyagi Nov 2016
I wish you would lie to me
With your eyes open for once
Oct 2016 · 332
Arjun Tyagi Oct 2016
When you finally burn your soul,
Was I the pyre,
Or was I the fire?
Jul 2016 · 405
Arjun Tyagi Jul 2016
Apocalyptic departure
A comical catastrophe.
Separated from reality
By a mere apostrophe.

Two breaths left,
One was for saying good-bye.
But the vapour hugged his throat
Breaths wasted on a deaf layby.

Gone. Just so.
Parallels do not meet after all.
Yet he'd break mensuration
A tangent beside her, tall.

Mayhap it would suit needs
Had stitches not sealed his tongue
To speak of fruits forbidden, but
Ladders of memory, often have broken rungs.

Bah! What use is the eye
Without beholding her?
What of the ear?
Without another conversation..
The nose?
Without soap soaked skin.
The flesh?
When tips of his fingers grasp air
The tongue too..
When all it has tasted is a delightful future.

Cool breeze riding,
Name personified,

Whirl, skirt and soar
He waits for her to come home.
Jan 2016 · 390
Arjun Tyagi Jan 2016
Feather light,
Suspended feet-
For purchase
On surfaces-
So far away.
Jan 2016 · 1.2k
The Seaborn
Arjun Tyagi Jan 2016
Schools of fish
Racing to the King's submerged hold
To pass a collective wish.

A procession led
Unfathomable leagues between the sky
To the One's bed.

From her birthcry rang
Sonic upon waves in all Seas
Bringing promise she sang.

In a voice that shamed
The very Sirens, their infamy
At birth she had tamed.

Tempests brewed in
Nine Seas and in denizens thereof
The palpable rush was no illusion.

Gargantuan fissures marked
The arrival of the Prophet,
As Dogfishes in the streets barked.

Coral caves echoed
News of the Deliverer
Back across the ocean and forth.

The Princess is birthed!
Rejoice! Swim to the King!
Of enthusiasm, was no dearth.

Millions of clans
Puffer, Cat and Gold, with servants in many
*****, Oysters and Clams.

Eels, flying overhead
With Mantas in quick pursuit
Each racing to meet the beloved.

The nobility too was en route
Great White, the Hammer and Tiger
Forgetting around them, all the food.

Clownfish prepared their jokes
Animatedly chuckling at the time
The king called them funny blokes.

From every nook and corner
Of every Ocean, and Sea
Burst life even in lakes and rivers.

Drifting slow yet steady
The convergence occurred at the King's Hold.
The feast now ready.

Reef and plankton
In a million hues waved like banners
Proclaiming the  royal standard.

Seahorses stood en garde
All semblance of a heavy cavalry
Songs were sung by the Bard.

Rows upon rows
Of aquatic subjects
Gazed upwards as the Herald bellowed.

All hail King Teal!
All hail the Princess!
The citizens went mad with zeal.

They raised their arms
As the King raised his own pair
Only to raise alarm.

The babe was godly
Hair as green as kelp
Translucent flesh glowing boldly.

Every colour ever known
Etched across her fins and legs
Majestic, regal, radiating joy unknownst.

Tears diluted the currents
As the folk witnessed their saviour
And cheered in a torrent

Of squeals, laughter and shouts
Praising till the land dwellers heard them
These fanatics most devout.

Thus was the day
Naifin was born into the Sea
Queen of Oceans, she was to be.
Nov 2015 · 847
The Earthborn
Arjun Tyagi Nov 2015
Windswept dunes
Across the desert floor
The jade of the grass, rotten

Tylmarris's Temple
Lonesome, haunted
An abode of ancient magick
Abandoned but not forgotten.

A solitary shroud
Of ink black reflection
The pale moonlit windows.

The air whispered
Of Sorcery
Bones and runes in patterns
Drawn from hidden doors.

Drawn across the aeons
When summoned
At times fruitful, at times treacherous
Devastating yet sublime.

The power of the spirits
Was not for all to tame
Less even to mock as
He was about to this time.

The warlock crouched
Over his beloved's corpse
A silent prayer to Tythryll
To return her whence he took her from.

Unanswered again
He mused in sorrow
Four hundred and twenty days in misery
He had now mourned.

A gnarled hand he rested
On her chest
Her skin peeling to reveal bones
Like pearls emerging from pink sand.

A withering smile still
She wore
In her final moments with him
When Death made its stand.

He spoke in Kuthanese
Her name in her tongue
Her true name.

Daughter of Sand
Keeper of Terralyn's visions
Desert Witch
Touched by the God himself, as a Seer.

With clenched fists
Raised in a fashion
To receive the wrath of the Death God
He stood over the pentacle.

His betrothed beneath
Encumbered in a nexus
Of his safety
As he set to do the impossible.

Tythryll! He bellowed
In a voice born of rage
Of angst to have his love back.

Seven and seventy limbs
Broke free from the soil
Reaching skywards
In the earth, a giant crack.

Green auras of spirits
Distantly growled
as a mortal
Dared to raise a finger at their Master

He had provoked the very God
To answer to his call
Such was the grief
Of the bonecaster.

The Immortal then descended
Into mortal realm
Tythryll's brow aglow with fury
Of the underworld.

His headless horse neighing
A pirouette from his eternal saddle
To arrive before the temple gates
Hurling thunderbolts.

The warlock called upon
Eknarak, the mountain devourer
As his Ascendant foe
Locked eyeless sockets with him.

The mountain parted
A ridged back, the spirit's face
Colossal, faceted at every angle
Awoken from slumber deep.

The world sizzled
And blazed like some devious
Flash in the sky.
A battle not to be seen.

For innumerable heartbeats
They raged against another
Primal sorcery slowly
Straining the God.

More and more, the warlock
Let loose all spirits of the land
Till finally, a leg of two feet
Pinned the God down.

Wait! His eyes showed fear
For the first time since it's creation
What do you want?
What was wrongfully taken, he whispered.

Tythryll glanced toward
The petite corpse
This is what you fight for?

A hidden dam of helplessness
Broke as all his magic
Was released by the Warlock
To save her.

His body convulsed
Even as it split open midway
Revealing an empty shell
But filled with contempt.

At his command
The earth smiled
A deep chasm that glittered
Showing precious rocks and fire.

A horde of corpulent spirits
Rushed the God to the core.
As the warlock himself
Barely finished the spell whole.

The temple, the sand, the wind
All were ****** into
The cavity, lolling its hungry tongue
To consume all.

Three moons passed
Not a soul,
Would, across the plains,
Now dare to cross.

A change of seasons
Quelling of Earth's lust
Full with the power of a God
The chasm healed itself.

A hand from the soil raised
Clutching at air, nails biting
The black earth, its grip maintained.

Inevitably, an arm appeared.
The beginnings of a torso.
The torso of a being
Who was thought to be dead.

Naírillia, earthborn
She rises in the midst of where
Her love battled

Hair, as full as a Wickan Horse
Her strength to match an ox.
The ravished skin was no more
bones and soft marrow.

She tottered, stepped ahead
And slipped
Her face beside a ring
Engraved were some words
In her tongue.

I love you.
The day of your birth has now begun.
Aug 2015 · 1.4k
A Nice First Date
Arjun Tyagi Aug 2015
Reality was bereft
As your head,
Caresses the pillow
A night deft.

As I hear the crickets
Lagging behind, I
With you on the way
To dreamland with a ticket.

Don the Hatter's Hat
In Alice's Wonderland.
As we sip tea
With Rabbit and the Cheshire Cat.

Be large or be small
Eating chocolates
And muffins
Down the rabbit hole.

A carpet of wings
We fly over
The Caspian, The Aegean
To where the Siren sings.

Three headed dog is yours
A gargoyle, mine.
Little pets we walk
Down Tartarus's corridors .

Europe behind, we face
South West
To the land of Mayans
And folk of a mystical race.

We play war chief,
Play in our blue tepee
Flying on the backs
Of eagles as they screech.

You dance around
My fire
Gyrating in that form
Bringing rain down.

Purple Rider
On a wind maned horse
Black One on a
Golden strider.

Barfights and shootouts
Brawls and scuffles
You gained a puffy eye
While I broke my stout.

Seeking a view
We jumped from
Skyscraper to skyscraper
Old and new.

Jumped from hills
Into rivers
Spoke to the wild
For time to ****.

Wary of the time
We take flight
Off the Everest
We just climbed.

Down and down
Into a sea
Coloured silver
Bubbly diamonds all around.

No lack of gas,
You put swimming to the test
Tripped on a rock
A jellyfish attacks!

Boom and Pow
Wham, slam and
A big crunch
Little jellyfish said ow!

Get stuck in traffic
Office hours
We suppose
As the birds swam chaotic.

We're here!
Portal to reality
Now exposed
By now the dream was dear.

Maybe now you can't see
But we will,
The sun rise,
From the bottom of the sea.

So we wait
As the sea turned
Silver to fire
A nice first date.
Aug 2015 · 751
Thirty Second Day in Xalta
Arjun Tyagi Aug 2015
Legs entwined break free,
As Sol beckoned over Korik Hill.
Their stomachs still warm,
With last night's ****.

Dusty flecks played like,
A million shards of garnet.
Watching over her head,
In beams of light, russet.

Unwilling to break
Meek, fleeting dreams,
He closed all space, between
Them were no seams.

Ruefully she moved,
Even in slumber.
One cannot erase,
The skin of a lover.

Whispered moan, from bit lips.
'Namna', his head on
Her ***** is where happiness is.

'We should go'
Said she, as Solara rose.
The sky warm with both,
Under two suns, they awoke.


A scraggy shore,
Rocks, lichen and moss.
Lake of silence,
No sound would cross

Twas her kingdom,
Her Majesty a thousandfold.
Within walls of green,
Ochre, yellow and gold.

She stood waist deep,
Soft back to him, a statue.
As she overlooked the fishes
Passing by in a hundred hues.

Bathing in rainbows,
Her form bare, open.
A liquid pearl glowing,
In an endless ocean.

Soon she emerged,
Onto the heavy bank.
His arms covering her modesty,
His honour in her hands.


Solum now emerged,
The wind cool on bent figures.
Harvest of their fruit,
This year was bigger.

Mud stained bodies,
In sound of labor.
As both pulled fruit and flower,
Of ethereal flavors.

He plucked one,
A plump pompous citric.
Tasted the fruit slowly,
It's effect electric.

An offer made to her,
Politely subdued.
Held his hands,
Expression bemused.

'Come here' beckoned Namna,
Agaroth obeyed.
The fruit she tasted,
Was from his mouth that day.

Violet stained her neck,
Godly juice.
He tasted just enough,
Skin and fruit suffused.


Solara began her descent,
The sky, blood on topaz.
Cool though it happened to be,
The wind was sad.

Under the shadow of
The siblings, Solum and Sol,
Sat a fire now hungry,
Devouring mushrooms and stalk.

Warm, Namna spoke of home,
To him, a child before her.
Eyes wide, he waited,
For her words, to devour.

'It was beautiful', she told him,
Of the lands and seas and crests.
Of Men, Machine and
Many Deaths.


Her voice was nectar,
Soon he drifted in a haze.
Sweet, soft and dear,
Lying still in her gaze.

He dreamed of that night,
Invaded by the SkyFolk.
The night of her arrival,
Amidst a sea of iron and smoke.

Thirty and two times
The Sun siblings had since,
Risen and fallen with them,
As they shared their sins.

He had discovered,
She spoke, a delight.
But not his tongue,
To his surprise.

She was built as him,
But he could see.
The difference twixt;
The Man and Goddess clearly.

Sole inhabitant of a far
Cosmic reduce unwanted.
A wish he never thought of,
Here, before him, granted.

He came to, and,
Looked at her firelit face.
Spoke of love in his tongue,
As he watched her drift into space.


Lunox presently hung,
Suspended, a pyramid.
And before it reached its peak,
The world was silverlit.

A glorious change,
To the world, this light.
Somber companionship,
Would last through the night.

Gentle nudges brought,
Namna to him.
He signaled at the moon,
Which was now moving.

Faceted at impossible
Edges, Lunox spat color.
Iridescent, layered,
Their world in a fervor.

Her eyes studied him
A gem in nocturnal light.
Ruby, emerald, sapphire,
Blazing dark and bright.

Star painted, they
Walked home together.
Her hand in his own,
Light as a feather.


Deep, internal hum,
Escaped from her, loud
As he kissed her lips,
The ones not on her mouth.

His hair clutched,
Tangled in her fingers.
Pulling him inwards,
Many feelings triggered.

Rose over the valley,
Of shy legs.
His head beside hers,
Their waists connect.

All of Agaroth
Pulsing, yearning.
Inside Namna,
Inside her fire, burning.

Warmer than the Suns,
Cooler than the lake.
Sweet, ignorant and in peace
Love they did make.

Furs sprawled,
The sheets in a mess.
The other's skin was their
Only dress.


On a small bed,
In a small room.
They talked of life,
Of despair and doom.

Each simply speaking,
Not mindful of comprehension.
When touch is louder than voice,
No bar rests on communication.

Much comfort there was,
In time they discovered.
In sharing a life,
Over the galaxy, scattered.

Escapee from,
a dying Earth.
Inhabitant of,
A deceased world.

A longing for what is,
Now gone past.
Traces of two souls,
Here in Xalta shall last.

Of all cosmic variables,
The most improbable.
Yet brought together,
In an interstellar fable.

Jul 2015 · 512
Nocturnal Apology
Arjun Tyagi Jul 2015
Drowsy eyes crept shut,
Creeping even as she typed.
An effort to hold sleep at bay,
Yielded only night breaking at day.

The cloud of learning draws,
Keeps him from a goodbye.
Now early morning sounds,
Are the sole reminder of the dark gone down.

Seeking reprieve and pardon,
In exchange of apology profuse;
For a night ending too soon,
For a conversation not seen through.
Dec 2014 · 1.5k
Arjun Tyagi Dec 2014
When the hearth shall burn,
Hestia incarnate, my love she turns.
Faces me, brings me close,
Reminds an insecure heart, it she chose.
A sombre wish for a lasting pyre,
Of wood and timber feeding the fire.
Her hands when cold; warmth, my gift,
Endless sleep in passion, together we drift.
Nov 2014 · 648
The Unpleasant Night
Arjun Tyagi Nov 2014
Cobwebs of night
Sandman the spider, he wrought.
Wrapped his eyes and his mind,
All his nightmares in the web, caught.

Twilight skin
Viper of dreams, it shed.
Scaly, fluid it slithered,
Swallowing his screams to death.

Endless limbs
Hellish dreams, Lizard-like.
His mind severed one for another,
Only never feeling contrite.

Bed of worms,
The darkest recess, reached.
Spilled forth, the vermin devouring,
His mind, his world breached.

Buried with ****** of horror,
Ceaseless, seamless night.
Traveller with no form, to him,
The pleasure of awakening, denied.
Oct 2014 · 696
Arjun Tyagi Oct 2014
The Pilgrim weary, arrives
At your shrine, endless, infinite.
Seeking comfort, day and night,
A solitary hand, in hopes to not be denied.
Soul stripped, all life
At your feet, graceful, blessed.
Reach out, beseeching a merciful caress,
Goddess garbed in immortal dress.
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