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Nov 2017 · 329
Aquel día
Ariadna Parrales Nov 2017
Aquel día
a la media luz de una habitación
con el sol ocultándose detrás de las cortinas;
con mi espalda contra la cama,
tus manos en mis muñecas,
mis piernas rodeando tu cintura.
Tu cuerpo en el mío.

Aquel día, en aquella cama
entre algarabías de besos y almohadas
encontré tus ojos puestos en los míos
y una historia me contaban
sobre un hombre perdido
por gusto y con gusto,
que no sabía en qué se había metido;
que añoraba algo que no podía tener
e igual lo hizo suyo casi sin querer
y ahora está entre las piernas de esa mujer,
con su expresión desarmada
y el alma transparente
y tan resplandeciente...
En tu mirada me vi reflejada.

Fue entonces cuando noté
de siete billones de personas
vos eras a quien yo deseaba.
De siete billones de personas
vos eras a quien yo anhelaba
y en tu mirada y risa me perdía.
De siete billones de personas
vos eras a quien yo quería.
Y tal vez
no sos el amor de mi vida.
Pero eso no importa,
sos el amor de mi ahora.
21/10/17. It's been forever since I wrote poetry at all, let alone poetry in Spanish, but I loved how this turned out and it means so much to me. To the person who inspired this: I love you, more than you'll ever know. I might try to translate this to English to get more attention to it, but for now, I'm happy this is my comeback :)
Oct 2014 · 476
Ariadna Parrales Oct 2014
His eyes strip my soul
in a way that no one has even stripped my body
Oct 2014 · 471
It hurts to be
Ariadna Parrales Oct 2014
Everyone is passing by
Without ever looking behind,
and I can't help but wonder why
I feel lo empty inside.
In my face there's a smile,
but that's my way to hide.
That's the easiest way to lie:
let everyone think you are alright.

But I always wonder if someone cares.
I wonder if they remember my name.
I don't know if there is a place
where I can ever feel safe,
or if I have to face
that I march to a very different pace,
that I'll always have a different say,
that I just don't fit in any way.

"You are unique", is what I hear,
but that's exactly what I fear.
Alone is how I feel
Cause I have a different way of being.
So I let escape a tear
to remind me I'm still here
even when no one is near,
even when nothing is clear.

And I'm still here crying.
And it feels like dying.
And I don't want to keep trying.
I can't keep fighting
against something I don't see,
something that's not letting me breathe,
that's not letting me live.
I wonder...
Why does it hurt so much to be....?
Aug 2014 · 620
Good morning
Ariadna Parrales Aug 2014
See the sun rise,
watch the sky dress up with a smile.
Take it as your own,
take it to be yours.

Forget about shadows,
there's a different horizon to follow.
Embrace the beauty of a new day.
Enjoy the privilege of living life on your own say.
Aug 2014 · 517
Ariadna Parrales Aug 2014
What can a mind do,
when a heart takes the lead?
How to follow the truth,
when a soul just wants to be?
So I decided they could agree:
Follow your heart
Set your mind free
Dance with your soul
Be as happy as you can be
Jul 2014 · 376
Hold me
Ariadna Parrales Jul 2014
Keep holding me.
Even when I'm dead,
and my body is soulless,
hold me.
Jul 2014 · 275
Too late
Ariadna Parrales Jul 2014
Somehow I miss something I believe I never had...
Or maybe... Maybe I did,
but I lost it a long time ago and never realized it...
Also from a long time ago
Jul 2014 · 279
Out of space
Ariadna Parrales Jul 2014
I feel like I'm from out of space in a strange world.
Trying to figure out how to stop floating between Moon and Earth.
Trying hard to put my feet on solid ground.
Also from when I was in high school
Jul 2014 · 351
I'll wait... for you
Ariadna Parrales Jul 2014
Let my body stay in a dreadful bed,
but my soul would never let
this go on, what I liked for so long.
And no matter what, among
the ashes, I'll wait for you tonight,
until you come with me this time.
Wrote this back in high school... I think I was talking about my boyfriend of the time, I thin we were about to break up
Jul 2014 · 524
Al final
Ariadna Parrales Jul 2014
Al final, sí te voy a extrañar.
Al final, no te voy a olvidar.
Tu recuerdo quedará conmigo,
hasta que algún día, mi mente deje ir la imagen de tu cuerpo...
I wrote this way back when I was in high school, barely remember who I was talking about
Apr 2014 · 1.0k
Ariadna Parrales Apr 2014
Sometimes the simple act of breathing,
hurts you to the deepest place within...
Apr 2014 · 483
Delusional lust
Ariadna Parrales Apr 2014
I'm starring, and oh, if you only knew!
If you had the slightest idea of what I want to do to you...
I wonder what would you do if you could see right through
that I'm dying to take you and you don't have a clue!

Those lips are calling me every single time.
Leaving you breathless would be so fine.
You are so gorgeous it's almost a crime,
and remember, remember, you will be mine...
Jan 2014 · 589
Meant to be
Ariadna Parrales Jan 2014
I wish I could make you see
that what we need is to be free.
Let one look take over and feel
that you and I are just meant to be.
Oct 2013 · 908
The daughter you once had
Ariadna Parrales Oct 2013
You were supposed to care.
You were supposed to be there,
to hold my hand along the way,
to stay, make me feel safe.

You were supposed to dance with me at prom.
Hadn't we been waiting for so long?
You had to be there when I went to college that very first day,
reminding me constantly everything would be ok.

You were supposed to meet my first boyfriend and try to drive him out of town,
but I never expected it to be the other way around.
You needed to be there in my darkest times,
telling me grades are just numbers, I'd be just fine.

You were supposed to teach me how to drive.
Clutch, gear, brake! Don't worry, you'll survive!
You had to be there when physics started being senseless,
"yes it is! It's God's way to show us his Greatness!"

You were supposed to be there when I was performing on a stage,
feeling proud I was finally making a change.
You needed to be there to help me make desicions,
support me while I was transforming my life's vision.

You are still supposed to be here.
You are still supposed to care.
I'm not supposed to feel fear
every time I remember your face.

And I just know it all too well...

You won't be there on graduation
to hug me and show appreciation.
You won't be there when I get my first job,
cheer me up saying "you rock!"

You won't be there to walk me down the aisle
with tears in your eyes and in complete denial.
You won't see how your grandchildren look,
you'll never know if they resemble you.

You won't be there when I achieve my goals,
you won't be there to celebrate them as yours.

So I won't be there when you need me the most.
I won't be there to catch  you when you fall.
'Cause you were supposed to care,
to be there and hold my hand.
To act like a real dad,
to the daughter you once had...
Ariadna Parrales Aug 2013
As I watch the sun rise,
I've got a new story to tell.
My heart has someone to confide,
my soul remembered how it felt.

More than my skin, it touched my being.
More than my body, my soul trembled.
Beyond anything I've ever seen,
more than I've ever handle.

It taught me to be free,
to breath, to smile and happy be.
With a kiss I discovered new skies,
I discovered a new kind of life.
Aug 2013 · 522
Ariadna Parrales Aug 2013
You are the beauty of believing.
You are my reason to have hope.
You are inside my everlasting dreaming.
You are the place I always want to go.

You are the feeling of burning desire.
You are the calmness within the storm.
The light, the brilliance, the fire.
The one I want to call my love...
Aug 2013 · 545
Ariadna Parrales Aug 2013
Fire running through my veins,
blazing behind an elegant veil.
Dancing on black soberness,
laying on a scarlet closeness.

Touch the deep sole shade
where thoughts loose its shape,
so the words skip the phase
least of all, this dark red day.

Finding the sweet beginning,
the ecstatic end is what is waiting.
Be the one that I can hold,
bursting in this desire for so long.

Turn this stone into a beautiful skin,
dress it to be on the right scene,
swirling down into your soul,
aiming to your very own core.

Make all this Earth tremble,
human and inhuman becoming gentle.
This water burning on the outside,
and fire taking out the dark side.

Look at this being transforming.
Look at the virginal shape pouring.
The angel turning into the demon.
Your most hidden desire
is about to caught on pure fire.
Aug 2013 · 525
Ariadna Parrales Aug 2013
Console me with an eternal kiss.
Everything I wish
is to feel you creeping underneath my skin
becoming simply one with me.

Strip my soul
down to the very core
of the Universe within your eyes,
of that feeling that makes me die.

Stop my beating heart,
stop my breath so it can start
our swirling into the Night.
Sun and Moon, just on fight.

You see me, I'm like fire,
consuming in wild desire.
I know you, you are my rain,
washing away all my growing pains.

I am trapped within your hold
where I can't ever get cold,
where there is knowledge of the unknown,
where all I want is to be owned.
Aug 2013 · 408
Ariadna Parrales Aug 2013
In the middle of this Night
I finally found glorious peace.
I'll forever hold on tight
and keep it within reach.

I'll kiss goodbye eternal cries.
I'll salute the beauty of being complete.
I'll pray to the sky for you to be mine
and for our souls to be set free.
Aug 2013 · 2.0k
Ariadna Parrales Aug 2013
The majesty of a clear sky
is what gets alive in front of my eyes.
Within the deepest darkness consumption
I encountered the path to beauty and seduction.

Your lips I see moving,
your metaphors I see diffusing.
Brilliant onyx magic covered this soul
entitling it to be finally whole.

And now fire feels cold,
no one can ever be so bold.
And all this Power in me
simply makes me be.

The brightness in my smile smolders.
Can you see how clear waters smother?
Can't you see how Light can also ****,
And how obscurity may help to live?

Inside your entangled tale and fail
I dug your own grave and pain.
You may believe the fortune teller
for your destiny to be even lesser.

Search for the Mother Moon,
but I promise it'll always be too soon,
because the Daughter of Night
will forever be on Her side.
Aug 2013 · 561
Ariadna Parrales Aug 2013
I dream
of sweeter skies,
of spotless lies,
of silent cries.

I dream
of darker days and clearer nights,
of shallow insides and deeper outsides.

I dream
with the perfect imperfection,
the rightest of sins,
the beauty of everlasting dreams...

I live
with the wrong being right,
with the pain feeling nice,
with the sun shining in my heart
and under my skin
this Darkness owning everything with its pride...
Aug 2013 · 501
Ariadna Parrales Aug 2013
Within my chest
I just can't control this pain.
I should aim for whats's best,
try to forget what would never sustain.

I'll keep trying to tell you lies,
So I can get myself some peace of mind,
but deep inside I know my heart's cries,
I know the end is what it needs to find.

A soul that aches for another path,
that needs change to barely survive.
For a different start, it might be that
what a stone heart seeks to begin a new life.

It's like water stealing from fire,
like a crime committed without any intend.
Hell begging me to feed this desire,
Heaven wondering if I ever was worthy to stay.
Aug 2013 · 2.1k
Ariadna Parrales Aug 2013
I'm looking at the dark side of the moon,
never being afraid of the cold that can blow.
Some might say the Devil wears only black
but I know differently when my powers appear at night.

I've wondered through light enough,
my time has come to dress on soberness to be strong.
It covers my skin slowly and makes me fly high
on a beautiful velvet sky.

Transforming into an untouchable Dark Angel,
not a fallen one, just one with a burning soul.
Once I lost what I'd always thought mine,
now Night brought it  all back to my side.

Oh, Goddess, take me into your arms,
let me see all your wisdom through this eyes.
Let me be part of your precious shadows
and taste your water for I will always follow.

Let your energy flow through my veins,
take this blood because it isn't mine no more.
I'll dress on a moonlight gown for eternity
for this faithful servant yours will always be.
Aug 2013 · 1.1k
Dance floor
Ariadna Parrales Aug 2013
It's always been said it's impossible to fly.
I know differently, I've touched the sky.
For a few hours the floor and me,
we create the sweetest love it can be.

It's the world where only beauty exists.
The place where nothing is what it is.
Where perfection can truly be reached.
Where dancing is the way to live.

Gravity looses its hold.
I can find what I thought it was lost.
I let my soul be free.
I cut loose my own strings.

I learn to feel without fear.
Be happy within an ocean of tears.
Forget there's a world outside the door
'Cause in the end it's just me and the dance floor...

— The End —